Single file access functions

This group of functions works on a single ephemeris file at a given instant. They use an internal global variable to store information about the current opened ephemeris file.

They are provided to have a similar interface of the fortran PLEPH function, supplied with the JPL ephemeris files. So the following call to PLEPH

PLEPH(46550D0, 3, 12, PV)

could be replaced by

calceph_scompute(46550D0, 0, 3, 12, PV)

While the function PLEPH could access only one file in a program, these functions could access on multiple files in a program but not at same time. To access multiple files at a same time, the functions listed in the section Multiple file access functions must be used.

When an error occurs, these functions execute error handlers according to the behavior defined by the function f90calceph_seterrorhandler().

The python interface does not provide these functions, the listed in the section Multiple file access functions must be used.

Time notes

The function f90calceph_scompute() only accepts a date expressed in the same timescale as the ephemeris files, which can be retrieved using the function f90calceph_sgettimescale(). Ephemeris files are generally expressed using the timescale TDB. If a date, expressed in the TT (Terrestrial Time) timescale, is supplied to this function, f90calceph_scompute() will return an erroneous position of the order of several tens of meters for the planets. If a date, expressed in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), is supplied to this function, f90calceph_scompute() will return a very large erroneous position over several thousand kilometers for the planets.

Thread notes

If the standard I/O functions such as fread are not reentrant then the CALCEPH I/O functions using them will not be reentrant either.

If the library was configured with the option --enable-thread=yes, these functions use an internal global variable per thread. Each thread could access to different ephemeris file and compute ephemeris data at same time. But each thread must call the function f90calceph_sopen() to open ephemeris file even if all threads work on the same file.

If the library was configured with the default option --enable-thread=no, these functions use an internal global variable per process and are not thread-safe. If multiple threads are used in the process and call the function f90calceph_scompute() at the same time, the caller thread must surround the call to this function with locking primitives, such as pthread_lock/pthread_unlock if POSIX Pthreads are used.


The following examples, that can be found in the directory examples of the library sources, show the typical usage of this group of functions.

The example in Fortran 77/90/95 language is f77single.f.

program f77single
    implicit none
    include 'f90calceph.h'
    integer res
    double precision AU, EMRAT, GM_Mer
    double precision jd0
    double precision dt
    double precision PV(6)
    integer j
    double precision valueconstant
    character(len=CALCEPH_MAX_CONSTANTNAME) nameconstant

    jd0 = 2442457
    dt = 0.5E0
    ! open the ephemeris file
    res = f90calceph_sopen("example1.dat")
    if (res.eq.1) then
        write (*,*) "The ephemeris is already opened"
        ! print the values of AU, EMRAT and GM_Mer
        if (f90calceph_sgetconstant("AU", AU).eq.1) then
            write (*,*) "AU=", AU
        if (f90calceph_sgetconstant("EMRAT", EMRAT).eq.1) then
            write (*,*) "EMRAT=", EMRAT
        if (f90calceph_sgetconstant("GM_Mer", GM_Mer).eq.1)then
            write (*,*) "GM_Mer=", GM_Mer

       ! compute and print the coordinates
       ! the geocentric moon coordinates
       res = f90calceph_scompute(jd0, dt, 10, 3, PV)
       call printcoord(PV,"geocentric coordinates of the Moon")
       ! the value TT-TDB
       if (f90calceph_scompute(jd0, dt, 16, 0, PV).eq.1) then
        write (*,*) "TT-TDB = ", PV(1)
       ! the heliocentric coordinates of Mars
       res = f90calceph_scompute(jd0, dt, 4, 11, PV)
       call printcoord(PV,"heliocentric coordinates of Mars")

      ! print the whole list of the constants
      write (*,*) "list of constants"
      do j=1, f90calceph_sgetconstantcount()
         res = f90calceph_sgetconstantindex(j,nameconstant,valueconstant)
         write (*,*) nameconstant,"=",valueconstant

      ! close the ephemeris file
      call f90calceph_sclose
      write (*,*) "The ephemeris is already closed"
        write (*,*) "The ephemeris can't be opened"
