
The following section describes the installation of the Mex interface of the library. If you want to install the interface for another programming language, you have to follow the instructions of the manual of that language.

Unix-like system (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Cygwin, ...)

Here are the steps needed to install the Mex interface of the library on Unix systems. In the following instructions, you must replace /home/mylogin/mydir by the directory location where you want to install calceph.

If you use the Mex interface of the library for Octave (4.0 or later), you have to start Octave and execute the following commands.

pkg install -local  calcephoct-3.5.5.tar.gz

If you use the Mex interface of the library for Matlab (2017 or later), you have to use a C compiler compliant with your software Matlab, usually gcc. If you use the gcc compiler, the steps are :

  • Compile of the dynamic library with the following command (replace /home/mylogin/mydir by the correct value) :

    tar xzf calceph-3.5.5.tar.gz
    cd calceph-3.5.5
    ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static CC=gcc --enable-fortran=no --prefix=/home/mylogin/mydir
    make check && make install
  • Start Matlab and execute (replace /home/mylogin/mydir by the correct value) in order to compile the Mex interface:

  • Add the path /home/mylogin/mydir/lib to the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  • Add the path /home/mylogin/mydir/libexec/calceph/mex to the environment variable MATLABPATH, in order to have the calceph functions available at the start of Mathlab.


If you want to use calceph from Matlab on a Mac with M1-chip, you have to change the option comand of configure from "CC=gcc" to CC="gcc -arch x86_64".

Windows system

Using the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler

You need the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, such as cl.exe, and the Universal CRT SDK or a Windows SDK.

The "Universal CRT (C runtime) SDK" or a "Windows SDK" are now provided with the Microsoft Visual Studio. You should verify that "Universal CRT (C runtime) SDK" or a "Windows SDK" is selected in the "Visual Studio Installer".

The steps are :

  • Expand the file calceph-3.5.5.tar.gz

  • Execute the command ..:command:cmd.exe from the menu Start / Execute...

    This will open a console window

  • cd dir\calceph-3.5.5

    Go to the directory dir where CALCEPH Library has been expanded.

  • nmake /f

    This compiles CALCEPH Library in the working directory. This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is cl.exe

  • nmake /f check

    This will make sure that the CALCEPH Library was built correctly.

    If you get error messages, please report them to (see Reporting bugs, for information on what to include in useful bug reports).

    This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is cl.exe

  • nmake /f install DESTDIR= dir

    This will copy the file calceph.h to the directory dir, the file libcalceph.lib to the directory dir \lib, the documentation files to the directory dir \doc. Note: you need write permissions on these directories.

    This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is cl.exe

  • If you don't install in a standard path, add dir \lib to the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  • Add the path dir \libexec\calceph\mex to the environment variable MATLABPATH

  • Start Matlab or Octave and execute the following command in order to compile the Mex interface:

    addpath('dir \libexec\calceph\mex')

Using the MinGW

You need a C compiler, such as gcc.exe.

  • Expand the file calceph-3.5.5.tar.gz

  • Execute the command MinGW Shell from the menu Start.

    This will open a MinGW Shell console window.

  • cd dir\calceph-3.5.5

    Go to the directory dir where CALCEPH Library has been expanded.

  • make -f Makefile.mingw

    This compiles CALCEPH Library in the working directory.

    This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is gcc.exe

  • make -f Makefile.mingw check

    This will make sure that the CALCEPH Library was built correctly.

    If you get error messages, please report them to (see Reporting bugs , for information on what to include in useful bug reports).

    This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is gcc.exe

  • make -f Makefile.mingw install DESTDIR= dir

    This will copy the file calceph.h to the directory dir, the file libcalceph.lib to the directory dir \lib, the documentation files to the directory dir \doc.

    Note: you need write permissions on these directories.

    This command line accepts several options :

    • CC= xx

      specifies the name of the C compiler. The defaut value is gcc.exe

  • If you don't install in a standard path, add dir \lib to the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  • Add the path dir \libexec\calceph\mex to the environment variable MATLABPATH

  • Start Matlab or Octave and execute the following command in order to compile the Mex interface:

    addpath('dir \libexec\calceph\mex')