Example and description of the header for the ascii ephemerids file. Name of the ascii files : - xxx_pos_xxx (position) - xxxx_vel_xxx (velocity) Example of the header for the ascii ephemerids file : ----------------------------------------------------- version : EMB barycenter equator position m 3 13 16 4684 0 0.0 0 2414073.00 0 2489017.00 0 2414073.00 2414089.00-0.3440436094681799D+11 0.1963703381746351D+11 0.1607927202540213D+09-0.1491781445664509D+08-0.4688147449434721D+05 0.2988432470468375D+04-0.1042050875150240D+01-0.2579028789813702D+00-0.3799673227163462D-01 0.1743023212139423D-02 0.1175513634314904D-02 0.1572829026442308D-03 0.5135169396033654D-05 Explanation of each record (or line): ------------------------------------- Header first record : self explanatory --------------------- Header Second record : ---------------------- Body values : [Sun, mercury ...., Neptune, Moon] Origin value : [Barycenter] meaning BCRS Frame value : [equator] meaning ICRF Type values : [position, velocity] unit values : [AU, AU/day, km, km/day, m, m/s] dimensionality integer number of line per interval of time ( here this 3 is for x, y, z or vx, vy, vz, 1 for TT-TDB) order integer number of coefficients for each interval and each scalar quantity notice that order = degree + 1 span real length in days of the standard intervals of each period covered with one expansion N_s integer number of standard intervals of length span in the file 0 integer (unused, always 0) 0.0 real (unused, always 0.0) 0 integer (unused, always 0) Jd_beg days first date of validity of the file in julian days given in two doubles with integral part and then fractional part. Jd_end days last date of validity of the file in julian days given in two doubles with integral part and then fractional part. notice : this is not an independent parameter, but this is useful to test that the date of call is always inside this interval. Body of the file ---------------- Each record contains : - Jd_beg days first date of validity of the record - Jd_end days last date of validity of the record - the n Chebyshev coefficients (n = order) for one scalar component within an interval of length span. There are in total in each file dimensionality*N_s records (or lines) with the coefficients.