Reference manual TRIP

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TRIP is a general computer algebra system dedicated to celestial mechanics.

Authors :

With the contributions of E. Paviot, F. Thire, D. Acheroff, M. To, A. Ceyrac, G. Rouault, V. Kelsch, F. Darricau, N. Brucy, F. Boschet.

This software includes a library developped by the NetBSD fundation and its contributors.

This software includes the libraries LAPACK and ’SCSCP C Library’.

This software is dynamically linked to the libraries LTDL, GMP, MPFR et MPC. The source of these libraries could be downloaded from the web site specified in the Chapter References (see References).

TRIP version 1.4.120

Copyright © 1988-2021 J.Laskar/ASD/IMCCE/CNRS

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1 Introduction

In order to execute TRIP, you must

You will see on screen :

              **** BIENVENUE SUR TRIP v1.0.0 ****

Taper 'help;' ou '?;' pour obtenir de l'aide


TRIP is ready to receive your commands. TRIP has a case sensitive interpreter.

In order to compute S=(X+Y)^2, you must just enter :

              **** BIENVENUE SUR TRIP v1.0.0 ****

Taper 'help;' ou '?;' pour obtenir de l'aide

> S=(X+Y)^2;
S(X,Y) = 1*Y**2 + 2*Y*X + 1*X**2

Use the up-arrow key, you could bring back the previous command. Command-line input can be edited using arrow keys.

To exit TRIP, you enter quit or exit.

The reserved keywords for TRIP language are specified in the Annexes. TRIP contains several keyword categories :

When TRIP starts or the commands reset or @@ are executed, it reads these files in the following order :

’$TRIPDIR/etc/trip.ini’where $TRIPDIR is the installation directory of TRIP.
’$HOME/.trip’where $HOME is the user home directory.
’trip.ini’in the current directory.

These file may contain any valid instructions.

Recommendations :

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2 Semantic

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2.1 expression

An expression can contain all defined operators on object identifiers and can call functions or commands. An expression must be always ended with ; or $ . The character ; implies the execution of the expression and displays the result. The character$ implies only the execution of the expression. Several instructions separated with the character ; or $ could follow. They will be executed sequentially.

A comment on one or more lines is defined as /* .... */, like in the C language. A single-line comment starts with the characters //, like in the C++ language.

> // compute 1+t and display the result
> s=1+t; 
s(t) = 
 +                       1*t

> // compute 1+t but does not display the result
> s1=(1+x+y)^2$
> // display the content of s1
> s1;
s1(x,y) = 
 +                       2*y
 +                       1*y**2
 +                       2*x
 +                       2*x*y
 +                       1*x**2


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2.2 object identifier

An object identifier must begin with a letter and must contain only letters (lower-case or upper-case) and/or number (09) and the characters _ or ’ .

By default, an object identifier is global, so it will be viewed by any instruction. An object identifier could be local to a macro, so it will be only viewed from this macro and it will be destroy each time the execution of this macro finished. A TRIP reserved keyword can’t be used as the name of an object identifier.

The object identifier can have the following type :

> ch="file1"$
> s=1+x$
> dim t[1:2];
> z=1+2*i;
z = (1+i*2)
> bilan;
t   TAB
x   VAR

The definition of the function, subroutines and variables use the following types :

<object identifier>object identifier
<integer>natural integer number or an operation which returns an integer
<real>real floating-point number or an operation which returns a real floating-point number
<complex>complex number or an operation which returns a complex number
<constant>an operation which returns an integer, a real number or a complex number
<operation>an operation which returns a number (constant) or a serie
<array>array of series
<array of variables>array of variables
<(array of) variables>variable or array of variables
<num. vec.>numerical vector
<real vec.>numerical vector of real numbers
<complex vec.>numerical vector of complex numbers
<array of real vec.>array of numerical vectors of real numbers
<array of complex vec.>array of numerical vectors of complex numbers
<array of num. vec.>array of numerical vectors
<(array of) real vec.>(array of) numerical vectors of real numbers
<(array of) num. vec.>(array of) numerical vectors
<constant or num. vec.>a constant or a numerical vector
<constant or matrix>a constant or a numerical matrix
<real or real vec.>real floating-point number or numerical vector of real numbers
matrixtypenumerical matrix
matrixrtypereal matrix
matrixctypecomplex matrix
<dimension of an array>two integers separated with the character :
<list of dimension>list of <dimension of an array> separated with a comma
<two dimensions of a matrix>list of two dimensions separated with a comma. Each dimension consists of two integers separated with the character :
<condition>comparison between two operations
<string>an operation which returns a string of characters
<(array of) string>an operation which returns a string of characters or an array of string of characters
<list of variables>list of variables or an array of variables
<list of parameters>list of parameters of a macro
<body>list of trip expression
<scscp client>connection to a SCSCP server
<remote object>object stored on a remote SCSCP server
<Maple client>connection to a local Maple session
<Mathematica client>connection to a local Mathematica session

2.2.1 serie

A serie is a polynomial of degree n (n is an integer). It depends on one or more variables.

> s=1+x;
s(x) = 1 + 1*x
> s2=(1+x+y);
s2(x,y) = 1 + 1*y + 1*x
> bilan;
x   VAR
y   VAR

2.2.2 constant

A constant is an integer, a real, a complex, a rational number or an interval. In rational numerical mode (_modenum = NUMRAT or _modenum = NUMRATMP), the input of 0.5 creates a floating-point number and not the rational number 1/2.

>x = 2;
>y = 2.25;
>z = 1+2*i;
x     CONST
y     CONST
z     CONST
> _modenum=NUMDBLINT;
        _modenum   =    NUMDBLINT
> s = <1|2>;
 s = [+1.00000000000000E+00,+2.00000000000000E+00]

2.2.3 string

It’s a list of characters surrounded with " ". It’s used to specify the _path, to define the name of the files, to display messages, ... . There is no limit on the size. But, for the global variable _path, it’s length is truncated to 256 (this value depends on the system). To produce a double-quotes (") in a string, two double-quotes must be used.

> ch = "file" + "1";
ch = "file1"
> sch = "../" + ch;
sch = "../file1"
> sch1 = sch + "." + str(12);
sch1 = "../file1.12"
> ch3="nomsuivide""fin";
ch3 = "nomsuivide"fin"

2.2.4 real

<nom> = <real> ;

A real floating-point number is always displayed or inputed in base 10. The symbol d, e, E or D is the exponentiation symbol.

> a=2.125E6;
a = 2125000
> q=3D2;
q = 300
> r=0.123554545;
r = 0.123554545

2.2.5 complex

<nom> = <real> + i * <real> ;

A complex number is allowed. The lower-case i or upper-case I specifies the imaginary part of the complex number.

>  x=2+i*3;
x = (2+i*3)
> y=-5+4*i;
y = (-5+i*4)

2.2.6 filename

It’s a string of characters. This string must be surrounded with " " if the string contains the character space " [ ] { } () or more than one points. A file name could be the content of an object identifier of type string. These file names are relative to the variable _path, excepted for the file names build with the function file_fullname (see file_fullname).

> read("fichier.1.dat",T);
> s="ell."+str(10)+".asc";
s = "ell.10.asc"
> read(s,T);

2.2.7 file

It’s an object identifier which specifies a file, which is opened in reading or writing mode.

> f = file_open("fichier.1.dat",read);
> file_close(f);

2.3 Visibility

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2.3.1 private

Commande: private

private <object identifier> x ,...;

The specified object identifiers will be local to the macro, to the loop (for, while, sum) or to a file. The local object identifiers are destroyed at the end of the execution of the macro or at the end of each iteration of loop (for, while, sum).

If a local object identier is local to a file, this object is visible only to the macros of this file or during the execution of the file.

If a local object identifier has the same name as a global object identifier, then the local object identifier will be used. In this case, the local object identifier hides the global object identifier during the execution of the macro.

Commande: private _ALL

private _ALL;

All object identifiers used in a macro and a file will be local to the macro or to a file.

The behavior is similar to the previous definition.

The command public (see public) allow to access to a global object.

> // S, SY, SXY, SXX, DEL are private objects
> macro least_ab[TX,TY,a,b] {
 private S, SY, SXY, SXX, DEL; 
 a = (S*SXY-SX*SY)/DEL$
> tx=1,10;
 tx	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> ty=3*tx;
 ty	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> %least_ab[tx,ty,[a],[b]];
> bilan;
> // T2 is a private object
> macro detval[T] {
 private _ALL;
 dim T2[1:3,1:3]$
 return det(T2);
> %detval[5];
> bilan;

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2.3.2 public

Commande: public

public <object identifier> x ,...;

This command must be only used after the command private _ALL;. It specifies that the identifiers of this list will be global whereas the other objects will be local to the macro or to the file.

> // w is local and z is global
> macro myfunc[T] {
  private _ALL;
  public z;
  w = cos(T);
  z = T;
> %myfunc[5];
w =         0.2836621854632262
z =                          5
> bilan;

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3 Global variables

The content of a global variable is performed by entering its name followed with ; . The content of all global variables is displayed with the command vartrip (see vartrip). All global variables, containing a real number, are stored in a double-precision real number.

Next: , Up: Variables globales   [Contents][Index]

3.1 _affc

Variable: integer _affc

_affc = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

Set the format to display the numerical coefficients of series or constants.

Default value = 4.

> _affc=1;
    _affc = 1
> 1/3;
> _affc=2;
    _affc = 2
> 1/3;
> _affc=3;
    _affc = 3
> 1/3;
> _affc=4;
    _affc = 4
> 1/3;
> _affc=5;
    _affc = 5
> 1/3;
> _affc=6;
    _affc = 6
> 1/3;
> _affc=7;
    _affc = 7
> 1/3;
> _affc=8;
    _affc = 8
> 1/3;
> _affc=9; _modenum=NUMDBLINT;
    _affc = 9
    _modenum   =    NUMDBLINT
> 1/3;
    [+3.333333333333333E-1,+3.333333333333334E-1 (   5.551115E-17)]

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3.2 _affdist

Variable: integer _affdist

_affdist = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

Set the format to display the series

Default value = 2.

Remarks : if _affvar is empty, then the format of _affdist = 6, respectively 7 or 8, is the same as _affdist=1, respectively 2.

>_affdist = 2;
>x = 1+y;
x(y) = 
+ 1*y

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3.3 _comment

Variable: boolean _comment

_comment {on,off};

Enable or disable the display of comments.

Default value = off.

> _comment;
_comment OFF
> /* série à deriver : /* s=1+x */  : */;
> _comment on;
> /* série à deriver : /* s=1+x */  : */;
série à deriver :  s=1+x   : 
> _comment off;

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3.4 _cpu

Variable: integer _cpu

_cpu = <integer> ;

Specify the number of processors which will be used for later computations.

The specified value can’t be greater than the number of available processors or cores on the computer.

Default value : number of active processors or cores on the computer.

> _mode=POLP;
		_mode      =    POLP
> _cpu=1;
	_cpu = 1
> time_s; s=(1+x+y+z+t+u)^30$ time_t(usertime, realtime);
03.321s  -  ( 99.44% CPU)
> msg("the real time is %g\n", realtime);
the real time is 3.33976
> _cpu=4;
	_cpu = 4
> time_s; s=(1+x+y+z+t+u)^30$ time_t(usertime, realtime);
03.339s  -  (322.89% CPU)
> msg("the real time is %g\n", realtime);
the real time is 1.03414

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3.5 _echo

Variable: boolean _echo

_echo = {0, 1};

_echo {on,off};

Enable or disable the display of the echo of the executed commands.

Default value = off.

>_echo = 1;
>msg "exemple";
msg "exemple"; 

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3.6 _endian

Variable: name _endian

_endian = {little , big};

Specify the byte order (big-endian or little-endian) in binary files.

Default value = endianness in the computer.

> _endian=big;
                _endian    =    big
> vnumR ieps;
> readbin(file1.dat,"%u",ieps);

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3.7 _graph

Variable: name _graph

_graph = gnuplot;

_graph = grace;

Specify if the plot, replot, plotps, plotf commands will use the grace or gnuplot (see Graphiques) software to display graphics.

Default value = gnuplot.

> _graph = grace;
                _graph      = grace
> _graph = gnuplot;
                _graph      = gnuplot

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3.8 _hist

Variable: boolean _hist

_hist {on,off};

Specify if the file history.trip is opened or not.

If the file is opened, all commands are stored in this file.

Default value = on.

_hist = ON

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3.9 _history

Variable: string _history

_history = <string> ;

Specify the folder where the file history.trip will be written.

Default value = "".

> _history="/users/toto/";       
        _history = /users/toto/

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3.10 _info

Variable: booleen _info

_info {on,off};

Enable or disable the display of the message information.

Default value = on.

> _modenum=NUMQUAD;
		_modenum   =    NUMQUAD
> x1=0,2*pi,2*pi/59$
> x2=0,3,0.5$
> _info off;
	_info off
> sl=interpol(LINEAR,x1,cos(x1),x2)$
> _info on;
	_info on
> sl=interpol(LINEAR,x1,cos(x1),x2)$
 Information :  interpol perform computations in double precision.   

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3.11 _integnum

Variable: booleen _integnum

_integnum = {DOPRI8,ODEX1,ADAMS};

Defines the numerical integrator used by the numerical integration performed by integnum (see integnum) and integnumfcn (see integnumfcn).

Default value = DOPRI8.

> _integnum=ODEX1;
		_integnum  =    ODEX1 
> _integnum=DOPRI8;
		_integnum  =    DOPRI8 

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3.12 _language

Variable: _language

_language = {fr, en };

Select the language to display messages.

Default value =

> _language = en ;
                _language    =    en
> Exp(x, y);
TRIP[ 3 ] : This parameter must be an integer  
        Command :' Exp(x, y);'
> _language = fr;
                _language    =    fr
> Exp(x, y);
TRIP[ 3 ] : Cet argument doit etre un entier
        Commande :'Exp(x, y);'

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3.13 _mode

Variable: _mode

_mode = {POLY, POLP, POLYV, POLPV };

Specify the internal representation of the series for their storage in the memory and during the computations.

The internal representation could be changed during the computations.

Default value = POLY.

> _mode=POLY;
		_mode      =    POLY
> s1=(1+x)^100$
> s2=1+x^100$
> bilan mem;
          Nom       		    Memoire (octets)		        Nb de termes
--------------------		--------------------		--------------------
                  s1		                4848		                 101
                  s2		                  96		                   2
--------------------		--------------------		--------------------
                    		                4944		                 103

Memoire physique utilisee =	7118848 octets
Memoire maximale utilisee =	2783817728 octets
> _mode=POLP;
		_mode      =    POLP
> s1=(1+x)^100$
> s2=1+x^100$
> bilan mem;
          Nom       		    Memoire (octets)		        Nb de termes
--------------------		--------------------		--------------------
                  s1		                3232		                 101
                  s2		                3232		                   2
--------------------		--------------------		--------------------
                    		                6464		                 103

Memoire physique utilisee =	7208960 octets
Memoire maximale utilisee =	2784210944 octets

> _mode=POLY$ time_s; s1=(1+x)^100$ time_t;
00.240s  -  ( 47.74% CPU)
> _mode=POLP$ time_s; s1=(1+x)^100$ time_t;
00.013s  -  ( 40.57% CPU)

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3.14 _modenum

Variable: _modenum


Specify the representation of the numerical coefficients in the series and the precision of the floating point numbers in the numerical vectors or matrices.

This mode could be changed during the session.

Default value = NUMDBL.

The numerical coefficients are encoded as followed :

In the mode NUMRAT and NUMRATMP, numerical vectors or matrices contain always double precision floating-points (real or complex numbers).

> _affc=4;
    _affc = 4
> _modenum=NUMDBL;
        _modenum   =    NUMDBL
> s=1/11;
s =   0.0909090909090909
> _modenum=NUMRAT;
        _modenum   =    NUMRAT
> s=1/11;
s =          1/11
> _modenum=NUMFPMP;
                _modenum   =    NUMFPMP
> pi;

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3.15 _modenum_prec

Variable: integer _modenum_prec

_modenum_prec = <integer> ;

Variable used if _modenum = NUMFPMP (see _modenum).

Specify the number of significant decimal digits for the multiprecision real numbers.

Default value = 64.

> _modenum=NUMFPMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMFPMP
> _modenum_prec= 20;
	_modenum_prec = 20
> pi;
> _modenum_prec= 40;
	_modenum_prec = 40
> pi;

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3.16 _naf_dtour

Variable: real _naf_dtour

_naf_dtour = <real> ;

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify the "length of the dial turn ".

Default value = 2*pi.

> _naf_dtour=360;

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3.17 _naf_icplx

Variable: integer _naf_icplx

_naf_icplx = {0, 1};

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify if the function is real or complex.

Default value = 1.

The available values are :

> _naf_icplx=0;

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3.18 _naf_iprt

Variable: integer _naf_iprt

_naf_iprt = {-1 , 0, 1, 2};

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify the verbosity to display messages in the commands naf and naftab. Intermediate results are stored in a file.

Default value = -1.

The available values are :

> _naf_iprt  = 2;

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3.19 _naf_isec

Variable: integer _naf_isec

_naf_isec = {0, 1};

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify if the algorithm "secantes" is used or not in the commands naf and naftab.

Default value = 1.

The available values are :

> _naf_isec=1;

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3.20 _naf_iw

Variable: integer _naf_iw

_naf_iw = <integer> ;

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify if a window filter is set.

Default value = 1.

The available values are :

> _naf_iw=-1;

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3.21 _naf_nulin

Variable: integer _naf_nulin

_naf_nulin = <integer> ;

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify the number of lines to be ignored at the beginning of the data file.

Default value = 1.

> _naf_nulin=0;

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3.22 _naf_tol

Variable: real _naf_tol

_naf_tol = <real> ;

Variable used by naf (see Analyse en frequence).

Specify the tolerance to check if two frencuencies are equal.

Default value = 1E-10.

> _naf_tol=1E-4;

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3.23 _path

Variable: string _path

_path = <string> ;

_path = "path directory";

Specify the folder used to save or load files. All TRIP commands or functions writing or reading files will prepend the filename with this path. loading trip programs (include), creating psotscript files(plotps) and plotting files (plotf) will use this path.

Default value = "" (current folder).

Remarque :

_path = "/u/gram/trip/"; /* UNIX */
_path = "\u\gram\trip\"; /* WINDOWS */

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3.24 _quiet

Variable: boolean _quiet

_quiet {on,off};

Remove, respectively enable, the future display produced by the commands followed by ;, only in the current macro. Default value = off.

> macro silence{ s=1; _quiet on; s=pi; };
> %silence;
s =                          1
> stat(s);
  constante has name s and has the value     3.141592653589793

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3.25 _read

Variable: string _read

_read = ( );

_read = ( "skipbrokenlines", "skipemptylines" );

_read is a list of no, one or more strings which specify the behavior of the functions read and file_read when an empty or partial line is encountered.

_read = () specifies that these functions will generate an error when such lines are encountered.

Les valeurs possibles sont :

Default value = ().

> t1=1,3;
 t1	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> t2=11,13;
 t2	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> f=file_open(temp001, write);
 f  = file "temp001"  opened in write mode
> file_writemsg(f,"# header line\n");
> file_write(f,t1);
> file_writemsg(f,"err...\n");
> file_write(f,t2);
> file_close(f);
> _read= ( "skipbrokenlines");
		_read      =    ( "skipbrokenlines" )
> vnumR Q;
> read(temp001,  Q);
 Information : The line 1 is ignored : the line is incomplete or invalid
 Information : The line 5 is ignored : the line is incomplete or invalid
> writes(Q);

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3.26 _read_history

Variable: string _read_history

_read_history = <string> ;

_read_history specifies the name of the file in which the skipped errors by _read are recorded. This file is emptied when this variable is assigned. Each line of this ascii file contains two columns: the line number and the name of the file where the error is produced.

_read_history = "" specifies that the skipped errors by _read are not recorded in a file.

Default value = "".

> t1=1,3;
 t1	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> t2=11,13;
 t2	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> f=file_open(temp001, write);
 f  = file "temp001"  opened in write mode
> file_writemsg(f,"# header line\n");
> file_write(f,t1);
> file_writemsg(f,"err...\n");
> file_write(f,t2);
> file_close(f);
> _read=( "skipbrokenlines");
		_read      =    ( "skipbrokenlines" )
> _read_history="errors.dat";
		_read_history = "errors.dat"
> vnumR Q;
> read(temp001,  Q);
 Information : The line 1 is ignored : the line is incomplete or invalid
 Information : The line 5 is ignored : the line is incomplete or invalid
> vnumR lerr;
> fmt="%g %s";
fmt = "%g %s"
> read("errors.dat", fmt, lerr, ferr);
> writes("%g\n",lerr);
> afftab(ferr);
ferr[1] = 	"temp001"
ferr[2] = 	"temp001"

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3.27 _time

Variable: boolean _time

_time {on, off};

enable or disable display of partial time after each executed command.

When the command _time on is performed, an implicit call to time_s and the time 0.00s is always displayed after it.

Default value = off.

> macro temps
_time on;
_time off;
> %temps;

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3.28 _userlibrary_path

Variable: string _userlibrary_path

_userlibrary_path = <string> ;

_userlibrary_path = "path to the user functions";

When this variable is assigned, TRIP reads recursively the specified directory all the file with the extension .t. It loads all the macros which are preceded by a comment starting by //!trip extern_function and renders them as functions to the user.

The format of this comment :

//!trip extern_function name_of_the_function attribute="parameter_attribute" "parameter_inout"

The string parameter_attribute may contain the following keywords separated by a comma. if this string is empty, then the the function is visible by the user.

parametres_inout must contain the same number of elements as the number of parameter of the function. Each element are separated with a comma. An element could have the following values :

Several macros may have the same value name_of_the_function if they have a different number of parameters.

Default value = "".


The directorty myuserlibrary contains the following file :

//!trip extern_function userfunc1  "in"
macro userfunc1[x]
    return 2*x+1;

 //!trip extern_function userfunc2  "in,out"
macro userfunc2[x,y]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Variables globales   [Contents][Index]

3.29 I

constant: complex i
constant: complex I

i^2 = -1

>z = x + y*i;
z(x,y) = (0+i*1)*y+1*x

Previous: , Up: Variables globales   [Contents][Index]

3.30 PI

constant: real pi
constant: real PI

The mathematical symbol pi

>z = pi; 

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

4 Variables

Next: , Up: Variables   [Contents][Index]

4.1 crevar

Function: crevar

crevar (<string or name> radical, <integer> indice1, <integer> indice2,...);

Create and return a variable with the name radical+"_"+ indice1 + ... + "_" + indicen.

crevar (<string or name> radical);

Create and return a variable with the name radical. This function allow to create variables with a non-standard name.

> dimvar t[1:3];
> t[1]:=crevar("t",1);
t[1] =  t_1 =                          1*t_1

> t[3]:=crevar("tab",3,2,1);
t[3] =  tab_3_2_1 =                          1*tab_3_2_1

> afftab(t);
t[1] =  t_1 =                          1*t_1

t[2] = 
t[3] =  tab_3_2_1 =                          1*tab_3_2_1

> dimvar u[1:2];
> u[1]:=crevar("\bar{X}");
u[1] =  \bar{X} =                          1*\bar{X}

> u[1];
u[1] =  \bar{X} =                          1*\bar{X}


Previous: , Up: Variables   [Contents][Index]

4.2 Operators

Operator: :=

<object identifier> [...] := <variable> ;

Create a reference to an existing variable.

> // w is a reference to x 
> s=(1+x+y)**3$
> w:=x$
> stat(w);
Variable x type : 2     ordres : 	2	2	2	2
 dependances : 
 variables dependant de celle-ci :

> deriv(s,w);
 +                       6*y
 +                       3*y**2
 +                       6*x
 +                       6*x*y
 +                       3*x**2


Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

5 Series

Next: , Up: Series   [Contents][Index]

5.1 Operators

Operator: + - * /

TRIP performs the addition (or unary plus), the subtraction (or unary minus), multiplication, or division between series, , variables, numbers and expressions.

To perform the addition, multiplication, subtraction and division of the arrays, the operators are +, *, - and /.

The operators +, *, -, / could be applied on numerical vectors.

The unary + or - could be applied to any type.

Remark : The division by a serie isn’t available. You should use the function div to perform the euclidian division.

> s=1+x-y*z+t/2;
s(x,y,z,t) = 1 + 1/2*t - 1*y*z + 1*x
> _modenum=NUMRATMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMRATMP
> p=5/3;
p = 5/3
> _modenum=NUMQUAD;
		_modenum   =    NUMQUAD
> p=5/3;
p =   1.6666666666666666666666666666666667
Operator: ** ^

<serie> **<real>

It performs the exponentiation.

It supports integer powers.

The exponentation **-1 on an array, with 2 same dimensions, performs the matrix inversion.

Remarks : The exponentiation, term by term, on arrays isn’t available.

> u=2**3;
> z=(1+i)**3;

> s=(1+x+y)**2;
s(y,x) = 1 + 2*x + 1*x**2 + 2*y + 2*y*x + 1*y**2

Next: , Previous: , Up: Series   [Contents][Index]

5.2 Standard functions

Up: FoncusSeries   [Contents][Index]


Function: size

size(<serie> s )

It returns the number of terms in the serie s.

> s=1+x*y+z*t-i*p;
s(x,y,z,t,p) = 1 + (-0-i*1)*p + 1*t*z + 1*y*x
> size(s);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Series   [Contents][Index]

5.3 Differentiation and integration

Next: , Up: Derivation et integration   [Contents][Index]

5.3.1 deriv

Function: deriv

deriv(<serie> , <variable> )

It computes the total derivative of the serie with respect to one variable .

> s=(1+x+y)**2;
s(x,y) = 1 + 2*y + 1*y**2 + 2*x + 2*x*y + 1*x**2
> deriv(s,x);
    2 + 2*y + 2*x

Previous: , Up: Derivation et integration   [Contents][Index]

5.3.2 integ

Function: integ

integ(<serie> , <variable> )

It integrates the serie with respect to one variable .

>  s=(1+x+y)**2;
s(x,y) = 1 + 2*y + 1*y**2 + 2*x + 2*x*y + 1*x**2
> integ(s,x);
    1*x + 2*x*y + 1*x*y**2 + 1*x**2 + 1*x**2*y + 1/3*x**3

Next: , Previous: , Up: Series   [Contents][Index]

5.4 Euclidian division

Procedure: div

div(<serie> f, <serie> g, <object identifier> q, <object identifier> r )

It computes the quotient and the remainder of f divided by g such that f=q\times g +r and degree(r)<degree(g). The quotient is stored in q and the remainder in r.

> div(x^3+x+1, x^2+x+1, q,r);
 > q;
q(x) = 
 -                       1
 +                       1*x

> r;
r(x) = 
 +                       1*x

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5.5 Selection

Up: Selection   [Contents][Index]

5.5.1 coef_ext

Function: coef_ext

coef_ext(<serie> , (<variable> ,<integer> ),...)

Return the coefficient of the variable raised to the specified value from the serie.

coef_ext(S,(X,n),(Y,m)) returns the coefficient of X^n*Y^m in the serie S.

>  S= (1+x+y+z)**4 $
> coef_ext(S,(x,1),(y,2));
  12 + 12*z

Previous: , Up: Series   [Contents][Index]

5.6 Evaluation

Next: , Up: Evaluation   [Contents][Index]

5.6.1 coef_num

Function: coef_num

coef_num(<serie> , (<variable> ,<constant> ),...)

Substitute in a serie one (or more) variable(s) by one (or more) numerical value(s).

> S= (1+x+y+z)**4 $
> coef_num(S,(x,0.1),(y,2));
    923521/10000 + 29791/250*z + 2883/50*z**2 + 62/5*z**3 + 1*z**4

Previous: , Up: Evaluation   [Contents][Index]

5.6.2 evalnum

Function: evalnum

evalnum(<serie> , {REAL/COMPLEX} , (<variable> ,<num. vec.> ),...)

Evaluates the serie with substituting all variables by their value in the associated numerical vectors.

The function returns a numerical vector of real numbers if REAL is specified or else a numerical vector of complex numbers COMPLEX is specified.

All numerical vectors must have the same size.

> serie=sin(x+y)-2*y;
serie(y,_EXy1,_EXx1) = 
   (                     -0+i*                    0.5)*_EXy1**-1*_EXx1**-1
 + (                      0-i*                    0.5)*_EXy1*_EXx1
 -                       2*y

> TABX=0,pi,pi/6;
 TABX	 double precision real vector : number of elements =7
> TABY=-pi,0,pi/6;
 TABY	 double precision real vector : number of elements =7
> TABRES=evalnum(serie,REAL,(x,TABX),(y,TABY));
 TABRES	 double precision real vector : number of elements =7
> writes(TABRES);
> writes(TABX);
> TABRES=evalnum(serie,COMPLEX,(x,TABX),(y,TABY));
 TABRES	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =7
> writes(TABRES);
+6.2831853071795862E+00	+1.4997597826618576E-32	
+4.3699623521985504E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+3.3227648010019526E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+3.1415926535897931E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+2.9604205061776341E+00	-5.5511151231257827E-17	
+1.9132229549810371E+00	+5.5511151231257827E-17	
+1.2246467991473532E-16	+0.0000000000000000E+00	

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6 Constants

Next: , Up: Constantes   [Contents][Index]

6.1 Standard functions

Most of the functions are described in (see Vecteurs numeriques).

Up: Fonctions usuelles des Constantes   [Contents][Index]

6.1.1 factorial

Function: fac

fac( <integer> n);

Return n! (factorial function).

> fac(3);
> n=5;
n =                          5
> fac(n+1);

Previous: , Up: Constantes   [Contents][Index]

6.2 Input/output on real numbers

These functions perform the sequential writing and reading of a text file containing only real values.

Procedure: ecriture

ecriture(<filename> );

Open a file in writing mode in the folder specified by _path. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be automatically created.

> ecriture("fichier1.dat");
Procedure: lecture

lecture(<filename> );

Open a file in reading mode in the folder specified by _path.

> lecture("fichier1.dat");
Procedure: print

print(<real> );

Write a double-precision floating-point number in the file opened (with the command ecriture).

> ecriture("fichier1.dat");
> print(atan(1)); /* on écrit pi/4 dans fichier1.dat */
Function: read


Read a floating-point number in the file opened (with the command lecture) and return a double-precision floating-point number.

> ecriture("fichier1.dat");
> print(atan(1));
> close;
> lecture("fichier1.dat");
>  s=read;
s = 0.785398163397448
>  close;
Procedure: close


Close the file of real numbers if it has been opened (for reading or writing).

> ecriture("fichier1.dat");
> print(atan(1));
> close;

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7 Strings

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7.1 Declaration and assignment

Character string’s declaration is implicit. It will be realized when assignment are performed. To produce double-quote (") in a string, you must double it.

<nom> = <string> ;

/* L'exemple suivant declare les chaines ch et ch2. */
> ch="file";
ch = "file"
> ch2=ch+".txt";
ch2 = "file.txt"

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7.2 Concatenation

<nom> = <string> + <string> ;

Operator + concatenates two character strings. Length of string isn’t limited.

> ch = "file" + "1";
ch = "file1"
> sch = "../" + ch;
sch = "../file1"
> sch1 = sch + "." + str(12);
sch1 = "../file1.12"

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7.3 Repetition

Operator: *

<string> * <integer>

<integer> * <string>

Operator * takes an character string and duplicate it as many times as specified by the integer. The integer must be positive or nul. If the integer is 0, then an empty string is returned.

> s=" %g";
s = " %g"
> format=4*s+"\n";
format = " %g %g %g %g\n"
> t=1,10$
> writes(format, t,t**2, t**3, t**4);

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7.4 Extraction

Operator: []

<string> [ <integer> j ]

Return the value of the element specified by the index j. The index starts at 1.

<string> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup ];

Return an array containing only the elements located between the lower and uper bounds with the specified step.

If the lower bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be 1. If the upper bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be the length of the string.

Remarks : any combination of omission are permitted.

> s="bonjour";
s = "bonjour"
> s1=s[4];
s1 = "j"
> s2=s[:3];
s2 = "bon"
> s3=s[4:5];
s3 = "jo"

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7.5 Comparaison

Operator: ==

<string> == <string>

The Operator == returns true if the strings of characters are equal else it returns false.

> s="monchemin";
s = "monchemin"
> if (s=="monchemin") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };
Operator: !=

<string> != <string>

The Operator != returns false if the strings of characters are equal else it returns true.

> s="monchemin";
s = "monchemin"
> if (s=="MON") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };
Operator: <

<string> s1 < <string> s2

The Operator < returns true if s1 is less than s2 using the lexicographic order else it returns false.

> s="abc";
s = "abc"
> if (s<"abd") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };
Operator: <=

<string> s1 <= <string> s2

The Operator <= returns true if s1 is less than or equal to s2 using the lexicographic order else it returns false.

> s="abc";
s = "abc"
> if (s<="abe") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };
Operator: >

<string> s1 > <string> s2

The Operator > returns true if s1 is greater than s2 using the lexicographic order else it returns false.

> s="abc";
s = "abc"
> if (s>"abd") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };
Operator: >=

<string> s1 >= <string> s2

The Operator >= returns true if s1 is greater than or equal to s2 using the lexicographic order else it returns false.

> s="abc";
s = "abc"
> if (s>="abe") then { msg "true"; } else { msg "false"; };

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7.6 Conversion from an integer, a real or a serie to a string

Function: str

str( <integer> );

str( <real> );

str( <serie> );

str( <string> format, <real> );

Convert an integer, a real number or an object in a character string. If format is specified, then the integer or real number is converted to this format. The format specification is similar to that for the printf function of the C-language.

The conversion specifiers are

The length modifier aren’t supported. For example, the format "%lg" will be rejected and produce an error.

If the numerical mode NUMRAT or NUMRATMP is selected, then the rational numbers as written as "numerator/denominator" if no format are specified.

> ch = str(1235);
ch = "1235"
> ch = str(int(2*pi));
ch = "6"
> s = str(2E3);
s = "2000"
> s = str("%.4g",pi);
s = "3.142"
> _modenum = NUMRATMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMRATMP
> s = str("%d", 3/2);
s = "3/2"
> s = str("%g", 3/2);
s = "1.5"
> s = str(1+x**2);
s = "   1
 + 1*x**2


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7.7 Conversion from a list of integers or reals to a string

Function: msg

msg(<string> textformat, <real> x, ... );

Create a string using the format with the real constants.

The format is the same as the command printf in language C (see str, for the valid conversion specifiers). This format must be a string and could be on several lines.

To create a double-quotes, two double-quotes must be used.

> ch = msg("pi=%g pi=%.8E",pi,pi);
ch = "pi=3.14159 pi=3.14159265E+00"
> _modenum=NUMRATMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMRATMP
> s=msg("%d %g", 1/11, 1/11);
s = "1/11 0.0909091"

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7.8 Conversion from a string to an integer or a real

Function: coef_num

coef_num( <string> );

It converts a character string to an integer or a real number.

> d = coef_num("-42");
d =                        -42
> r = coef_num("3.14E0");
r =                       3.14

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7.9 Length of a string

Function: size

size( <string> );

it computes the length of the string, that is to compute the number of characters.

> ch = "1235";
ch = "1235"
> size(ch);

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8 Arrays

TRIP has 4 types of arrays :

Matrix are arrays of series and constants. For the numerical vectors or matrices, see the appropriate chapter.

Next: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.1 Declaration of array of series

Procedure: dim

dim <name> [ <list of dimension> ], ...;

Define one or more array of series with the specified dimensions.

Each dimension is separated with a comma. A dimension is defined with two integers, separated by the character : which specifiy the index of the first element, the index of the last element, and the step for this dimension. If the third integer is missing, the step is 1. The dimensions may stored in an object identifier.

This type of array can contain series, constants, truncatures, strings of characters... but no variables.

> // It defines the array tl of series or numbers 
> // with two dimensions
> dim tl [1:22,-2:6];        
> // it defines 3 arrays t1, t2 , t3 with different bounds
> bounds1 = 1:4;
bounds1 = bounds [ 1:4 ]
> dim t1[bounds1], t2[5:6], t3[-1:3];
> // it defines an array with a step not equal to 1 
> dim t5[1:5:2];
> t5[:]=7;
> afftab(t5);
t5[1] =                          7
t5[3] =                          7
t5[5] =                          7

Next: , Previous: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.2 Initialization of an array of series

<name> = [<serie> ,... : <serie> , ...];

<name> = dim[<serie> ,... : <serie> , ...];

Create and intialize an array of series with the specified series and constants.

The symbol : specifies a new line and the symbol , separates the colmuns. It must have the same number of columns on each line.

> // define a 2-dimensional array which contains polynomials
> tab=[1,2+2*x:(1+x)**2,(2+2*x)**2];

tab [1:2, 1:2 ]	number of elements = 4

> stat(tab);
 	Array of series
 tab [ 1:2 , 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	tab [ 1 , 1 ] = 
  constante has name tab and has the value     1
	tab [ 1 , 2 ] = 
 serie tab (  x )
 number of variables : 1 	 size of the descriptor : 80 bytes 
 number of terms : 2 	 size : 304 bytes
	tab [ 2 , 1 ] = 
 serie tab (  x )
 number of variables : 1 	 size of the descriptor : 80 bytes 
 number of terms : 3 	 size : 352 bytes
	tab [ 2 , 2 ] = 
 serie tab (  x )
 number of variables : 1 	 size of the descriptor : 80 bytes 
 number of terms : 3 	 size : 352 bytes
> // define a 2-dimensional array which contains numbers
> tab2=[1,2,3:4,5,6];

tab2 [1:2, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 6


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8.3 Declaration of array of variables

Procedure: dimvar

dimvar <name> [ <list of dimension> ], ...;

Define one or more array of variables with the specified dimensions.

Each dimension is separated with a comma. A dimension is defined with two integers which specifiy the index of the first element and the index of the last element for this dimension.

To assign a existing variable to an array of variables, you should the symbol := instead of = .

> // define the array of variables t2 with one dimension
> dimvar t2[1:5]; 
> t2[1] := x;
t2[1] =  x =                          1*x

> // we obtain the derivative of S by x.
> S=1+3*x$
> deriv(S,t2[1]); 
> // we define 2 arrays of variables tv1 and tv2
> dimvar tv1[1:2], tv2[1:3];

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8.4 Initialization of an array of variables

<name> = dimvar[<serie> ,... : <serie> , ...];

Create and intialize an array of variables with the specified variables.

The symbol : specifies a new line and the symbol , separates the colmuns. It must have the same number of columns on each line.

> // define the array of variables t2 with the variables x, y, z and u
> 1+x+y+z$
> t2 = dimvar[x:y:z:u];

t2 [1:4 ]	number of elements = 4


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8.5 Generation of an array of variables

Procedure: tabvar

tabvar( <array of variables> );

Generate automatically the variables inside the specified array. The name of variables use the name of the array as radical and its indice.

> dimvar t[0:3];
> tabvar(t);
> afftab(t);
t[0] =  t_0 =                          1*t_0

t[1] =  t_1 =                          1*t_1

t[2] =  t_2 =                          1*t_2

t[3] =  t_3 =                          1*t_3


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8.6 Assignment to an array

Operator: =

<name> = <array> ;

Assign the array (operation between arrays) to the specified object identifier.

<array> [<integer> , ...] = <operation> ;

Assign a value to an element of an array. This operation can be a serie, a constant, a numerical vector, a truncature but not an array.

<array> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup : <integer> pas ,...]= <operation> ;

<array> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup ,...]= <operation> ;

Assign a value to a part of an array.

If the operation is a serie, a constant, a numerical vector, a truncature then the value is copied to each element of this part of array. If the operation is an array then each element of this array will be assigned to the corresponding element. In this case, it verifies that the number of elements and dimension is compatible.

If the lower bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be 1. If the upper bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be the size of the array. If the step is omitted then its value is assumed to be 1.

When the number of dimension is unknown or variable, the variadic statement ... could be provided as the last argument in order to specify an undefined number of :,:,:.

Remarks : any combination of omission are permitted.

> _affc=1$
> dim t[1:4,7:25];
> t[1,7]=1+x;
t[1,7] =    1
 + 1*x

> r=t;

r [1:4, 7:25 ]	number of elements = 76

> dim t[1:4,7:25];
> dim t2[1:4];
> t2[:]=5;
> t[:,8]=t2;
> t[:,::2]=1+x;
> t[2,...]=3;
Operator: :=

<array> [...] := <variable> ;

Assign a variable to an array of variables.

> dimvar X[1:4];
> X[1]:=crevar("e",1,1);
X[1] =  e_1_1 =                          1*e_1_1

> deriv(1+2*e_1_1,X[1]);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.7 Size of an array

Function: size

size(<array> );

size(<array> ,<integer> );

Return the number of elements in the first dimension of the array or in the specified dimension by the integer.

If the specified dimension doesn’t exist in the array then the function returns -1.

> dim t[1:4,7:25];
> size(t,2);
> size(t);
Function: num_dim

num_dim(<array> t)

It returns the number of dimensions of the array t.

> dim t1[1:5];     
> size(t1);   
> dim t2[1:22,-2:6];        
> size(t2);

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8.8 bounds of an array

Function: inf

inf(<array> ,<integer> );

Return the lower bound of the array of the specified dimension by the integer.

If the specified dimension doesn’t exist in the array then the function returns -1.

> dim t[1:2,0:3];
> inf(t,2);
> for k=inf(t,2) to sup(t,2) { t[:,k]= k$ };
> afftab(t); 
t[1,0] =                       0
t[1,1] =                          1
t[1,2] =                          2
t[1,3] =                          3
t[2,0] =                       0
t[2,1] =                          1
t[2,2] =                          2
t[2,3] =                          3
Function: sup

sup(<array> ,<integer> );

Return the upper bound of the array of the specified dimension by the integer.

If the specified dimension doesn’t exist in the array then the function returns -1.

> dim t[1:2,0:3];
> sup(t,2);
> for k=inf(t,1) to sup(t,1) { t[k,:]= k$ };
> afftab(t); 
t[1,0] =                          1
t[1,1] =                          1
t[1,2] =                          1
t[1,3] =                          1
t[2,0] =                          2
t[2,1] =                          2
t[2,2] =                          2
t[2,3] =                          2

Next: , Previous: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.9 Display an array

Procedure: afftab

afftab(<array> );

Display the content of the arrays of series or variables.

> _affc=1$
> dim t[1:4];
> t[1]=1+x$
> t[2]=2*i$
> t[3]=({(x,y),2})$
> afftab(t);
t[1] =    1
 + 1*x

t[2] =    (0+i*2)
t[3] = ({(y, x), 2})
t[4] = 

Next: , Previous: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.10 Extract an element

Operator: []

<array> [<integer> ,...];

Return the value of the element specified by the indexes.

<num. vec.> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup : <integer> pas,... ];

<num. vec.> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup, ... ];

Return an array containing only the elements located between the lower and uper bounds with the specified step.

If the lower bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be the lower bound of that dimension of this array. If the upper bound is omitted then its value is assumed to be the upper bound of that dimension of this array. If the step is omitted then its value is assumed to be 1.

When the number of dimension is unknown or variable, the variadic statement ... could be provided as the last argument in order to specify an undefined number of :,:,:.

Remarks : any combination of omission are permitted.

> _affc=1$
> dim t[1:4];
> t[1]=1+x$
> s=t[1];
s(x) = 
 + 1*x

> t1=t[3:];

t1 [3:4 ]	number of elements = 2

> dim t[1:4,5:10];
> v2=t[:,6:];

v2 [1:4, 6:10 ]	number of elements = 20

> v3=t[4,...];

v3 [5:10 ]	number of elements = 6

Function: select

select ( <condition> , <array> );

Return an array which only contains the elements of the array where the condition is true.

If the condition is always false, the function returns the consnt number 0. To test if the consant value 0 was returned, the following code could be used : if (size(result)==0) then { ... } else { ... }

The condition and the array must have the same number of elements and only one diemnsion size.

> // extract from tm the elmeents such that t1[j]=1
> _modenum=NUMRATMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMRATMP
> dim t1[1:5], tm[1:5]$
> for j=1 to 5 { t1[j]=abs(3-j)$ tm[j]=(1+x)**j$ };
> q = select(t1==1, tm);

q [1:2 ]	number of elements = 2

> if (size(q)!=0) then { afftab(q); };
q[1] =    1
 + 2*x
 + 1*x**2

q[2] =    1
 + 4*x
 + 6*x**2
 + 4*x**3
 + 1*x**4


Next: , Previous: , Up: Tableaux   [Contents][Index]

8.11 Operations on array of series

Most of the functions are described in (see Vecteurs numeriques). The following functions could be applied on the arrays of series (as on the series) to avoid the loops for :

Next: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.1 Matrix product

Operator: &*

<array> &* <array>

Compute the matrix product of the arrays (with 1 or 2 dimensions).

If the array has only one dimension then it’s considered as a column-vector.

Remark : the number of columns of the first array must be same as the number of lines of the second array.

> _affc=1$ _affdist=0$
> t=[x,y:x-y,x+y]$
> t2=[x+y,x-y:x,y]$
> r=t&*t2;

r [1:2, 1:2 ]	number of elements = 4

> afftab(r);
r[1,1] =    2*y*x + x**2
r[1,2] =    y**2 - y*x + x**2
r[2,1] =  - y**2 + y*x + 2*x**2
r[2,2] =    2*y**2 - y*x + x**2

Next: , Previous: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.2 Matrix determinant

Function: det

det( <array> M )

det( <array> M, <string> method )

Computes the determinant of a matrix. The array must have two dimensions.

If method is specified, it uses that algorithm to compute the determinant if the content of the matrix allows it. In other case, the determinant is computed using the default algorithm.

The available values for method are :

> t=[9,0,7

t [1:3, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 9

> det(t);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.3 Matrix inversion

Function: **-1

<array> **-1

Computes the inverse of a matrix. The array must have two dimensions.

Remarks : When computations are performed in double precision, the Lapack Library is used. The LU algorithm is used in all numerical precision.

> _modenum=NUMRATMP$
> t=[9,0,7

t [1:3, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 9

> r=t**-1;  

r [1:3, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 9

> afftab(r);
r[1,1] =    1/16
r[1,2] =  - 35/48
r[1,3] =    7/24
r[2,1] =  - 1/8
r[2,2] =  - 13/24
r[2,3] =    5/12
r[3,1] =    1/16
r[3,2] =    15/16
r[3,3] =  - 3/8

Next: , Previous: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.4 Eigenvalues

Function: eigenvalues

eigenvalues(<array> )

Compute the eigenvalues of the 2-dimensional array (square matrix) using a QR algorithm (lapack library).

> t=[9,0,7

t [1:3, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 9

> l=eigenvalues(t);

l [1:3 ]	number of elements = 3

> afftab(l);
l[1] =          13.76915041895731
l[2] =          4.084362034809442
l[3] =        -0.8535124537667539

Next: , Previous: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.5 Eigenvectors

Procedure: eigenvectors

eigenvectors(<array> MAT, <array> TVECT, <array> TVAL)

eigenvectors(<array> MAT, <array> TVECT)

Compute the eigenvectors of the 2-dimensional array MAT (square matrix) using a QR algorithm (lapack library). It stores the eigenvectors in the array TVECT and the eigenvalues in the array TVAL.

> t=[9,0,7

t [1:3, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 9

> eigenvectors(t,vectp,valp);
> afftab(vectp); 
vectp[1,1] =        -0.8081690381494434
vectp[1,2] =        -0.7505769919446202
vectp[1,3] =        -0.4846638559537327
vectp[2,1] =         -0.209021306608322
vectp[2,2] =         0.3985224414326275
vectp[2,3] =        -0.5474094124384613
vectp[3,1] =         -0.550611386696964
vectp[3,2] =         0.5270806796287867
vectp[3,3] =         0.6822344772186747
> afftab(valp);
valp[1] =          13.76915041895731
valp[2] =          4.084362034809442
valp[3] =        -0.8535124537667539
> //  first vector
> p=vectp[:,1]$
> afftab(p);
p[1] =        -0.8081690381494434
p[2] =         -0.209021306608322
p[3] =         -0.550611386696964

Previous: , Up: Operations sur les tableaux de series   [Contents][Index]

8.11.6 Arithmetic

The arrays must have the same number of elements on each dimension and the number of dimension must be the same.

Operator: +

<array> + <array>

Add term by term two arrays of series.

Operator: +

<array> + <serie>

<serie> + <array>

Add a serie with each element of the array of series.

Operator: *

<array> * <array>

Multiply term by term two arrays of series.

Operator: *

<array> * <serie>

<serie> * <array>

Multiply a serie with each element of the array of series.

Operator: -

<array> - <array>

Substract term by term two arrays of series.

Operator: -

<array> - <serie>

<serie> - <array>

Subtract a serie with each element of the array of series.

Operator: /

<array> / <array>

Divide term by term two arrays of series.

Operator: /

<array> / <serie>

<serie> / <array>

Divide a serie with each element of the array of series.

> _affc=1$
> t2=[x+y,x-y:x,y];

t2 [1:2, 1:2 ]	number of elements = 4

> t=[x,y:x-y,x+y];

t [1:2, 1:2 ]	number of elements = 4

> r=t*t2*i-t*x;

r [1:2, 1:2 ]	number of elements = 4

> afftab(r);
r[1,1] =    (0+i*1)*x*y
 + (-1+i*1)*x**2

r[1,2] =    (-0-i*1)*y**2
 + (-1+i*1)*x*y

r[2,1] =    (1-i*1)*x*y
 + (-1+i*1)*x**2

r[2,2] =    (0+i*1)*y**2
 + (-1+i*1)*x*y
 - 1*x**2


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8.12 Conversion

For the convertion to numerical vectors, (see Conversion).

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9 Structures and OOP

The data structures contain other values indexed by their names. These fields may have a global or private visibility. The macros can be associated to these data structures. These macros may access to all the fields.

Next: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.1 Type declaration

Procedure: struct

struct <structtype> { <list of parameters> ; private <list of parameters> ; };

struct <structtype> { <object identifier> = <value> ; ... private <object identifier> = <value> ; private ... };

It defines a new type of records whose fields of the first list can be accessed globally and the other list which follows the keyword private can only be accessed by an associated macro.

The fields my be initialized to a defaut value.

> // declaration of the type POINT
> struct POINT {
  x, y;
> // declaration of the type MyData
> struct MyData {
  x = 0;
  y = 0;
  z = -1;
  vnumR v([1:3]);
  dim armap[1:5];
  private name = "NONAME";
  private file = "/tmp/myfile"; 
> MyData a;
> afftab(a);
a@x =                       0
a@y =                       0
a@z =                         -1
a@v =  a	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
a@armap = 
a [1:5 ]	number of elements = 5

a@name = 	"NONAME"
a@file = 	"/tmp/myfile"

Next: , Previous: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.2 Object identifier declaration

Procedure: struct

struct <structtype> <object identifier> p1, <object identifier> p2, ... ;

It creates the object identifiers whose the name are given in the list. These objects are data structure of the specified type.

> // declaration of the type POINT
> struct POINT {
  x, y;
> // declaration of the object of type POINT
> struct POINT p1, p2, p3;
> p1;
p1 = structure POINT
> afftab(p1);  
p1@x = /* UNINITIALIZED */
p1@y = /* UNINITIALIZED */

Next: , Previous: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.3 Access to member attributes

Operator: @

<structure> @<name>

It allows to access to the value of a field of the data structure. If this field is private, this field can only be accessed from a macro associated to this structure.

> struct MyData {
  name, file; 
> struct MyData s;
> s@x = 3;
s@x =                          3
> s@y = 1;
s@y =                          1
> s@z = s@x + 2*s@y;
s@z =                          5
> s@name = "temp001";
s@name = 	"temp001"
> s@file=file_open(s@name,write);
s@file =  	file "temp001"  opened in write mode

Next: , Previous: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.4 Display

Procedure: afftab

afftab(<structure> x );

It displays the value of all the fields of the data structure x.

> struct MyData {
  name, file; 
> struct MyData s;
> s@x = 3$
> s@y = 1$
> s@z = s@x + 2*s@y$
> s@name = "temp001"$
> s@file=file_open(s@name,write)$
> afftab(s);
s@x =                          3
s@y =                          1
s@z =                          5
s@name = 	"temp001"
s@file =  	file "temp001"  opened in write mode

Next: , Previous: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.5 Constructor macros

Procedure: macro

macro <structtype> @ <structtype> { <body> };

It defines a constructor of the data structure with no parameter and a body of trip code. This macro is implicitly called when an object is initialized.

The macro allows to access to all the private or public fields of the data structure. A direct access to these fields is allowed and does not require to be prefixed by @.

The object self is already defined during the execution of the macro. It refers to the value of the data structure which responsible of the call. This object is useful for a global assignment or to call another macro with this value.

> struct MyData {
  vnumR v([1:3])$ 
> macro  MyData@MyData {
  private _ALL;
  t = log(2)$ 
> MyData a;
> afftab(a);
a@t =         0.6931471805599453
a@v =  a	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3

Previous: , Up: Structures   [Contents][Index]

9.6 Member macros

9.6.1 Declaration

Procedure: macro

macro <structtype> @ <name> [ <list of parameters> ] { <body> };

macro <structtype> @ <name> { <body> };

private macro <structure> @ <name> [ <list of parameters> ] { <body> };

private macro <structure> @ <name> { <body> };

It defines a member macro of the data structure with 0 or more parameter and a body of trip code.

The macro allows to access to all the private or public fields of the data structure. A direct access to these fields is allowed and does not require to be prefixed by @.

The object self is already defined during the execution of the macro. It refers to the value of the data structure which responsible of the call. This object is useful for a global assignment or to call another macro with this value.

If the macro is defined as private, then this macro can be called only other macros associated to the same data structure.

> struct MyData {
  private name, file; 
> // Define Init as a macro of MyData
> macro MyData@Init[vx,vy,vz,vname] {
    x = vx$
    y = vy$
    z = vz$
    name = vname$
> // Define OpenFile as a private macro of MyData
> private macro MyData@OpenFile {
    file = file_open(name,write)$

9.6.2 Execution

opérateur: %

<structure> % <name> [ <list of parameters> ];

<structure> % <name> ;

It calls a member macro of the data structure and defines the object self as the value of the data structure during its execution.

> struct MyData {
  private name, file; 
> macro MyData@Init[vx,vy,vz,vname] {
    x = vx$
    y = vy$
    z = vz$
    name = vname$
> macro MyData@Clear {
> private macro MyData@OpenFile {
    file = file_open(name,write)$
> private macro MyData@CloseFile {
> struct MyData s;
> // execute the macro Init
> s%Init[1,2,3,"temp001"];
s@x =                          1
s@y =                          2
s@z =                          3
s@name = 	"temp001"
s@file =  	file "temp001"  opened in write mode
> // execute the macro Clear
> s%Clear; 

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

10 Numerical vectors

The numerical values stored in vectors are always real or complex double-precision, quadruple-precision or multiprecision numbers depending on the current numerical mode. A numerical vector is assumed to be a column vector.

In the numerical mode NUMRATMP, the rational numbers may be stored in the numerical vector of rational numbers.

Next: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.1 Declaration

Explicit declaration for numerical vectors are only required before call to read , readbin (see Entree/SortieTabNum) and resize . Explicit declaration for array of numerical vectors are always required.

Next: , Up: Declaration   [Contents][Index]

10.1.1 vnumR

Procedure: vnumR

vnumR <name> , ... ;

vnumR <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] , ... ;

It declares a real vector or an array of real vectors.

The real vector’s size is dynamic. After the declaration, the real vectors are empty. To set their sizes, the command resize must be used.

The dimension specifies the number of elements in the array of real vectors.

Procedure: vnumR

vnumR <name> ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

vnumR <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

It declares a vector of n reals or an array of vectors of n reals.

After the declaration, the elements of the vector are initialized with the value 0.

> vnumR A, C([1:5]);
> stat(A);
 Numerical vector A contains 0 double precision reals.
> stat(C);
 Numerical vector C contains 5 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 40
> bounds=1:2;
bounds = bounds [ 1:2 ]
> vnumR TE[bounds], T0[bounds]([1:6]);
> stat(TE);
 	Array of series
 TE [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	TE [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 double precision reals.
	TE [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 double precision reals.
> stat(T0);
 	Array of series
 T0 [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	T0 [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 48
	T0 [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 48

Next: , Previous: , Up: Declaration   [Contents][Index]

10.1.2 vnumC

Procedure: vnumC

vnumC <name> , ... ;

vnumC <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] , ... ;

It declares a complex vector or an array of complex vectors.

The complex vector’s size is dynamic. After the declaration, the complex vectors are empty. To set their sizes, the command resize must be used.

The dimension specifies the number of elements in the array of complex vectors.

Procedure: vnumC

vnumC <name> ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

vnumC <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

It declares a vector of n complex numbers or an array of vectors of n complex numbers.

After the declaration, the elements of the vector are initialized with the value 0+i*0.

> vnumC A, C([1:5]);
> stat(A);
 Numerical vector A contains 0 double precision complex.
> stat(C);
 Numerical vector C contains 5 double precision complex.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 80
> vnumC TE[1:2], T0[1:2]([1:6]);
> stat(TE);
 	Array of series
 TE [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	TE [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 double precision complex.
	TE [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 double precision complex.
> stat(T0);
 	Array of series
 T0 [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	T0 [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 double precision complex.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 96
	T0 [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 double precision complex.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 96

Previous: , Up: Declaration   [Contents][Index]

10.1.3 vnumQ

Procedure: vnumQ

vnumQ <name> , ... ;

vnumQ <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] , ... ;

It declares a vector of rational numbers or an array of vector of rational numbers.

The rational vector’s size is dynamic. After the declaration, the rational vectors are empty. To set their sizes, the command resize must be used.

The dimension specifies the number of elements in the array of rational vectors.

Procedure: vnumQ

vnumQ <name> ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

vnumQ <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] ([ 1: <integer> n ]) , ... ;

It declares a vector of n rational numbers or an array of vectors of n rational numbers.

After the declaration, the elements of the vector are initialized with the value 0.

> _modenum=NUMRATMP;
		_modenum   =    NUMRATMP
> vnumQ A, C([1:5]);
> stat(A);
 Numerical vector A contains 0 rational numbers.
> stat(C);
 Numerical vector C contains 5 rational numbers.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 160
> vnumQ TE[1:2], T0[1:2]([1:6]);
> stat(TE);
 	Array of series
 TE [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	TE [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 rational numbers.
	TE [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector TE contains 0 rational numbers.
> stat(T0);
 	Array of series
 T0 [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	T0 [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 rational numbers.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 192
	T0 [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector T0 contains 6 rational numbers.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 192

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.2 Initialization

Procedure: ,,,

<name> = <real> binf , <real> bsup , <real> step ;

It declares and initializes a real vectors such that all elements are initialized by a loop (from binf to bsup with the step bstep):

for (j=1, valeur=binf) to valeur<=bsup step (j=j+1, valeur=valeur+bstep) <name> [j]=valeur

The step bstep is optional; By default, its value is 1.

> t=0,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> writes(t);
> tab=-pi, 6, pi/100;
 tab	 double precision real vector : number of elements =291
> writes([::30],tab);
Function: vnumR[]

<name> = vnumR [ <real> or <real vec.> or <array of real vec.> , ... : <real> ,... ] ; It declares and initializes a real vector or an array of real vectors with the specified reals or real vectors.

The character : separates the lines and the character , separates the columns. All columns must have the same line counts.

> // declare an array of 3 vectors of 2 reals. 
> tab3=vnumR[1,2,3:4,5,6];

tab3 [1:3 ]	number of elements = 3

> writes(tab3);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	+6.0000000000000000E+00	
> t=7,8;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =2
> tab4=vnumR[t,tab3];

tab4 [1:4 ]	number of elements = 4

> // declare a vector of 5 reals.
> t2=vnumR[1:2:4:8:9];
 t2	 double precision real vector : number of elements =5
> writes(t2);
Function: vnumC[]

<name> = vnumC [ <complex> or <complex vec.> or <array of complex vec.> , ... : <complex> ,... ] ;

It declares and initializes a complex vector or an array of complex vectors with the specified complexs or complex vectors.

The character : separates the lines and the character , separates the columns . All columns must have the same line counts.

> // declare a vector of 5 complex numbers
> tab3=vnumC[1:1+i:2+2*i:3+3*i];
 tab3	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =4
> writes(tab3);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+2.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	
+3.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
> vnumC ti;
> resize(ti,5,3-5*i);
> tab4=vnumC[tab3 : 5+7*i : ti];
 tab4	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =10
> // declare an array of 2 vectors of 2 complex numbers 
> z4=vnumC[5,2+i:4,9+3*i];

z4 [1:2 ]	number of elements = 2

> writes("%g %g %g %g\n",z4[1],z4[2]);
5 0 2 1
4 0 9 3

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.3 Display

Procedure: writes

writes([ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

writes( <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

writes( <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

writes( { [binf:{bsup}:{step}], } {format,} <(array of) num. vec.> ,...).

It prints, to the screen, numerical vectors or the array of numerical vectors in columns form.

format is optional. This format is similar to the C format (cf. printf) and must be between double quotes ("). To display a double quote (") as a character, you must double it :

For example, if the C format is " %g \"titi\" %g", you must write " %g\""titi\"" %g"

A complex vector will be printed on two columns (the first one for the real part and the second one for the imaginary part).

Ecriture de tous les éléments de T et de X.
La première colonne correspondra à T.
La deuxième colonne correspondra à la partie réelle de X.
La troisième colonne correspondra à la partie imaginaire de X.
> stat(X);
vecteur numérique X de 6 complexes.
  taille en octets du tableau: 96
> stat(T);
vecteur numérique T de 6 réels.
   taille en octets du tableau: 48
> writes(T,X);
+9.999993149794888E-02  +1.000000000456180E-01  +1.095970178673141E-06  
-2.000000944035095E-01  +9.999999960679056E-03  +1.312007532388499E-07  
+3.000000832689856E-01  +1.000000314882390E-03  -1.403292661135361E-08  
-4.000000970924361E-01  +9.999995669530993E-05  +1.695880029074994E-09  
+4.999999805039361E-01  +1.000003117384769E-05  +3.216502329016007E-11  
-5.999999830866213E-01  +9.999979187109419E-07  -1.796078221829677E-12  
Ecriture du 2 au 4 elements de T et de X 
avec un format "%.1g\t(%.5g+i*%.5E)\n".
> writes([2:4],"%.1g\t(%.5g+i*%.5E)\n",T,X);
-0.2    (0.01+i*1.31201e-07)
0.3     (0.001+i*-1.40329e-08)
-0.4    (0.0001+i*1.69588e-09)

Ecriture du 1 au 5 elements de T et de X avec un pas de 2 sans format.
> writes([1:5:2],T,X);
+9.999993149794888E-02  +1.000000000456180E-01  +1.095970178673141E-06  
+3.000000832689856E-01  +1.000000314882390E-03  -1.403292661135361E-08  
+4.999999805039361E-01  +1.000003117384769E-05  +3.216502329016007E-11  
Ecriture des elements de T et de X avec un pas de 5 sans format.
> writes([::5],T,X);
+9.999993149794888E-02  +1.000000000456180E-01  +1.095970178673141E-06  
-5.999999830866213E-01  +9.999979187109419E-07  -1.796078221829677E-12  

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.4 Size

Function: size

size( <num. vec.> )

Return the number of elements in the numerical vector.

> t=1,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> size(t);
> p=-pi,pi,pi/400;
 p	 double precision real vector : number of elements =800
> size(p);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.5 Resize

Procedure: resize

resize(<(array of) num. vec.> , <integer> );

resize(<(array of) num. vec.> , <integer> , <constant> );

Change the size of the numerical vector or of the array of numerical vectors.

If a constant isn’t specified then all elements will be initialized to 0 else all elements will initialized with this constant.

> vnumR t;
> resize(t,3);
> vnumR t2;
> resize(t2,3,5);
> writes(t,t2);
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	
> vnumC t[1:3];
> resize(t[2],2,1-5*i);
> writes(t[2]);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	-5.0000000000000000E+00	
+1.0000000000000000E+00	-5.0000000000000000E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.6 Bounds

Function: inf

inf(<num. vec.> ,<integer> );

Return the lower bound of the numerical vector. The supplied integer must be equal to 1.

If the specified dimension is not 1, then the function returns -1.

> t=3,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =8
> inf(t,1);
Function: sup

sup(<num. vec.> ,<integer> );

Return the upper bound of the numerical vector. The supplied integer must be equal to 1.

If the specified dimension is not 1, then the function returns -1.

> t=3,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =8
> sup(t,1);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.7 Data retrieval

Next: , Up: Extraction   [Contents][Index]

10.7.1 select

Function: select

select ( <condition> , <num. vec.> );

Return a numerical vector which only contains the elements of the numerical vector where the condition is true.

The condition and the numerical vector must have the same number of elements.

> // return the elements which are multiple of 3
> t=1,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> r=select((t mod 3)==0, t);
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> writes(r);

Previous: , Up: Extraction   [Contents][Index]

10.7.2 Data retrieval

Operator: []

<num. vec.> [ <real vec.> ];

Return a numerical vector which only contains the elements of the numerical vector located at the indexes stored in the real vector.

Remark : The real vector must be an object identifier and not be a operation result.

> r=vnumR[1:5:7:9];
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =4
> t=20,30;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> b=t[r];
 b	 double precision real vector : number of elements =4
> writes("%g\n",b);
Operator: [::]

<num. vec.> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup : <integer> pas ];

<num. vec.> [ <integer> binf : <integer> bsup ];

Return a numerical vector which contains only the elements located between the lower bound and the upper bound with the specified step.

If the lower bound isn’t specified, then the lower bound is assumed to be 1.
If the upper bound isn’t specified, then the upper bound is assumed to be the size of the numerical vector.
If the step isn’t specified, then the step is assumed to be 1.

Remark : All missing combinations are allowed.

> t=1,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> r=t[::2];
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =5
> v=t[7:9];
 v	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> y=t[5:10:2];
 y	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> writes("%g %g\n",v,y);
7 5
8 7
9 9

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.8 Input/Output

Next: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNum   [Contents][Index]

10.8.1 read

Procedure: read

read(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ],

equivalent to

read(fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

read(fichier.dat, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

Read in a text file the specified columns and store them to numerical vectors.

If the file contains the strings NAN or NANQ, then it assumes to be the value "Not A Number". If the file contains the strings INF, Inf ou Infinity, then it assumes to be the value "infinite".

When an empty or incomplete line is encountered, the behavior of this function depends on the value of _read (see _read).

Lecture dans le fichier tessin.out de la ligne 2 à ligne 100
avec un pas de 3.
Le vecteur T contiendra la première colonne,
la partie réelle de X contiendra la deuxième colonne,
la partie imaginaire de X contiendra la troisième colonne,
TAB[1] contiendra la 4eme colonne, 
TAB[2] contiendra la 5eme colonne, 
TAB[3] contiendra la 6eme colonne.      
> vnumR T;
vnumC X;
vnumR TAB[1:3];
T    nb elements reels =0
X    nb elements complexes =0
TAB [1:3]   nb elements = 3

> > Tableau numerique T de 33 reels.
    taille en octets du tableau: 264
> Tableau numerique X de 33 complexes.
    taille en octets du tableau: 528
>   Tableau de series
 TAB [ 1:3 ]
 liste des elements du tableau : 
    TAB [ 1 ] = 
Tableau numerique  de 33 reels.
    taille en octets du tableau: 264
    TAB [ 2 ] = 
Tableau numerique  de 33 reels.
    taille en octets du tableau: 264
    TAB [ 3 ] = 
Tableau numerique  de 33 reels.
    taille en octets du tableau: 264

Lecture dans le fichier tessin.out de la ligne 2 a ligne 100.
Le vecteur T contiendra la premiere colonne,
la partie reelle de X contiendra la 4eme colonne,
la partie imaginaire de X sera nulle,
TAB[3] contiendra la 5eme colonne.     
> read(tessin.out,[2:100],T,(X,4),(TAB[3],5));

Lecture dans le fichier tessin.out de l'ensemble des lignes.
Le vecteur T contiendra la 2eme colonne,
la partie reelle de X contiendra la 3eme colonne,
la partie imaginaire de X contiendra la 4eme colonne,
TAB[3] contiendra la 5eme colonne.     
> read(tessin.out,(T,2),(X,3,4),(TAB[3],5));

Lecture dans le fichier tessin.out a partir de la ligne 1000.
Le vecteur T contiendra la 2eme colonne,
la partie reelle de X contiendra la 3eme colonne,
la partie imaginaire de X contiendra la 4eme colonne,
TAB[3] contiendra la 5eme colonne.     
> read(tessin.out,[1000:],(T,2),(X,3,4),(TAB[3],5));

Lecture dans le fichier tessin.out avec un pas de 50 lignes.
Le vecteur T contiendra la 2eme colonne,
la partie reelle de X contiendra la 3eme colonne,
la partie imaginaire de X contiendra la 4eme colonne,
TAB[3] contiendra la 5eme colonne.     
> read(tessin.out,[::50],(T,2),(X,3,4),TAB[3]);
Procedure: read

read(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], textformat,

equivalent to

fmt="..."; read(fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], textformat, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

fmt="..."; read(fichier.dat, textformat, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

This function is similar to the above command but allows to specify a format to read the data. It is able to read columns of numbers or strings of characters. The type of the data is specified by the format.

The allowed formats are :

For the format specifier %s, the object must not be declared before ; the returned object is an array of string.

For the format specifiers %g, %e, %E, the objects must be declared before this command as a (array of) numerical vector (vnumR). The returned object will be of the same type.

By default, it assumes that the columns are separated by spaces or tabulions. If a length is specified in the format (e.g., %10g or %10s for a column of 10 characters), this length specifies the number of characters of the column. In this case, there is no distinction between spaces, tabulations and other characters.

When an empty or incomplete line is encountered, the behavior of this function depends on the value of _read (see _read).

Limitation : It is not possible to write the following command : read(file,"....", T1, T2, ...); . It must be rewritten as : fmt=" ..."$ read(file,fmt, T1, T2, ...);.

> // generates a file with 2 columns : asteroid number and name
> f=file_open(data.dat, write)$
> file_writemsg(f, "    1 Ceres  \n    2 Pallas\n    3 Juno  \n");
> file_close(f);
> // reads two columns like a numerical vector and an array of string
> // using a space separator
> vnumR id;
> fmt="%g %s";
fmt = "%g %s"
> read(data.dat, fmt, id, name);
> writes(id);
> afftab(name);
name[1] = 	"Ceres"
name[2] = 	"Pallas"
name[3] = 	"Juno"
> // reads two columns like a numerical vector and an array of string
> // using a fixed size for each column
> vnumR id2;
> fmt="%5g %7s";
fmt = "%5g %7s"
> read(data.dat, fmt, id2, name2);
> writes(id2);
> afftab(name2);
name2[1] = 	" Ceres "
name2[2] = 	" Pallas"
name2[3] = 	" Juno  "

The following example show how to read the astorb data files using the format.

vnumR number, H, Slope,ColorIndex,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6;
vnumR arc,observations, epochyy,epochymm, epochdd;
vnumR anomaly,perihelion, ascendingnode,Inclination,


read(astorb.dat,[:10000], fmt,  number,name, computer, H,Slope,
     epochyy,epochymm, epochdd, anomaly,perihelion, ascendingnode,

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNum   [Contents][Index]

10.8.2 readappend

Procedure: readappend

readappend(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ],

equivalent to

readappend(fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

readappend(fichier.dat, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

This function is similar to the function read (see read) but it stores read data to the end of the numerical vectors (with an automatic growing step) instead of overwriting their contents.

>  t1=1,5;
t1       Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =5
> write(temp001, t1);
> write(temp002, t1**2);
> vnumR w;
> readappend(temp001,w);
> readappend(temp002,w);
> writes(w);
Procedure: readappend

readappend(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], textfmt,

This function is similar to the function read (see read) using the format textfmt. But it stores read data to the end of the numerical vectors (with an automatic growing step) instead of overwriting their contents.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNum   [Contents][Index]

10.8.3 write

Procedure: write

write( <filename> , [ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

write( <filename> , <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

write( <filename> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

write( fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], "format", T, T1, T2).

write( fichier.dat, "format", T, T1, T2).

write( fichier.dat, T, T1, T2).

write( fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], T, T1, T2).

Write to a file the numerical vector or the arrays of numerical vectors as columns of numbers.

The format is optional. The format is the format of C language (See printf) and surrounded with double-quotes ("). To obtain a double-quotes, two double-quotes must be used :

For example : if the C format is " %g \"titi\" %E", it must be written as, " %g \""titi\"" %E"

A numerical vector of complex numbers uses two columns (the first one for the real part and the second one for the imaginary part).

Ecriture de tous les elements de T et de X dans le fichier tx.out.
La pemiere colonne correspondra a T.
la deuxieme colonne correspondra a la partie reelle de X.
la troisieme colonne correspondra a la partie imaginaire de X.
> vnumR T;
vnumC X;

> Tableau numerique T de 33 reels.
    taille en octets du tableau: 264
> Tableau numerique X de 33 complexes.
    taille en octets du tableau: 528
> write(tx.out,T,X);

Ecriture de 10 au 20 éléments de T et de X dans le fichier tx.out avec 
un format "%g\t(%8.4E+i*%e)\n".
La pemiere colonne correspondra à T.
la deuxième colonne correspondra à la partie réelle de X.
la troisieme colonne correspondra à la partie imaginaire de X.
> write(tx.out,[10:20],"%g\t(%8.4E+i*%e)\n",T,X);

Ecriture de 1 au 20 éléments de T et de X avec un pas de 2 dans le 
fichier tx.out sans format.
La pemiere colonne correspondra à T.
la deuxième colonne correspondra à la partie réelle de X.
la troisieme colonne correspondra à la partie imaginaire de X.
> write(tx.out,[1:20:2],T,X);

Ecriture des éléments de T et de X avec un pas de 5 dans le fichier 
tx.out sans format.
La pemiere colonne correspondra à T.
la deuxième colonne correspondra à la partie réelle de X.
la troisieme colonne correspondra à la partie imaginaire de X.
> write(tx.out,[::5],T,X);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNum   [Contents][Index]

10.8.4 readbin

Procedure: readbin

readbin(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) real vec.> , ...);

readbin(<filename> , <string> , <(array of) real vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

readbin(fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], format, T, T2, T3);

readbin(fichier.dat, format, T, T2, T3);

Read in a binary file the data with the specified format and store them to numerical vectors.

The allowed format to define a record are :

The number of format must be the same as the number of vectors. If the provided object identifier is an array of real vectors, then it must have the same number of format as the number of elements in the array.

The data are previously converted if the global variable _endian (see _endian) isn’t the same as its default value.

Lecture dans le fichier binaire test1.dat 
d'entiers signés sur 4 octets 
et stockés dans le vecteur de réels T1.
vnumR T1;

Lecture dans le fichier binaire test1.dat 
des 30 premiers entiers signés sur 4 octets 
et stockés dans le vecteur de réels T1.
vnumR T1;

Lecture dans le fichier binaire test2.dat 
dont chaque enregistrement est composé de 2 réels 
et stockés dans le vecteur de réels T1 et T2.
vnumR T1,T2;

Lecture dans le fichier binaire test3.dat 
dont chaque enregistrement est composé de 4 réels 
et stockés dans le tableau T3.
vnumR T3[1:4];

est équivalent à 


Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNum   [Contents][Index]

10.8.5 writebin

Procedure: writebin

writebin(<filename> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) real vec.> , ...);

writebin(<filename> , <string> , <(array of) real vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

writebin(fichier.dat, [binf:bsup:step], format, T, T2, T3);

writebin(fichier.dat, format, T, T2, T3);

Write the numerical vectors to a binary file the data with the specified format.

The allowed format to define a record are :

The number of format must be the same as the number of vectors. If the provided object identifier is an array of real vectors, then it must have the same number of format as the number of elements in the array.

If the numerical vectors doesn’t have the same size, then the missing data are completed with 0.

The data are previously converted if the global variable _endian (see _endian) isn’t the same as its default value.

Ecriture du vecteur de réels T1 dans le fichier binaire test1.dat 
sosu la forme d'entiers signés sur 4 octets.
vnumR T1;

Ecriture des 30 premiers éléments du vecteur de réels T1 
dans le fichier binaire test1.dat sous la forme d'entiers 
signés sur 4 octets. 
vnumR T1;

Ecriture des 30 premiers éléments du vecteur de réels T1 et de T2 
dans le fichier binaire test2.dat dont chaque enregistrement 
est composé de 2 réels.
vnumR T1,T2;

Ecriture des vecteurs de réels de T3 dans le fichier binaire test3.dat 
dont chaque enregistrement est composé de 4 réels.
vnumR T3[1:4];

est équivalent à 


Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.9 Input/Output low level

Next: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.1 file_open

Function: <file> file_open

file_open(<filename> , read);

file_open(<filename> , write);

file_open(<filename> , write, append);

It opens a file in reading or writing mode depending on the value of the second parameter. It returns an object identifier of type file.

In writing mode, the existing file is kept and the new writing operations are performed at the end of the file if append is given, otherwise, the file is overwritten.

> f=file_open("sim2007.dat",read);
f  = fichier "sim2007.dat" ouvert en lecture
> vnumR t;
> file_read(f,t);
> file_close(f);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.2 file_close

Procedure: file_close

file_close(<file> );

It closes a file previously opened with the function file_open.

> f=file_open("sim2007.dat",read);
f  = fichier "sim2007.dat" ouvert en lecture
> vnumR t;
> file_read(f,t);
> file_close(f);
> stat(f);
 fichier f = "sim2007.dat" ferme
         Aucune erreur en lecture/ecriture

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.3 file_write

Procedure: file_write

file_write( <file> , [ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

file_write( <file> , <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

file_write( <file> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

file_write( fichier, [binf:bsup:step], "format", T, T1, T2).

file_write( fichier, "format", T, T1, T2).

file_write( fichier, T, T1, T2).

file_write( fichier, [binf:bsup:step], T, T1, T2).

This function is similar as the function write (see write) but this function requires an object identifier of type file instead of a filename. The function writes data in the file from the current position.

> f=file_open(sim2007.dat, write);
f  = fichier "sim2007.dat" ouvert en ecriture
> t1=1,10;
t1       Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =10
> t2=-t1;
t2       Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =10
> file_write(f,t1);
> file_write(f,t2);
> file_close(f);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.4 file_read

Procedure: file_read

file_read(<file> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ],

equivalent to

file_read(fichier, [binf:bsup:step], T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

file_read(fichier, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

This function is similar as the function read (see read) but this function requires an object identifier of type file instead of a filename. The function reads data from the file from the current position.

> f=file_open(sim2007.dat, read);
f  = fichier "sim2007.dat" ouvert en lecture
> vnumR t;
> file_read(f,[:5],t);
> vnumR t2;
> file_read(f,t2);
> writes(t);
> writes(t2);
> file_close(f);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.5 file_readappend

Procedure: file_readappend

file_readappend(<file> ,[ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ],

equivalent to

file_readappend(fichier, [binf:bsup:step], T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

file_readappend(fichier, T, (T1,n1), (T3,n2,n3));

This function is similar as the function readappend (see readappend) but this function requires an object identifier of type file instead of a filename. The function reads data from the file from the current position.

> f=file_open(sim2007.dat, read);
f  = fichier "sim2007.dat" ouvert en lecture
> vnumR t;
>  file_readappend(f,[:5],t);
>  file_readappend(f,[10:15],t);
> writes(t);
> file_close(f);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.6 file_writemsg

Procedure: file_writemsg

file_writemsg(<file> , <string> textformat);

file_writemsg(<file> , <string> textformat, <real> x, ... );

Write formatted messages to a file with(out) real constants.

The real constants must be formatted. The format is the same as the command printf in language C (see str, for the valid conversion specifiers). This message must a be string or a text between double-quotes. The messages could be on several lines.

To display double-quotes, two double-quotes must be used.

> f=file_open("temp001", write);
f  = fichier "temp001" ouvert en ecriture
> x=4;
x =                       4
> file_writemsg(f," resultat=%g\n", x);
> file_writemsg(f," termine\n");
> file_close(f);
> !"cat temp001";
> f=file_open("data1.txt",write);
f  = fichier "data1.txt" ouvert en ecriture
> file_writemsg(f,"%d\n",3/2);
> file_writemsg(f,"%4.2E\n",3/2);
> file_close(f);
> !"cat data1.txt";

Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieTabNumbasniveau   [Contents][Index]

10.9.7 file_writebin

Procedure: file_writebin

file_writebin( <file> , [ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

file_writebin( <file> , <string> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

equivalent to

file_writebin( file, [binf:bsup:step], "format", T, T1, T2).

file_writebin( file, "format", T, T1, T2).

This function is similar as the function writebin (see writebin) but this function requires an object identifier of type file instead of a filename. The function writes data in the file from the current position.

> f=file_open(sim2007.dat, write);
 f  = file "sim2007.dat"  opened in write mode
> t1=1,10;
 t1	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> t2=-t1;
 t2	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> file_writebin(f,"%g",t1);
> file_writebin(f,"%g",t2);
> file_close(f);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.10 Standard functions

Next: , Up: Fonctions mathematiques et usuelles   [Contents][Index]

10.10.1 minimum and maximum

Next: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: imin

imin( <real vec.> )

Return the index of the minimal value of the numerical vector of real numbers. If more than one elements have the minimal value, then this function returns the index of the first element. If the numerical vector is empty then it returns 0.

> t=-5,5;
> imin(t);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: imax

imax( <real vec.> )

Return the index of the maximal value of the numerical vector of real numbers. If more than one elements have the maximal value, then this function returns the index of the first element. If the numerical vector is empty then it returns 0.

> t=-5,5;
> imax(t);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: min

min( <real or real vec.> , ...);

Return the minimum value of the parameters which could be real constants or real vectors.

> t=-10,10;
> p=abs(t);
> min(-5,t,p,20);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: max

max( <real or real vec.> , ...);

Return the maximum value of the parameters which could be real constants or real vectors.

> t=-10,10;
> p=abs(t);
> max(p,t,8);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: IMIN

IMIN( <array of real vec.> )

Return a numerical vector of real numbers such that its elements have the index of the column where is located the minimal value term by term of each numerical vector.

The numerical vectors must have the same size.

>   A=vnumR[1,2,3:6,7,1:9,2,5:13,11,16]$
>   writes("%g %g %g\n", A);
1 2 3
6 7 1
9 2 5
13 11 16
>   B=IMIN(A);
 B	 double precision real vector : number of elements =4
>   writes("%g\n", B);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: IMAX

IMAX( <array of real vec.> )

Return a numerical vector of real numbers such that its elements have the index of the column where is located the maximal value term by term of each numerical vector.

The numerical vectors must have the same size.

>   A=vnumR[1,2,3:6,7,1:9,2,5:13,11,16]$
>   writes("%g %g %g\n", A);
1 2 3
6 7 1
9 2 5
13 11 16
>   B=IMAX(A);
 B	 double precision real vector : number of elements =4
>   writes("%g\n", B);

Next: , Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: MIN

MIN( <real vec.> , ...)

Return a numerical vector of real numbers such that its elements have the minimal value term by term of each numerical vector.

The numerical vectors must have the same size.

For an array of numerical vector of real numbers, the operation is performed on each element.

> t=0,pi,pi/6$
> a=MIN(cos(t),sin(t))$
> c=MAX(t,cos(t),sin(t))$
> writes(a,c)$
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.9999999999999994E-01	+8.6602540378443871E-01	
+5.0000000000000011E-01	+1.0471975511965976E+00	
+6.1232339957367660E-17	+1.5707963267948966E+00	
-4.9999999999999978E-01	+2.0943951023931953E+00	
-8.6602540378443849E-01	+2.6179938779914940E+00	
-1.0000000000000000E+00	+3.1415926535897931E+00	
> vnumR cs[1:2]$
> cs[1]=cos(t)$
> cs[2]=sin(t)$
> b=MIN(cs)$
> d=MAX(t,cs)$
> writes(b,d);
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.9999999999999994E-01	+8.6602540378443871E-01	
+5.0000000000000011E-01	+1.0471975511965976E+00	
+6.1232339957367660E-17	+1.5707963267948966E+00	
-4.9999999999999978E-01	+2.0943951023931953E+00	
-8.6602540378443849E-01	+2.6179938779914940E+00	
-1.0000000000000000E+00	+3.1415926535897931E+00	

Previous: , Up: minimum et maximum   [Contents][Index]


Function: MAX

MAX( <real vec.> , ...)

Return a numerical vector of real numbers such that its elements have the maximal value term by term of each numerical vector.

The numerical vectors must have the same size.

For an array of numerical vector of real numbers, the operation is performed on each element.

> t=0,pi,pi/6$
> a=MIN(cos(t),sin(t))$
> c=MAX(t,cos(t),sin(t))$
> writes(a,c)$
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.9999999999999994E-01	+8.6602540378443871E-01	
+5.0000000000000011E-01	+1.0471975511965976E+00	
+6.1232339957367660E-17	+1.5707963267948966E+00	
-4.9999999999999978E-01	+2.0943951023931953E+00	
-8.6602540378443849E-01	+2.6179938779914940E+00	
-1.0000000000000000E+00	+3.1415926535897931E+00	
> vnumR cs[1:2]$
> cs[1]=cos(t)$
> cs[2]=sin(t)$
> b=MIN(cs)$
> d=MAX(t,cs)$
> writes(b,d);
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.9999999999999994E-01	+8.6602540378443871E-01	
+5.0000000000000011E-01	+1.0471975511965976E+00	
+6.1232339957367660E-17	+1.5707963267948966E+00	
-4.9999999999999978E-01	+2.0943951023931953E+00	
-8.6602540378443849E-01	+2.6179938779914940E+00	
-1.0000000000000000E+00	+3.1415926535897931E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Fonctions mathematiques et usuelles   [Contents][Index]

10.10.2 addition and product

Next: , Up: somme et produit   [Contents][Index]


Function: sum

sum( <num. vec.> )

sum( <num. vec.> , "kahan" )

sum( <num. vec.> , "sort", "kahan" )

Return the sum of elements in the numerical vector.

The option "sort" sort the vector using the ascending norm before the summation is done.

If the option "kahan" is set, the function uses the Kahan method to perform the summation (compensated summation).

Reference : Kahan, William (January 1965), "Further remarks on reducing truncation errors", Communications of the ACM 8 (1): 40,

> r=0,100$
> sum(r);
> p=-10000,10000$
> p=p*pi/10000$
> sum(p);
> // compensated summation
> sum(p,"sort","kahan");

Next: , Previous: , Up: somme et produit   [Contents][Index]


Function: prod

prod( <num. vec.> )

Return the product of elements in the numerical vector.

> p=1,10;
p    Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
> prod(p);
> c=p+2*i*p;
c    vecteur de complexes : nb complexes =10
> prod(c);

Previous: , Up: somme et produit   [Contents][Index]


Function: accum

accum( <num. vec.> )

Return the partial sum of elements in the numerical vector. Y=accum(X) alors Y[N] = sum(X[1:N])

> tx=1,10;
tx   Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
> ty=accum(tx);
ty   Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
> writes(accum(tx));

Next: , Previous: , Up: Fonctions mathematiques et usuelles   [Contents][Index]

10.10.3 sort

Next: , Up: tris   [Contents][Index]


Function: intersectvnum

intersectvnum(<num. vec.> A ,<num. vec.> B)

It returns the values common to both numerical vectors A and B. The values of returned vector are in sorted order using ascending order.

> A = vnumR[7:1:7:5:4:6]$
> B = vnumR[0:7:4:-2:5:3]$
> C = intersectvnum(A,B);
 C	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> writes(C);

Next: , Previous: , Up: tris   [Contents][Index]


Function: unionvnum

unionvnum(<num. vec.> A ,<num. vec.> B)

It returns a vector which contains the combined values from A and B with no repetitions. The values of returned vector are in sorted order using ascending order.

> A = vnumR[7:1:7:5:4:6]$
> B = vnumR[0:7:4:-2:5:3]$
> C = unionvnum(A,B);
 C	 double precision real vector : number of elements =8
> writes(C);

Next: , Previous: , Up: tris   [Contents][Index]


Function: reversevnum

reversevnum (<num. vec.> )

Reverse the order of elements in the numerical vector.

> p=1,10;
p    Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
>  writes(p, reversevnum(p));
+1.000000000000000E+00  +1.000000000000000E+01  
+2.000000000000000E+00  +9.000000000000000E+00  
+3.000000000000000E+00  +8.000000000000000E+00  
+4.000000000000000E+00  +7.000000000000000E+00  
+5.000000000000000E+00  +6.000000000000000E+00  
+6.000000000000000E+00  +5.000000000000000E+00  
+7.000000000000000E+00  +4.000000000000000E+00  
+8.000000000000000E+00  +3.000000000000000E+00  
+9.000000000000000E+00  +2.000000000000000E+00  
+1.000000000000000E+01  +1.000000000000000E+00  

Previous: , Up: tris   [Contents][Index]


Procedure: sort

sort ( <real vec.> )

Sort in ascending order the elements in the real vector.

sort ( <real vec.> , <(array of) num. vec.> , ...);

Sort the elements in the (array of) numerical vectors according to the ascending sort of the first real vector.

Remarks : If you call ‘sort(TX,TY,TZ);’, the vector TY et TZ are sorted but TX isn’t sorted.

> p=vnumR[5:2:-3:7:1:6];
p    Tableau de reels : nb reels =6
> sort(p);
> writes(p);
> T=vnumC[1+i:2+2*i:3+3*i:4+4*i:5+5*i:7+7*i];
T    vecteur de complexes : nb complexes =6
> vnumR TAB[1:2];
> TAB[1]=abs(T);
> TAB[2]=-real(T);
> sort(-p,T,TAB);

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10.10.4 transposevnum

Function: transposevnum

transposevnum ( <array of num. vec.> )

Transpose the array of numerical vectors.

The array must have only one dimension and its numerical vectors must have the same size.

> t=1,5; 
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> vnumR TSRC[1:2];
> TSRC[1]=t;
> TSRC[2]=reversevnum(t);
> writes("%g %g\n",TSRC);
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
> TRES=transposevnum(TSRC);

TRES [1:5]      nb elements = 5

> writes("%g %g %g %g %g\n",TRES);
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1

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10.10.5 standard math function

Next: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: abs

abs( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the absolute value of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the absolute value of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> abs(-2.3);
> x = 2.3;
> abs(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=abs(t);
at   Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> abs(1+i);

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Function: arg

arg( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the argument (also called phase angle) of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the argument (also called phase angle) of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> arg(i);
> arg(1+i);
> t=0,pi,pi/6;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =7
>  writes(arg(exp(i*t)));

Next: , Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: real

real( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the real part of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the real part of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> real(i);
> real(2+3*i);
> t=0,pi,pi/6;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =7
> writes(real(exp(i*t)));
> real(4);

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Function: imag

imag( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the imaginary part of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the imaginary part of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> imag(i);
> imag(2+3*i);
> t=0,pi,pi/6;
> writes(real(exp(i*t)));
> imag(4);

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Function: conj

conj( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the conjugate of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the conjugate of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> conj(1+i);
> conj(3);
> z=vnumC[1+i:3-5*i:i];
z    vecteur de complexes : nb complexes =3
> writes(conj(z));
+1.000000000000000E+00  -1.000000000000000E+00  
+3.000000000000000E+00  +5.000000000000000E+00  
+0.000000000000000E+00  -1.000000000000000E+00  

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Function: erf

erf( <real or real vec.> )

Return the error function of the constant if the value is a real.

Return a numerical vector containing the error function of each element if the value is a numerical vector of real numbers.

The error function is defined by : erf(x) = (2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t*t) dt)

> erf(1);
> erf(0.5);
> t=-2,2;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> r=erf(t);
r        Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> writes(t,r);
-2.0000000000000000E+00 -9.9532226501895271E-01
-1.0000000000000000E+00 -8.4270079294971478E-01
+0.0000000000000000E+00 +0.0000000000000000E+00
+1.0000000000000000E+00 +8.4270079294971478E-01
+2.0000000000000000E+00 +9.9532226501895271E-01

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Function: erfc

erfc( <real or real vec.> )

Return the complementary error function of the constant if the value is a real.

Return a numerical vector containing the complementary error function of each element if the value is a numerical vector of real numbers.

The complementary error function is defined by : erfc(x) = 1 - (2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t*t) dt)

> erf(1);
> erf(0.5);
> t=-2,2;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> r=erf(t);
r        Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> writes(t,r);
-2.0000000000000000E+00 -9.9532226501895271E-01
-1.0000000000000000E+00 -8.4270079294971478E-01
+0.0000000000000000E+00 +0.0000000000000000E+00
+1.0000000000000000E+00 +8.4270079294971478E-01
+2.0000000000000000E+00 +9.9532226501895271E-01

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Function: exp

exp( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the base-e exponential of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the base-e exponential of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> exp(1.2);
> x = 1.2;
> exp(x);
> exp(2*i);
> t=-2,2;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> r=exp(t);
r    Tableau de reels : nb reels =5
> writes(t,r);
-2.000000000000000E+00  +1.353352832366127E-01  
-1.000000000000000E+00  +3.678794411714423E-01  
+0.000000000000000E+00  +1.000000000000000E+00  
+1.000000000000000E+00  +2.718281828459045E+00  
+2.000000000000000E+00  +7.389056098930650E+00  

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Function: fac

fac( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the factorial of a non-negative integer of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the factorial of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> fac(10);
> t=1,5;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =5
> r=fac(t);
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =5
> writes(t,r);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+2.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	
+3.0000000000000000E+00	+6.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0000000000000000E+00	+2.4000000000000000E+01	
+5.0000000000000000E+00	+1.2000000000000000E+02	

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Function: sqrt

sqrt( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the square root of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the square root of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> x = 4;
> sqrt(x);
> sqrt(1+i);
> t=0,5;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =6
> ts=sqrt(t);
ts   Tableau de reels : nb reels =6
> writes(t,ts);
+0.000000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00  
+1.000000000000000E+00  +1.000000000000000E+00  
+2.000000000000000E+00  +1.414213562373095E+00  
+3.000000000000000E+00  +1.732050807568877E+00  
+4.000000000000000E+00  +2.000000000000000E+00  
+5.000000000000000E+00  +2.236067977499790E+00  

Next: , Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: cos

cos( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the cosine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the cosine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> cos(0.12);
> x=0;
x = 0
> cos(x);
> at=cos(t);
> cos(1+i);

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Function: sin

sin( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the sine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the sine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> sin(0.12);
> x = 0.12;
> sin(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> s=sin(t);
> sin(4*i);

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Function: tan

tan( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the tangent of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the tangent of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> x = 1.2;
> tan(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=tan(t);
> tan(-1+i);

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Function: acos

acos( <real or real vec.> )

Return the principal value of the arc cosine of the real number if the value is a real number.

Return a real vector containing the principal value of the arc cosine of each element if the value is a real vector.

> acos(0.12);
> x = 0.12;
> acos(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=acos(t);

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Function: asin

asin( <real or real vec.> )

Return the principal value of the arc sine of the real number if the value is a real number.

Return a real vector containing the principal value of the arc sine of each element if the value is a real vector.

> asin(0.12);
> x = 0.12;
> asin(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=asin(t);

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Function: atan

atan( <real or real vec.> )

Return the principal value of the arc tangent of the real number if the value is a real number.

Return a real vector containing the principal value of the arc tangent of each element if the value is a real vector.

> atan(2);
> x = 2;
> atan(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=atan(t);

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Function: cosh

cosh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the hyperbolic cosine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the hyperbolic cosine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> cosh(0.12);
> x = 0.12;
> cosh(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=cosh(t);
> cosh(1+i);

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Function: sinh

sinh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the hyperbolic sine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the hyperbolic sine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> sinh(1.2);
> x = 1.2;
> sinh(x);
> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> s=sinh(t);
> sinh(-1+3*i);

Next: , Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: tanh

tanh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the hyperbolic tangent of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the hyperbolic tangent of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> x = 1.2;
> tanh(x);
> tanh(1+i);
> t=0,10;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =11
> tanh(t);

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Function: acosh

acosh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the inverse of the hyperbolic cosine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the inverse of the hyperbolic cosine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> acosh(1.2);
> t=1,2,0.1;
t        Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =11
> acosh(t);
         Tableau de reels  double-precision : nb reels =11

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Function: asinh

asinh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the inverse of the hyperbolic sine of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the inverse of the hyperbolic sine of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> asinh(1.2);
> t=1,2,0.1;
t        Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =11
> asinh(t);
         Tableau de reels  double-precision : nb reels =11

Next: , Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: asinh

asinh( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the inverse of the hyperbolic tangent of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the inverse of the hyperbolic tangent of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> atanh(0.2);
> t=0,1,0.1;
t        Tableau de reels double-precision : nb reels =11
> atanh(t);
         Tableau de reels  double-precision : nb reels =11

Next: , Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: atan2

atan2( <real or real vec.> , <real or real vec.> )

Return the principal value of the arc tangent of the first argument divided by the second argument using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value.

> y = 11.5;
> x = 14;
> atan2(y,x); 

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Function: mod

mod( <real or real vec.> , <real or real vec.> )

<real or real vec.> mod <real or real vec.>

Return the modulo of the first and second value. The result has the same sign as the first argument nd magnitude less than the magnitude of the second argument.

> mod(4,2);
> x=4$
> y=2$
> mod(x,y);
> t=21,30;
> r=1,10;
> f=mod(t,r);
> g=mod(t,3);

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Function: int

int( <real or real vec.> )

Return the integer part of the real number if the value is a real.

Return a real vector containing the integer part of each element if the value is a real vector.

> t=-pi,pi,pi/100;
> at=int(t);

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Function: log

log( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the neperian logarithm of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the neperian logarithm of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> log(3);
> x = 3;
> log(x);
> r=1,10;
> at=log(r);
> log(2+i);

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Function: log10

log10( <constant or num. vec.> )

Return the decimal logarithm (base 10) of the constant if the value is a constant.

Return a numerical vector containing the decimal logarithm of each element if the value is a numerical vector.

> log(3);
> x = 3;
> log(x);
> r=1,10;
> at=log(r);
> log(2+i);

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Function: nint

nint( <real or real vec.> )

Return the nearest integer of the real number if the value is a real.

Return a real vector containing the nearest integer of each element if the value is a real vector.

>  x=1.23;
x =                 1.23
> nint(x);
> nint(1.78);
> t=-1,1,0.1;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =21
> nint(t);

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Function: sign

sign( <real or real vec.> )

Return the sign of the real number if the value is a real.

Return a real vector containing the sign of each element if the value is a real vector.

The function is defined with the following rules :

> sign(3);
> sign(-3);
> sign(0);
> t=-3,3;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =7
> writes(t,sign(t));
-3.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00
-2.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00
-1.0000000000000000E+00 -1.0000000000000000E+00
+0.0000000000000000E+00 +0.0000000000000000E+00
+1.0000000000000000E+00 +1.0000000000000000E+00
+2.0000000000000000E+00 +1.0000000000000000E+00
+3.0000000000000000E+00 +1.0000000000000000E+00

Previous: , Up: fonctions math   [Contents][Index]


Function: histogram

histogram(<real vec.> TY, <real vec.> TX)

Return the histogram of TY with the specified ranges TX :

TZ=histogram(TY,TX) : TZ[N] contains the number of elements in TY such that TX[N]<=TY[j]<TX[N+1].

For the last range TX, the relation is : TX[N]<=TY[j]<=TX[N+1]

> TY=vnumR[0:1:4:5:6:9:10:11:-1:-2:-5]$
> TX=-3,9,2$
> writes("%g\n",TX);
> TZ=histogram(TY,TX)$
>  writes("%g\n",TZ);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.11 Conditions

Operator: ?()::


Return a numerical vector which contains only the numbers 0 or 1. For each element of the array : if the condition at index j is true then <name> [j]=1 else <name> [j]=0

?(<condition>): <constant or num. vec.> tabvrai : <constant or num. vec.> tabfaux

Return a numerical vector which contains only the numbers 0 or 1. For each element of the array : if the condition at index j is true then <name> [j]=tabvrai[j] else <name> [j]=tabfaux[j]

All vectors must have the same size.

> t=0,5;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =6
> r=5-t;
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =6
> q=?(t<=r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =6
> writes(q);
> l= ?(t<=r):i:5;
 l	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =6
> writes(l);
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	
+5.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+5.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+5.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
> m = ?(t>2):r:t;
 m	 double precision real vector : number of elements =6
> writes(m);

Previous: , Up: Vecteurs numeriques   [Contents][Index]

10.12 Conversion

For the conversion from or to a numerical matrix, see Conversion.

Next: , Up: Conversion   [Contents][Index]

10.12.1 dimtovnumR

Function: dimtovnumR

dimtovnumR( <array> )

Return a numerical vector of real numbers from the array of series.

The array of series must contain only real numbers. The array must have only one dimension.

> dim ts[1:3];
> ts[1]=1$
> ts[2]=4$
> ts[3]=6$
> tr=dimtovnumR(ts)$
> writes(tr);
> ltr=log(dimtovnumR(ts));
ltr  Tableau de reels : nb reels =3

Next: , Previous: , Up: Conversion   [Contents][Index]

10.12.2 dimtovnumC

Function: dimtovnumC

dimtovnumC( <array> )

Return a numerical vector of complex numbers from the array of series.

The array of series must contain only complex numbers. The array must have only one dimension.

> dim ts[1:3];
> ts[1]=1+i$
> ts[2]=3*i$
> ts[3]=-5+i$
> tc=dimtovnumC(ts)$
> writes(tc);
+1.000000000000000E+00  +1.000000000000000E+00  
+0.000000000000000E+00  +3.000000000000000E+00  
-5.000000000000000E+00  +1.000000000000000E+00  
> ltc=exp(dimtovnumC(ts));
ltc  vecteur de complexes : nb complexes =3

Next: , Previous: , Up: Conversion   [Contents][Index]

10.12.3 vnumtodim

Function: vnumtodim

vnumtodim( <(array of) num. vec.> )

Return an array of series (constants) from the array of numerical vectors or from the numerical vector.

> tr=1,4;
tr   Tableau de reels : nb reels =4
> tsr=vnumtodim(tr);

tsr [1:4]   nb elements = 4

> afftab(tsr);
tsr[1] = 1
tsr[2] = 2
tsr[3] = 3
tsr[4] = 4
> vnumC tc[1:2];
> tc[1]=i*tr$
> tc[2]=tr+i*tr**2$
> tsc=vnumtodim(tc);

tsc [1:4, 1:2]  nb elements = 8

> afftab(tsc);
tsc[1,1] = (0+i*1)
tsc[1,2] = (1+i*1)
tsc[2,1] = (0+i*2)
tsc[2,2] = (2+i*4)
tsc[3,1] = (0+i*3)
tsc[3,2] = (3+i*9)
tsc[4,1] = (0+i*4)
tsc[4,2] = (4+i*16)

10.12.4 str

Previous: , Up: Conversion   [Contents][Index]


Function: str

str( <real vec.> );

str( <string> format, <real vec.> );

Convert an vector of real numbers in an array of character strings. If format is specified, then each element of the vector is converted to this format.

For the description of the formats, see str.

> t = 8,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> tabs =  str("%04g", t);

tabs [1:3 ]	number of elements = 3

> afftab(tabs);
tabs[1] = 	"0008"
tabs[2] = 	"0009"
tabs[3] = 	"0010"

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

11 Numerical matrices

The numerical values stored in matrices are always real or complex double-precision, quadruple-precision or multiprecision numbers depending on the current numerical mode. A numerical matrix is assumed to be a two-dimensional matrix. The numerical matrix are not resizeable.
The first dimension is the lines of the matrix and the second dimension is the columns of the matrix.

Next: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.1 Declaration

Explicit declaration for numerical matrices are only required before call to read , readbin (see Entree/SortieTabNum) and assignment of a single or several elements. Explicit declaration for array of numerical matrices are always required.

Next: , Up: DeclarationMat   [Contents][Index]

11.1.1 matrixR

Procedure: matrixR

matrixR <name> ([ <two dimensions of a matrix> MxN ]) , ... ;

matrixR <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] ([ <two dimensions of a matrix> MxN ]) , ... ;

It declares a real matrix of dimension MxN or an array of real matrices of dimension MxN.

After the declaration, the elements of the matrix are initialized with the value 0.

> matrixR C([1:3, 1:5]);
> stat(C);
 Double precision real matrix C [ 1:3 , 1:5 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 120
> bounds= 1:3,1:6;
bounds = bounds [ 1:3, 1:6 ]
> matrixR T0[1:2]([bounds]);
> stat(T0);
 	Array of series
 T0 [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	T0 [ 1 ] = 
 Double precision real matrix T0 [ 1:3 , 1:6 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 144
	T0 [ 2 ] = 
 Double precision real matrix T0 [ 1:3 , 1:6 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 144

Previous: , Up: DeclarationMat   [Contents][Index]

11.1.2 matrixC

Procedure: matrixC

matrixC <name> ([ <two dimensions of a matrix> MxN ]) , ... ;

matrixC <name> [ <dimension of an array> ] ([ <two dimensions of a matrix> MxN ]) , ... ;

It declares a complex matrix of dimension MxN or an array of complex matrices of dimension MxN .

After the declaration, the elements of the matrix are initialized with the value 0+i*0.

> matrixC C([1:3, 1:5]);
> stat(C);
 Double precision complex matrix C [ 1:3 , 1:5 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 240
> bounds=1:3,1:6;
bounds = bounds [ 1:3, 1:6 ]
> matrixC T0[1:2]([bounds]);
> stat(T0);
 	Array of series
 T0 [ 1:2  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	T0 [ 1 ] = 
 Double precision complex matrix T0 [ 1:3 , 1:6 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 288
	T0 [ 2 ] = 
 Double precision complex matrix T0 [ 1:3 , 1:6 ].
 	Size of the array in bytes: 288

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.2 Initialization

Function: matrixR[,,:,,]

<name> = matrixR [ <real> or <real vec.> or <array of real vec.> , ... : <real> ,... ] ;

It declares and initializes a real matrix with the specified reals or real vectors.

The character : separates the lines and the character , separates the columns. All columns must have the same line counts.

> // declare a real matrix 2x3
> tab3=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6];
tab3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> writes(tab3);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	+6.0000000000000000E+00	
Function: matrixC[,,:,,]

<name> = matrixC [ <complex> or <complex vec.> , ... : <complex> ,... ] ;

It declares and initializes a complex matrix with the specified complex numbers or complex vectors.

The character : separates the lines and the character , separates the columns. All columns must have the same line counts.

> // declare a complex matrix 2x3
> tab3=matrixC[1+2*i,3+4*i,5:2,4*i, -7+2*i];
tab3	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> writes(tab3);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	+4.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+2.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	+4.0000000000000000E+00	-7.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.3 Display

Procedure: writes

writes([ <integer> : <integer> : <integer> ], <string> , <(array of) matrix> , ...);

writes( <string> , <(array of) matrix> , ...);

writes( <(array of) matrix> , ...);

equivalent to

writes( { [binf:{bsup}:{step}], } {format,} <(array of) matrix> ,...).

It prints, to the screen, numerical matrices or the array of numerical matrices in columns form.

format is optional. This format is similar to the C format (cf. printf) and must be between double quotes ("). The format must contain the same number of format specifiers (e.g., %g) as the number of columns.

A complex matrix will be printed on two times more columns (the first for the real part and the second for the imaginary part).

> // display a real matrix 2x3
> mat3=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6];
mat3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> writes(mat3);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0000000000000000E+00	+5.0000000000000000E+00	+6.0000000000000000E+00	
> // display a complex matrix 2x3
> mat4=matrixC[1+2*i,3+4*i,5:2,4*i, -7+2*i];
mat4	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> writes(6*"%g "+"\n", mat4);
1 2 3 4 5 0 
2 0 0 4 -7 2 
Procedure: afftab

afftab( <matrix> );

It prints, to the screen, a numerical matrix. Each line of the matrix is surrounded by the characters [].

> _affc=1$
> // display a real matrix 2x3
> mat3=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6];
mat3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(mat3);
[   1	   2	   3]
[   4	   5	   6]
> // display a complex matrix 2x3
> mat4=matrixC[1+2*i,3+4*i,5:2,4*i, -7+2*i];
mat4	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(mat4);
[(1+i*2)	(3+i*4)	   5]
[   2	(0+i*4)	(-7+i*2)]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.4 Size

Function: size

size( <matrix> , <integer> n )

Return the number of lines of the numerical matrix if n=1.

Return the number of columns of the numerical matrix if n=2.

> mat3=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6];
mat3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> size(mat3,1);
> size(mat3,2);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.5 Data retrieval

Operator: [::,::]

<matrix> [ <integer> binfli : <integer> bsupli : <integer> pasli ,
<integer> binfcol : <integer> bsupcol : <integer> pascol ];

Return a numerical matrix which contains only the elements located between the lower bound and the upper bound with the specified step.

If the lower bound isn’t specified, then the lower bound is assumed to be 1.
If the upper bound isn’t specified, then the upper bound is assumed to be the size of the numerical vector.
If the step isn’t specified, then the step is assumed to be 1.

Remark : All missing combinations are allowed.

> M=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6:7,8,9];
M	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> r=M[::2,::2];
r	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(r);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
+7.0000000000000000E+00	+9.0000000000000000E+00	
> v=M[1:2,2:3];
v	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(v);
+2.0000000000000000E+00	+3.0000000000000000E+00	
+5.0000000000000000E+00	+6.0000000000000000E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.6 Input/Output

The following functions work on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors :

Next: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.1 sauve_c

Procedure: sauve_c

sauve_c(<matrix> , <filename> );

It saves the matrix to the file using the C language (version C99). The file is created in the directory specified by _path.

sauve_c(<matrix> , <file> );

It saves the matrix to the file, previously opened in written mode, using the C language (version C99).

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> sauve_c(A, "prog.c");

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.2 sauve_fortran

Procedure: sauve_fortran

sauve_fortran(<matrix> , <filename> );

It saves the matrix to the file using the Fortran language (version 77 or later). The file source format is compatible with the fixed and free format. The file is created in the directory specified by _path.

sauve_fortran(<matrix> , <file> );

It saves the matrix to the file, previously opened in written mode, using the Fortran language (version 77 or later). The file source format is compatible with the fixed and free format.

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> sauve_fortran(A, "prog.f");

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.3 sauve_tex

Procedure: sauve_tex

sauve_tex(<matrix> , <filename> );

It saves the matrix to the file using the TeX form. The file is created in the directory specified by _path.

sauve_tex(<serie> , <file> );

It saves the matrix to the file, previously opened in written mode, using the TeX form.

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> sauve_tex(A, "essai.tex");

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.4 sauve_ml

Procedure: sauve_ml

sauve_ml(<matrix> , <filename> );

It saves the matrix to the file using the MathML 2.0 (concept) form. The file is created in the directory specified by _path.

sauve_ml(<matrix> , <file> );

It saves the matrix to the file, previously opened in written mode, using the MathML 2.0 (concept) form.

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> sauve_ml(A, "");

Next: , Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.5 write

This function works on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors (see write).

Previous: , Up: Entree/SortieMat   [Contents][Index]

11.6.6 writebin

This function works on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors (see writebin).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.7 Input/Output low level

The following functions work on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors :

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.8 Standard math function

The following functions work on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors. These operations apply on each element of the matrix.

The following functions work on the numerical matrices in the same behavior as on the numerical vectors. These operations apply on the matrix.

Next: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.1 Matrix product

Operator: &*

<matrix> &* <matrix>

Compute the matrix product of the numerical matrix.

Remark : the number of columns of the first matrix must be same as the number of lines of the second matrix.

> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[1,3,5
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> B = matrixR[5,8,11
B	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> C = A&*B;
C	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(C);
[   46	   26	   75]
[   62	   40	   102]
Operator: &*

<matrix> &* <num. vec.>

<num. vec.> &* <matrix>

Compute the matrix product of the numerical matrix and a numerical vector.

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.2 Kronecker product

Function: kroneckerproduct

kroneckerproduct(<matrix> A ,<matrix> B)

It returns the Kronecker prouct of two numerical matrices.

> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6]$
> B = matrixR[5,0:10,1:7,3]$
> C = kroneckerproduct(A,B)$
> afftab(C);
[   5	   0	   10	   0	   15	   0]
[   10	   1	   20	   2	   30	   3]
[   7	   3	   14	   6	   21	   9]
[   20	   0	   25	   0	   30	   0]
[   40	   4	   50	   5	   60	   6]
[   28	   12	   35	   15	   42	   18]

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.3 Matrix determinant

Function: det

det( <matrix> )

Computes the determinant of a square matrix.

Remarks : When computations are performed in double precision, the Lapack Library is used. The LU algorithm is used in all numerical precision.

> t=matrixR[9,0,7
t	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> det(t);

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.4 Matrix inversion

Function: invertmatrix

invertmatrix( <matrix> )

Computes the inverse of a square matrix.

Remarks : When computations are performed in double precision, the Lapack Library is used. The LU algorithm is used in all numerical precision.

> _affc=2$
> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> B=invertmatrix(A);
B	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(B);
[   0.0625	 - 0.72916667	   0.29166667]
[ - 0.125	 - 0.54166667	   0.41666667]
[   0.0625	   0.9375	 - 0.375]

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.5 Matrix trace

Function: tracematrix

tracematrix( <matrix> )

Computes the trace of a square matrix.

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> t=tracematrix(A);
t =                         17

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.6 Transpose

Function: transposematrix

transposematrix( <matrix> )

Computes the transpose of a square matrix.

> _affc=1$
> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> B=transposematrix(A);
B	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:2 ]
> afftab(B);
[   9	   1]
[   0	   2]
[   7	   3]

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.7 Identity matrix

Function: identitymatrix

identitymatrix( <operation> n )

Computes the identity matrix of size n. This matrix is a nxn square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

> _affc=1$
> I3=identitymatrix(3);
I3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(I3);
[   1	   0	   0]
[   0	   1	   0]
[   0	   0	   1]

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.8 Eigenvalues

Function: eigenvalues

eigenvalues(<matrix> )

Computes the eigenvalues of the square matrix using a QR algorithm (lapack library).

> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> B=eigenvalues(A);
 B	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =3
> writes(B);
+1.3769150418957313E+01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0843620348094420E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
-8.5351245376675389E-01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.9 Eigenvectors

Procedure: eigenvectors

eigenvectors(<matrix> MAT, <matrix> TVECT, <matrix> TVAL)

eigenvectors(<matrix> MAT, <matrix> TVECT)

Compute the eigenvectors of the square matrix MAT using a QR algorithm (lapack library). It stores the eigenvectors in the matrix TVECT and the eigenvalues in the vector TVAL.

> _affc=1$
> A=matrixR[9,0,7
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> eigenvectors(A,vectp,valp);
> afftab(vectp); 
[ - 0.808169	 - 0.750577	 - 0.484664]
[ - 0.209021	   0.398522	 - 0.547409]
[ - 0.550611	   0.527081	   0.682234]
> writes(valp);
+1.3769150418957313E+01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+4.0843620348094420E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
-8.5351245376675389E-01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
> //  first vector
> p=vectp[:,1]$
> writes(p);
-8.0816903814944341E-01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
-2.0902130660832199E-01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
-5.5061138669696397E-01	+0.0000000000000000E+00	

Previous: , Up: FonctionsmathematiquesMat   [Contents][Index]

11.8.10 Arithmetic

The matrices must have the same number of elements on each dimension.

Operator: +

<matrix> + <matrix>

Add term by term two matrices.

Operator: +

<matrix> + <constant>

<constant> + <matrix>

Add a constant with each element of the matrix.

Operator: +

<matrix> + <num. vec.>

<num. vec.> + <matrix>

Add term by term the numerical vector and the matrix. The matrix must contain only one column.

Operator: *

<matrix> * <matrix>

Multiply term by term two matrices.

Operator: *

<matrix> * <constant>

<constant> * <matrix>

Multiply a constant with each element of the matrix.

Operator: *

<matrix> * <num. vec.>

<num. vec.> * <matrix>

Multiply term by term the numerical vector and the matrix. The matrix must contain only one column.

Operator: -

<matrix> - <matrix>

Substract term by term two matrices.

Operator: -

<matrix> - <constant>

<constant> - <matrix>

Subtract a numerical constant with each element of the matrix.

Operator: -

<matrix> - <num. vec.>

<num. vec.> - <matrix>

Subtract term by term the numerical vector and the matrix. The matrix must contain only one column.

Operator: /

<matrix> / <matrix>

Divide term by term two matrices.

Operator: /

<matrix> / <constant>

<constant> / <matrix>

Divide a numerical constant with each element of the matrix.

Operator: /

<matrix> / <num. vec.>

<num. vec.> / <matrix>

Divide term by term the numerical vector and matrix. The matrix must contain only one column.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.9 Conditions

Operator: ?()::


Return a real matrix which contains only the numbers 0 or 1. For each element of the array : if the condition at index i,j is true then <name> [i,j]=1 else <name> [i,j]=0

?(<condition>): <constant or matrix> tabvrai : <constant or matrix> tabfaux

Return a numerical vector which contains only the numbers 0 or 1.
For each element of the condition : if the condition at index i,j is true then <name> [i,j]=tabvrai[i,j] else <name> [i,j]=tabfaux[j]

All matrix must have the same size.

> mat1=matrixR[1,2,3:4,5,6:7,8,9];
mat1	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> mat2=matrixR[3,0,6:5,2,7:1,4,11];
mat2	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> q=?(mat1<=5);
q	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> writes(3*"%g "+"\n",q);
1 1 1 
1 1 0 
0 0 0 
> m = ?(mat1>2):mat2:-1;
m	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:3 ]
> writes(3*"%g "+"\n",m);
-1 -1 6 
5 2 7 
1 4 11 

Previous: , Up: Matrices numeriques   [Contents][Index]

11.10 Conversion

Operator: matrixR

matrixR( <object identifier> )

Return a real matrix with the object identifier. The object identifier may be an array, a numerical vector ou an array of numerical vectors. The object must contain only real numbers.

> _affc=1$
> // convert an array of numbers to a real matrix
> tab3=[1,2,3

tab3 [1:2, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 6

> mat3=matrixR(tab3);
mat3	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(mat3);
[   1	   2	   3]
[   4	   5	   6]
> // convert an numerical vector to a real matrix
> v2= 1,10;
 v2	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> mat2=matrixR(v2);
mat2	 double precision real matrix [ 1:10 , 1:1 ]
Operator: matrixC

matrixC( <object identifier> )

Return a complex matrix with the object identifier. The object identifier may be an array, a numerical vector ou an array of numerical vectors. The object must contain only complex numbers.

> _affc=1$
> // convert an array of numbers to a complex matrix
> tab3=[1+2*i,3+4*i,5

tab3 [1:2, 1:3 ]	number of elements = 6

> mat3=matrixC(tab3);
mat3	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:3 ]
> afftab(mat3);
[(1+i*2)	(3+i*4)	   5]
[   2	(0+i*4)	(-7+i*2)]
> // convert an numerical vector to a complex matrix
> v2 = 1,10$
> v2 = exp(I*v2);
 v2	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =10
> mat2 = matrixC(v2);
mat2	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:10 , 1:1 ]
Operator: vnumR

vnumR( <matrix> )

Return a real vector from the matrix. The matrix must have a single column.

> // convert a real matrix to a real vector
> mat1=matrixR[2:3:5];
mat1	 double precision real matrix [ 1:3 , 1:1 ]
> v1=vnumR(mat1);
 v1	 double precision real vector : number of elements =3
> writes(v1);
Operator: vnumC

vnumC( <matrix> )

Return a real vector from the matrix. The matrix must have a single column.

> // convert a complex matrix to a complex vector
> mat1=matrixC[1+2*i:4*i:-7+2*i];
mat1	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:3 , 1:1 ]
> v1=vnumC(mat1);
 v1	 Double precision complex vector : number of elements =3
> writes(v1);
+1.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+4.0000000000000000E+00	
-7.0000000000000000E+00	+2.0000000000000000E+00	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

12 Graphics

TRIP requires the following versions of gnuplot to work :

TRIP requires the following versions of grace to work :

The commands plot, replot, plotf, plotps, plotps_end and plotreset use grace or gnuplot depending on the global variable _graph (see _graph).

Next: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.1 plot

Procedure: plot

plot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY);

plot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options);

Executes gnuplot or grace and plots the contents of the numerical vector TY function of TX.

The string options is directly sent to gnuplot or grace as an argument of the command plot.

If the string options contains double-quotes, two double-quotes must be used.

Remarks : Temporary files are created and will be destroyed at the end of the session.

Procedure: plot

plot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ);

plot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options);

Executes gnuplot or grace and plots in 3D the contents of the numerical vector TZ function of TY and TX.

Procedure: plot

plot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY);

plot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options);

It executes gnuplot or grace if necessary. It sends to gnuplot or grace the command cmd and plots the contents of the numerical vector TY function of TX.

Procedure: plot

plot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ);

plot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options);

It executes gnuplot or grace if necessary. It sends to gnuplot or grace the command cmd and plots in 3D the contents of the numerical vector TZ function of TY and TX.

Procedure: plot

plot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY), ... );

plot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options), ...);

Executes gnuplot or grace and overlays all draws of each couplet with plotting the contents of the numerical vector TY function of TX.

Procedure: plot

plot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ), ...);

plot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options), ...);

Executes gnuplot or grace and overlays all draws of each triplet with plotting in 3D the contents of the numerical vector TZ function of TY and TX. session.

Procedure: plot

plot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY), ...);

plot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options), ...);

It executes gnuplot or grace if necessary. It sends to gnuplot or grace the command cmd and plots the contents of each couplet of the numerical vector TY function of TX.

Procedure: plot

plot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ), ...);

plot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options), ...);

It executes gnuplot or grace if necessary. It sends to gnuplot or grace the command cmd and plots in 3D the contents of each triplet of the vectors TZ function of TY and TX.

Tracer cos(x) pour x=-pi à pi avec un pas de pi/100.
> x=-pi,pi,pi/100;
x    Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> y=cos(x);
y    Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> plot(x,y);
> plot(x,y,cos(x));
> plot(x,y,"notitle w points pt 5");
> plot(x,y,"title ""x,cos(x)"" ");
> t=1,10;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
>  plot("set xrange[2:5]",t,log(t));

> t=0,pi,pi/100;
> vnumR ta[1:3];
> ta[1]=cos(t);
> ta[2]=sin(t);
> ta[3]=cosh(t);
> dim nom[1:3];
> nom[1]="title 'cos' w l";
> nom[2]="title 'sin' w l";
> nom[3]="title 'cosh' w l";
> plot((t,ta,nom));

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.2 replot

Procedure: replot

replot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY);

replot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options);

replot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ);

replot(<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options);

replot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY);

replot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options);

replot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ);

replot(<string> cmd, <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options);

replot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY), ... );

replot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options), ...);

replot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ), ...);

replot( (<(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options), ...);

replot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY), ...);

replot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) string> options), ...);

replot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ), ...);

replot(<string> cmd, ( <(array of) real vec.> TX, <(array of) real vec.> TY, <(array of) real vec.> TZ, <(array of) string> options), ...);

This command is very similar to the command plot but it overlays the draws on the previous draws.

It uses the same arguments as the command plot (see plot).

Procedure: replot


Executes gnuplot or grace and send a command to redraw all graphics.

Tracer cos(x) et sin(x) pour x=-pi à pi avec un pas de pi/100
dans la même fenêtre.               
> x=-pi,pi,pi/100;
x    Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> y=cos(x);
y    Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> y1=sin(x);
y1   Tableau de reels : nb reels =200
> plot(x,y);
> replot(x,y1);
> plot(x,y,y1);
> replot(x,y,sin(2.*x));
> replot(x,sin(x),"notitle");
> replot(x,y,"w points pt 5");

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.3 plotf

Procedure: plotf

plotf(<filename> filename, <integer> ncolTX, <integer> ncolTY);

It executes gnuplot or grace and plots the contents of the column ncolTY function of ncolTX in the file filename.

Procedure: plotf

plotf(<filename> filename, <integer> ncolTX, <integer> ncolTY, <integer> ncolTZ);

It executes gnuplot or grace and plots the contents of the column ncolTZ function of ncolTY and ncolTX in the file filename.

gnuplot will ignore lines beginning by the character #.

Afficher la troisieme colonne en fonction de la première colonne du
fichier tab.out
> plotf(tab.out,1,3);
Afficher la troisieme colonne en fonction de la première et deuxième
colonne du fichier tab.out
> plotf(tab.out,1,2,3);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.4 plotps

Procedure: plotps

plotps <filename> ;

It executes gnuplot or grace and set the terminal of gnuplot or grace in postscript.

All graphics will be stored in the specified postscript file. This file will be located in the folder specified by _path.

To close the postscript file, the command plotps_end must be executed.

Tracer cos(x) pour x=-pi à pi avec un pas de pi/100
et le stocker dans le fichier

> x=-pi,pi,pi/100;
x    nb elements réels =200
> y=cos(x);
y    nb elements réels =200
> plotps;
> plot(x,y);
> plotps_end;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.5 plotps_end

Procedure: plotps_end


Close the file created by plotps.

For gnuplot, it sets the terminal to its default value.

Remarks :

Tracer cos(x) pour x=-pi à pi avec un pas de pi/100
et le stocker dans le fichier

> x=-pi,pi,pi/100;
x    nb elements réels =200
> y=cos(x);
y    nb elements réels =200
> plotps;
> plot(x,y);
> plotps_end;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.6 plotreset

Procedure: plotreset


Send a command to reinitialize gnuplot or grace.

For gnuplot, it sends the command reset.

For grace, it sends the command new followed with redraw.

> _graph=grace;
                _graph      = grace
> t=0,10;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =11
> plot(t,t);
> plotreset;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.7 gnuplot

Procedure: gnuplot


<gnuplot command>

<gnuplot command>@<string> @<gnuplot command>

%<trip command> \

<trip command>


An alternative syntax to gnuplot; ... end; is gnuplot; ... gnuplot_end; .

TRIP takes the gnuplot commands and sends them to gnuplot (line after line). Gnuplot is executed if it wasn’t started. The prompt becomes ‘gnuplot>’ when the user could enter the gnuplot commands.

When the first character is %, then the end of this line is one or more commands trip. This trip command could follow on several lines : the last character must be \ to indicates that the command follows on the next line.

Strings declared in trip could be send to gnuplot by surrounding with the character @.

> gnuplot;
gnuplot> plot 'tftf' using 1:3
gnuplot> set xrange[1:10]
gnuplot> replot
gnuplot> end$
> > 
> gnuplot;
gnuplot> set terminal macintosh singlewin
Terminal type set to 'macintosh'
Options are 'nogx singlewin novertical'

gnuplot> %plot(t,log(t),"notitle");

gnuplot> %replot(t,exp(t),"notitle \
w points pt 5");

gnuplot> set terminal macintosh multiwin
Terminal type set to 'macintosh'
Options are 'nogx multiwin novertical'
> ch="title 'sinus'";
ch = "title 'sinus'"
> gnuplot;
gnuplot> plot sin(x) @ch@
gnuplot> end;

Previous: , Up: Graphiques   [Contents][Index]

12.8 grace

Procedure: grace


<commande grace>

<commande grace>@<string> @<commande grace>

%<commande trip> \

<commande trip>


TRIP takes the grace commands and sends them to grace (line after line). Grace is executed if it wasn’t started. The prompt becomes ‘grace>’ when the user could enter the grace commands.

WHen the first character is %, then the end of this line is one or more commands trip. This trip command could follow on several lines : the last character must be \ to indicates that the command follows on the next line.

Strings declared in trip could be send to grace by surrounding with the character @.

> grace;
grace> grace> with g0
grace> read block "/USER/toto"
grace> block xy "1:2"
grace> read block "/USER/toto"
grace> block xy "1:3"
grace> redraw
grace> title "2courbes"
grace> %t=1,10;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
grace> %msg "deux lignes\
fin deligne";
deux lignesfin deligne
grace> end;
> >

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

13 Communications

TRIP have different communication tools :

TRIP communicates with other computer algebra systems on the same computer. These computer algebra systems must be able to import and export computations using the MathML 2.0 protocol.

A global common session is avaible for each computer algebra system. Several different session for each computer algebra system may be defined.

Next: , Up: Communications   [Contents][Index]

13.1 Maple

TRIP communicates with Maple1 on all operating systems which could run maple.

The required version of maple must be equal or greater than 11.

Next: , Up: Communications avec Maple   [Contents][Index]

13.1.1 maple_put

Procedure: maple_put

maple_put( <object identifier> id);

Send the object identifier to the global maple session. This starts maple if it isn’t running.

> _affdist=1$
> s=1+x;
s(x) =    1 +  x
> maple_put(s);
> maple;
> s;
                                     1 + x
> end;
Procedure: maple_put

maple_put( <Maple client> session , <object identifier> id);

Send the object identifier to the maple session specified by session, which must be started previously.

> _affdist=1$
> fm=maple;
> z:=1;
                                     z := 1
> end;
> s=1+x;
s(x) =    1 +  x
> maple_put(fm,s);
> maple(fm);
> z+s;
                                     2 + x
> end;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Communications avec Maple   [Contents][Index]

13.1.2 maple_get

Procedure: maple_get

maple_get( <object identifier> id);

Get the value of an object identifier from the global Maple session.

> _affdist=1$
> maple;
> s:=1+y;
                                   s := 1 + y
> end;
> maple_get(s);
> s;
s(y) =    1 +  y
Procedure: maple_get

maple_get( <Maple client> session , <object identifier> id);

Get the value of an object identifier from the specified Maple session.

> _affdist=1$
> fm=maple;
> s:=1+y;
                                   s := 1 + y
> end;
> maple_get(fm, s);
> s;
s(y) =    1 +  y

Previous: , Up: Communications avec Maple   [Contents][Index]

13.1.3 maple

Procedure: maple


<commande maple>

%<commande maple> \

<commande maple>

%<commande trip> \

<commande trip>


TRIP accepts maple commands and send them to the global Maple session (line after line). maple will be started if the global session is not already started. The prompt becomes ‘maple>’ when you could enter maple commands.

This maple command could continue on several lines : To continue the command on a new line, the last character of the line must be a \ .

If the first character is a %, then the end of the line will be considered as a TRIP command and not as a maple command. This TRIP command could continue on several lines : To continue the command on a new line, the last character of the line must be a \ .

The function maple_get retrieves objects (series, vectors, ...) from maple. The command maple_put sends objects to maple.

> maple;
> s:=gcd((x+1)*(x-1),(x-1));
                                   s := x - 1
> %maple_get(s);
> %s;
s(x) = 
 -                       1
 +                       1*x
> end;
Function: maple

<Maple client> = maple;

<commande maple>


This command is similar to the previous one but it starts a new session every time. It returns an object which specifies the session for the commands maple_put and maple_get.

An existing session could be continued by the command maple(<Maple client> ); ... end; .

The session may be closed by the command delete( <Maple client> );.

Function: maple

maple( <Maple client> );

<commande maple>


This command continues the existing session.

> fm=maple;
> f:=gcd((x+1)*(x-1),(x-1));
                                   f := x - 1
> g:=f+2;
                                   g := x + 1
> end;
> maple_get(fm,g);
> delete(fm);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Communications   [Contents][Index]

13.2 Mathematica

TRIP communicates with Mathematica2 on all operating systems which could run mathematica.

The required version of mathematica must be equal or greater than 9.

Next: , Up: Communications avec Mathematica   [Contents][Index]

13.2.1 mathematica_put

Procedure: mathematica_put

mathematica_put( <object identifier> id);

Send the object identifier to the global mathematica session. This starts mathematica if it isn’t running.

> _affdist=1$
> s=1+x;
s(x) =    1 +  x
> mathematica_put(s);
> mathematica;
> s
1 + x
> end;
Procedure: mathematica_put

mathematica_put( <Mathematica client> session , <object identifier> id);

Send the object identifier to the mathematica session specified by session, which must be started previously.

> _affdist=1$
> fm=mathematica;
> z:=1;
> end;
> s=1+x;
s(x) =    1 +  x
> mathematica_put(fm,s);
> mathematica(fm);
> z+s;
> end;

Next: , Previous: , Up: Communications avec Mathematica   [Contents][Index]

13.2.2 mathematica_get

Procedure: mathematica_get

mathematica_get( <object identifier> id);

Get the value of an object identifier from the global mathematica session.

> _affdist=1$
> mathematica;
> s:=1+y;
> end;
> mathematica_get(s);
> s;
s(y) =    1 +  y
Procedure: mathematica_get

mathematica_get( <Mathematica client> session , <object identifier> id);

Get the value of an object identifier from the specified Mathematica session.

> _affdist=1$
> fm=mathematica;
> s:=1+y;
> end;
> mathematica_get(fm, s);
> s;
s(y) =    1 +  y

Previous: , Up: Communications avec Mathematica   [Contents][Index]

13.2.3 mathematica

Procedure: mathematica


<commande mathematica>

%<commande mathematica> \

<commande mathematica>

%<commande trip> \

<commande trip>


TRIP accepts mathematica commands and send them to the globale session of Mathematica (line after line). mathematica will be started if the global session not already started. The prompt becomes ‘mathematica>’ when you could enter mathematica commands.

This mathematica command could continue on several lines : To continue the command on a new line, the last character of the line must be a \ .

If the first character is a %, then the end of the line will be considered as a TRIP command and not as a mathematica command. This TRIP command could continue on several lines : To continue the command on a new line, the last character of the line must be a \ .

The function mathematica_get retrieves objects (series, vectors, ...) from mathematica. The command mathematica_put sends objects to mathematica.

> mathematica;
> s=PolynomialGCD[(x+1)*(x-1),(x-1)]
-1 + x
> %mathematica_get(s);
> %s;
s(x) = 
 -                       1
 +                       1*x
> end;
Function: mathematica

<Mathematica client> = mathematica;

<commande mathematica>


This command is similar to the previous one but it starts a new session every time. It returns an object which specifies the session for the commands mathematica_put and mathematica_get.

An existing session could be continued by the command mathematica(<Mathematica client> ); ... end; .

The session may be closed by the command delete(<Mathematica client> );.

Function: mathematica

mathematica(<Mathematica client> );

<commande mathematica>


This command continues the existing session.

> fm=mathematica;
> f=PolynomialGCD[(x+1)*(x-1),(x-1)]
-1 + x
> g=f+2
1 + x
> end;
> mathematica_get(fm,g);
> delete(fm);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Communications   [Contents][Index]

13.3 Communications with other computer algebra systems

TRIP communicates with other computer algebra systems on the same or remote computer. These computer algebra systems must be able to compatible with the "Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol" (SCSCP) version 1.3 ( It supports the OpenMath symbols from the scscp1 content dictionary ( and from the scscp2 content dictionary ( The list of OpenMath content dictionary is given in the appendice (see Supported OpenMath Content Dictionaries).

Multiple connections could be opened at the same time. TRIP could run in client or server mode.

Before using any functions from this module, you must execute the following command in the TRIP session. This command defines many subroutines which contain the definition of the Openmath symbols.

include libscscpserver.t;

Next: , Up: Communications avec les autres systemes de calcul formel   [Contents][Index]

13.3.1 SCSCP server

In order to start the SCSCP server of TRIP, you should execute the following command in a TRIP session :

include libscscpserver.t;
port = 26133;

The value of the variable of port may be changed. The default is 26133 for SCSCP servers.

The global variables of TRIP, such as _modenum, could be modified before starting the SCSCP server.

The file libscscpserver.t exports some symbols from the standard OpenMath content dictionaries. New symbols could be exported to add new functionalities to the SCSCP server. The function scscp_map_macroassymbolcd, defined in the file libscscpserver.t, must be used.

Procedure: scscp_map_macroassymbolcd

scscp_map_macroassymbolcd(<string> macroname, <string> cdname, <string> symbolname );

Associate the symbol symbolname of the content dictionary cdname with the macro macroname. When this symbol is found by theSCSCP server or the SCSCP client in a exchanged message, then this macro is executed.

include libscscpserver.t;
macro myscscp_evalmul[P1, P2, value] 
  q=evalnum(P1*P2,REAL, (x,t));
  return q[1]; 
%scscp_runserver[26133]; scscp_disable_cd

see scscp_disable_cd. Content dictionary scscp_transient_1

The SCSCP server of TRIP allow the following operations through the content dictionary scscp_transient_1 :

> with(SCSCP):
> with(Client):
> cookie := StorePersistent("localhost:26133", x*y+1);
       cookie := "TempOID1@localhost:26133"

> Retrieve("localhost:26133", cookie);
Error, (in SCSCP:-Client:-ExtractAnswer) unsupported_CD, <OMS cd = 'polyr' name = 'term'/>
> CallService("localhost", "scscp_transient_1", 
              "serverdisablecd", ["polyr"]):                
> CallService("localhost", "scscp_transient_1", 
              "serverdisablecd", ["polyu"]):                
>  Retrieve("localhost:26133", cookie);
            1.0000000000000000 + 1.0000000000000000 x y

Previous: , Up: Communications avec les autres systemes de calcul formel   [Contents][Index]

13.3.2 SCSCP client

TRIP communicates with other computer algebra systems providing a SCSCP server.

Next: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_connect

Function: <scscp client> scscp_connect

scscp_connect(<string> computername, <integer> port );

Connect to the computer algebra system on the remote computer using the specified port. This function returns an scscp client object which manages that connection.

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> scscp_close(sc);
> stat(sc);
client SCSCP sc : deconnecte 

Next: , Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_close

Procedure: scscp_close

scscp_close(<scscp client> sc );

Close the connection to the computer algebra system specified by sc.

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> scscp_close(sc);
> stat(sc);
client SCSCP sc : deconnecte 

Next: , Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_put

Function: <remote object> scscp_put

scscp_put( <scscp client> sc, <operation> x );

scscp_put( <scscp client> sc, <operation> x, <string> storeoption );

Send the object identifier x to the computer algebra system using the scscp client sc, previously opened with scscp_connect. This function returns a remote object.

If storeoption isn’t specified, then its value is "persistent".

The string storeoption must be one of the following values :

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> r=1+x;
r(x) = 
 +                       1*x

> remoter=scscp_put(sc, r);
remoter  = objet distant "TempOID1@localhost:26133"
> scscp_close(sc);

Next: , Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_get

Function: scscp_get

scscp_get( <remote object> remoteobjectid );

Get the value of the object identifier from the remote computer algebra system using the object remoteobjectid, previously returned by scscp_put.

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> s=(1+x+y)**2;
s(x,y) = 
 +                       2*y
 +                       1*y**2
 +                       2*x
 +                       2*x*y
 +                       1*x**2

> remoteS = scscp_put(sc, s);
remoteS  = objet distant "TempOID1@localhost:26133"
> q=scscp_get(remoteS);
q(x,y) = 
 +                       2*y
 +                       1*y**2
 +                       2*x
 +                       2*x*y
 +                       1*x**2

> scscp_close(sc);

Next: , Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_delete

Procedure: scscp_delete

scscp_delete( <remote object> remoteobjectid );

Destroy the value of the object identifier from the remote computer algebra system using the object remoteobjectid, previously returned by scscp_put.

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> s=(1+x+y)**2;
s(x,y) = 
 +                       2*y
 +                       1*y**2
 +                       2*x
 +                       2*x*y
 +                       1*x**2

> remoteS = scscp_put(sc, s);
remoteS  = objet distant "TempOID1@localhost:26133"
> delete(remoteS);
> scscp_close(sc);

Next: , Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_execute

Procedure: scscp_execute

scscp_execute( <scscp client> sc, <string> returnoption , <string> CDname , <string> remotecommand , <operation> , ... );

It executes the command remotecommand of the OpenMath CD CDname on the remote computer algebra system specified by sc. The parameters are specified just after the name of the command.

The string returnoption must be one of the following values :

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> q = scscp_execute(sc,"object", "SCSCP_transcient_1", "SCSCP_MUL", 1+7*x,2+3*x);
q(x) = 
 +                      17*x
 +                      21*x**2

> qr = scscp_execute(sc,"cookie", "SCSCP_transcient_1", "SCSCP_MUL", 1+7*x,2+3*x);
qr  = objet distant "TempOID6@localhost:26133"
> scscp_close(sc);

Previous: , Up: client SCSCP   [Contents][Index] scscp_disable_cd

Procedure: scscp_disable_cd

scscp_disable_cd( <string> CDname , );

It disable the content dictionary CDname. This dictionary will not be used for the OpenMath output and for the communication with the remote computer algebra system.

> include libscscpserver.t;
Loading the SCSCP client/server library...
Registering the OpenMath CD...
> port=26133;
port =                   26133
> sc=scscp_connect("localhost", port);
sc  = client SCSCP connecte au serveur SCSCP localhost
> scscp_disable_cd("polyr");
> scscp_disable_cd("polyu");
> s=(1+x+y)**2$
> q=scscp_put(sc, s);
q  = objet distant "TempOID1@localhost:26133"
> scscp_close(sc);

Previous: , Up: Communications   [Contents][Index]

13.4 Dynamic library

TRIP can load a dynamic library and execute functions of this library. The dynamic libraries have the extensions .so, .dll, .dylib depending on the operating system. The function prototypes is required in order to perform the conversion of the parameters.

Next: , Up: Librairie dynamique   [Contents][Index]

13.4.1 extern_function

Procedure: extern_function

extern_function( <filename> filelib, <string> declfunc);

extern_function( <filename> filelib, <string> declfunc, <string> declinout);

It loads the dynamic library filelib. It adds the specific extension (.dll, .so, .dylib) of the operating system. It checks the availability of the function in this library. The function could be called as any other standard function of TRIP.

It checks the validity of the prototype of the function specified by declfunc. The prototype must be written in C language. The implementation function could be written in another language (fortran, ...).

If the dynamic library depends on other libraries , then it requires to load the other libraries with the command extern_lib.

By default, all arguments are input only. To specify that arguments are input-output, it must be specified in the string declinout. This string must contain the same number of elements as the number of parameter of the function. Each element are separated with a comma. An element could have the following values :

For output arguments, an object identifier must be given to the function to get the value.

Remarks : the function could not have structure or derived type.

> extern_function("libm", "double j0(double);");
> r = j0(0.5);
r =      0.9384698072408129
/* Appel de sa propre librairie libtest1 contenant test1.c */
> !"cat test1.c";
#include <math.h>

double mylog1p(double x)
 return log1p(x);

void mylog1parray(double tabdst[], double tabsrc[], int n)
 int i;
 for(i=0; i<n; i++) tabdst[i]=log1p(tabsrc[i]);
> extern_function(libtest1,"double mylog1p(double x);");
> mylog1p(10);
> log(11);
> extern_function(libtest1,
    "void mylog1parray(double tabdst[], double tabsrc[], int n);",
> t=1,10;
t        Tableau de reels : nb reels =10
> vnumR res; resize(res,10);
> mylog1parray(res,t,10);
> writes(t,res);
+1.0000000000000000E+00 +6.9314718055994529E-01
+2.0000000000000000E+00 +1.0986122886681098E+00
+3.0000000000000000E+00 +1.3862943611198906E+00
+4.0000000000000000E+00 +1.6094379124341003E+00
+5.0000000000000000E+00 +1.7917594692280550E+00
+6.0000000000000000E+00 +1.9459101490553132E+00
+7.0000000000000000E+00 +2.0794415416798357E+00
+8.0000000000000000E+00 +2.1972245773362196E+00
+9.0000000000000000E+00 +2.3025850929940459E+00
+1.0000000000000000E+01 +2.3978952727983707E+00

Next: , Previous: , Up: Librairie dynamique   [Contents][Index]

13.4.2 extern_lib

Procedure: extern_lib

extern_lib( <filename> filelib);

Load the dynamic library filelib. It adds the specific extension (.dll, .so, .dylib) of the operating system. This function is used to load librairies required by other librairies.

> extern_lib("libm");
> extern_function("libm", "double j0(double);");
> r = j0(0.5);
r =      0.9384698072408129

Next: , Previous: , Up: Librairie dynamique   [Contents][Index]

13.4.3 extern_type

Procedure: extern_type

extern_lib( <string> type);

Declares an external type type. The external functions can use or return pointer to objects of this type. type could be a C data structure whose fields may be read or modified.

> extern_type("t_calcephbin");
> extern_function("libcalceph",
                  "t_calcephbin* calceph_open(const char *filename);");
> eph = calceph_open("inpop06c_m100_p100_littleendian.dat");

Previous: , Up: Librairie dynamique   [Contents][Index]

13.4.4 extern_display

Procedure: extern_display


Display the list of external types or functions previously loaded with the command extern_function or extern_type.

> extern_function("libm", "double j0(double);");
> extern_function("libm", "double j1(double);");
> extern_display;
Liste des fonctions externes :
double j1(double);
double j0(double);

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14 Macros

Next: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.1 Declaration

Procedure: macro

macro <name> [ <list of parameters> ] { <body> };

macro <name> { <body> };

MACRO <name> [ <list of parameters> ] { <body> };

MACRO <name> { <body> };

private macro <name> [ <list of parameters> ] { <body> };

private macro <name> { <body> };

Define a macro with 0 or more parameter and a body of trip code.

The list of parameters are separated by a comma. The parameter must a name. There is no limitation with the number of parameters. The macros support recursivity but a limit exists (often 70 times).

The last parameter could be ... to specify that this macro could receive one or more optional argument when it’s called. To access to each optional argument, the keyword macro_optargs[] is used. To acces to the optional argument of index j, you just write macro_optargs[j]. To know the number of provided optional argument, the function size(macro_optargs) must be used.

The values corresponding to the ... could be given as an argument to the execution of a macro using macro_optargs.

The execution of the macro could be immediately stopped using the stop command (see stop).

The macro may define local object identifiers, See private.

The visibility of a macro is restricted to the source file which contains it if the declaration is prefixed by the keyword private. Only other macros of the same file can call it.

The following example shows the definition of a macro a which assigns to r the sum of x and y. x and y are transmitted by arguments. The macro b displays the contents of the current directory.

> macro a [x,y] 
{r = x+y;};
> macro b { ! "ls";};
> macro macvar[x,y,...]
 l = size(macro_optargs);
 msg("number of optional argument %g\n", l);  
 for j=1 to l { msg("The optional argument %g :", j); macro_optargs[j]; }; 
> %macvar[P1,P2];
s(P1,P2) = 
 +                       1*P1

l =                       0
number of optional argument 0
> %macvar[P1,P2,"arg1", 3,5, 7];
s(P1,P2) = 
 +                       1*P1

l =                       4
number of optional argument 4
The optional argument 1 :macro_optargs[1] = "arg1"
The optional argument 2 :macro_optargs[2] =                       3
The optional argument 3 :macro_optargs[3] =                       5
The optional argument 4 :macro_optargs[4] =                       7

> macro macopt[x,y,...]
   %macvar[x, macro_optargs];

Next: , Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.2 Execution

opérateur: %

% <name> [ <list of parameters> ];

% <name> ;

Execute a macro. The list of parameters is a list of parameters separated by a comma.

The parameters can be object identifier, series (result of a computation), strings of characters, arrays or numerical vectors.

The parameter can be transmitted by value or reference.

Parameters given by value can only be a result of a computation, strings of characters, arrays or numerical vectors.

Parameters given by reference can be any object identifier or an element of array. To give a parameter by reference, it must be surrounded with additional brackets []. In this case, the object identifier can be modified or created during the execution of the macro.

The execution of the macro returns a value if the command return has been called in the body of the macro. The execution of the macro continues after the command return.

The execution of the macro could be immediately stopped using the stop command (see stop).

Execution of the macro a and b:

> %a[1,5+3*6];
/*ou si S = x + y*/
> %a[S,5];
Usage des chaines de caractères:
> macro nomfichier[name,j] {msg name + str(j);};
> %nomfichier["file_",2];
> ch="file_1.2.";
ch = "file_1.2."
> %nomfichier[ch,3];

Remarks : The parameters (x,y,...) keep their values. To give an expression, it mustn’t be surrounded with brackets [].

 - Si x vaut z et que l'on applique la macro a, une fois la macro
   exécutée, x vaudra z. Alors que si x n'est pas défini, sa valeur 
   sera celle qu'il avait à la fin de l'exécution de la macro.
   Example :
            Si on veut ajouter à 'S' la variable 'x':
            > %a[S,[x]];
            et on aura r(x,y) = 1*y + 2*x
- Déclaration d'une matrice. L'identificateur R1 n'existe pas.
   /*creation d'une matrice */
   >macro matrix_create[_nom, _nbligne, _nbcol]
    dim _nom[0:_nbligne, 0: _nbcol];
    for iligne=1 to _nbligne { 
      for icol=1 to _nbcol {_nom[iligne,icol]=0$};};
    /*met le nb de ligne en 0,0 et met le nb de col en 0,1 */
    _nom[0, 0]=_nbligne$
    _nom[0, 1]=_nbcol$
  Le tableau sera alors crée et initialise.
  En sortie de la macro, _nom, _nbligne, _nbcol n'existeront plus.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]


Procedure: return

return (<operation> );

return <operation> ;

Return the result of an operation when the macro is executed.

The execution of the macro continues after the command return. Only the stop command stops the execution of the macro.

return (<operation> , <operation> , ...);

Return using an one-dimensional array the list of operations as the result of the execution of the macro. The first index of the array is 1.

> _affdist=1$
> macro func1 { s=1+y$ return s; };
> b=%func1;
b(y) =    1 +  y
> macro func2 { v=1,10$ ch="file1"$ return (v, ch); };
> (a, s)=%func2;
> a;
 a	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> s;
s = "file1"
> t=%func2;

t [1:2 ]	number of elements = 2

> afftab(t);
t[1] =  t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
t[2] = 	"file1"

Next: , Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.3 List of macros

Procedure: @


Display the list of the defined macros.

> @;
Voici le nom des macros que je connais:
a [x ,y ]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.4 Display the body

Procedure: affmac

affmac <macro>;

Display the body (trip code) of the macro.

> affmac b;
mon nom est : b

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14.5 Deletion

Next: , Up: Effacement   [Contents][Index]

14.5.1 effmac

Procedure: effmac

effmac <macro>;

Delete a macro.

> macro a[x] { return (x*2);};
> @;
Voici le nom des macros que je connais : 
a [ x]
> effmac a;
> @;
je ne connais aucune macro

Previous: , Up: Effacement   [Contents][Index]

14.5.2 effmacros

Procedure: effmacros


Remove all defined macros.

> macro a[x] { return (x*2);};
> macro b {!"ls";};
> @;
Voici le nom des macros que je connais : 
a [ x]
b []
> effmacros;
> @;
je ne connais aucune macro

Next: , Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.6 How to redefine a macro ?

We write a new macro using the command macro.

> macro a [n] {n;};
> @;
Voici le nom des macros que je connais:
a [n ]
> affmac a;
mon nom est : a

Previous: , Up: Macros   [Contents][Index]

14.7 How to save a macro ?

To save the macros on disk, the best solution is to use a text editor such as vi, emacs or nedit. The name of the file which contains trip code should be ended with .t .

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15 Loops and conditions

Next: , Up: Boucles et conditions   [Contents][Index]

15.1 Loops

Next: , Up: boucles   [Contents][Index]

15.1.1 while

Procedure: while

while (<condition> ) do { <body> };

Execute the body loop while the condition is true.

The while loop is more yielding than for loop because condition could be sophisticated. A while loop could be immediately stopped using the stop command. For the condition description, See condition.

The loop may define local object identifiers, See private. They will destroyed at the end of each iteration.

> // It displays the numbers from 1 to n:
> p=1$ 
> while(p<=5) do { p; p=p+1$ };
p =                          1
p =                          2
p =                          3
p =                          4
p =                          5

Next: , Previous: , Up: boucles   [Contents][Index]

15.1.2 for

Procedure: for

for <nom> = <real> to <real> { <body> };

for <nom> = <real> to <real> step <real> { <body> };

Execute the loop "for ... until ..." (similar to the for loop in pascal, C or fortran languages).

The argument after step is the loop step. A for loop could be immediately stopped using the stop command.

The loop may define local object identifiers, See private. They will destroyed at the end of each iteration.

Remarks :

> for p = 1 to 5 step 2  {p; };
p =                          1
p =                          3
p =                          5
> for p = 5 to -1 step -2 {p; };
p =                          5
p =                          3
p =                          1
p =                         -1

The loop for may be parallelized using the terminology OpenMP. TRIP does not parallelize the loop if global objets are written or if functions which modified the global state of TRIP are called. In these cases, a warning is printed.

If the keyword distribute is used, the parallelization is performed on all computing nodes if the application tripcluster runs this code.

Procedure: for

/*!trip omp parallel for */
<nom> = <real> to <real> { <body> };

Procedure: for

/*!trip omp parallel for distribute */
<nom> = <real> to <real> { <body> };

dim f[1:8];
// parallel execution
/*!trip omp parallel for */
for p = 1 to n {	f[p]=s/p$ };
utilisateur 00.119s  - reel 00.023s  - systeme 00.019s  - (594.73% CPU)
// sequential execution
for p = 1 to n { f[p]=s/p$ };
utilisateur 00.118s  - reel 00.116s  - systeme 00.008s  - (109.27% CPU)

Next: , Previous: , Up: boucles   [Contents][Index]

15.1.3 sum

Function: sum

sum <nom> = <real> to <real> { <body> };

sum <nom> = <real> to <real> step <real> { <body> };

Execute the loop "sum ... until ...". It replaces the for loop statement "s=0$ for j=1 to n { s=s+...$}". The value returned by the statement return is used for the summation.

The argument after step is the loop step. A sum loop could be immediately stopped using the stop command.

The loop may define local object identifiers, See private. They will destroyed at the end of each iteration.

Remarks :

> s=sum j=1 to 5  { return j; };
s =                      15
> s=sum j=1 to 10 step 2  { 
 if (mod(j,2)==0) then { return a; } else { return -a; }; 
s =                     -75

Next: , Previous: , Up: boucles   [Contents][Index]

15.1.4 prod

Function: sum

prod <nom> = <real> to <real> { <body> };

prod <nom> = <real> to <real> step <real> { <body> };

Execute the loop "prod ... until ...". It replaces the for loop statement "s=1$ for j=1 to n { s=s*...$}". The value returned by the statement return is used for the product.

The argument after step is the loop step. A prod loop could be immediately stopped using the stop command.

The loop may define local object identifiers, See private. They will destroyed at the end of each iteration.

Remarks :

> p = prod j = 1 to 10 { return j$ }; 
p =                    3628800

Previous: , Up: boucles   [Contents][Index]

15.1.5 stop

Procedure: stop


Immediately stops the execution of a for or while loop or of a macro.

Remarks : if stop is used outside a for or while loop or macro statement, a warning message is displayed but the execution continues.

for p = 1 to 5 { if (p>3) then {stop;} fi; p;};

Previous: , Up: Boucles et conditions   [Contents][Index]

15.2 condition

Next: , Up: condition   [Contents][Index]

15.2.1 if

Procedure: if

if (<condition>) then { <body> };

if (<condition>) then { <body> } else { <body> };

if (<condition>) then { <body> } fi; (obsolete statement)

Execute the first body (after the then statement) if the condition is true. The second body is executed if the condition is false.

> if (n == 2) then {msg "VRAI";} else {msg"FAUX";};
> n=2;
> if (( n >= 0) && (n < 3)) then {msg "VRAI";} else
             {msg "FAUX";};

Remarks : All object identifiers should be intialized before the execution of the condition. Because otherwise, uninitialized object identifiers will be created as variables and the condition will return false.

Next: , Previous: , Up: condition   [Contents][Index]

15.2.2 Comparison operators

Operator: !=

<operation> != <operation>

This test returns true if the two operations are not equal.

Remarks : the test could be performed on polynomials.

<real vec.> != <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> if (n != 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t!=r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t!=5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: ==

<operation> == <operation>

This test returns true if the two operations are equal.

If the two operands are the values NaN (not a number) , then the test returns false.

Remarks : the test could be performed on polynomials.

<real vec.> == <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> if (n == 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t==r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t==5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: <

<real> < <real>

This test returns true if the first real number is less than the second number.

<real vec.> < <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> n=3$
> if (n < 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t<r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t<5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: >

<real> > <real>

This test returns true if the first real number is greater than the second number.

<real vec.> > <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> n=3$
> if (n > 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t>r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t>5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: <=

<real> <= <real>

This test returns true if the first real number is less or equal than the second number.

<real vec.> <= <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> n=3$
> if (n <= 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t<=r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t<=5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: >=

<real> >= <real>

This test returns true if the first real number is greater or equal than the second number.

<real vec.> >= <real vec.>

This test could be used with the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction). It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

> n=3$
> if (n >= 2) then {} else {};
> // Condition between two vectors
> t = 0,10$
> r = 10,0,-1$
> q = ?(t>=r);
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q = ?(t>=5);              
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: &&

<condition> && <condition>

This test returns true if the two conditions are true.

This test could be apply on numerical vectors when the operator ?:: (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction) are used. It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

The test in parenthesis are required if the tests include several && and || .

> if ((x==2)&&(y==3)) then {} else {};
> // Example using two vectors
> t=0,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> r=10,0,-1;
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q=?((t>r) && (t!=5));
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
Operator: ||

<condition> || <condition>

This test returns true if at least one condition is true.

This test could be apply on numerical vectors when the operator (see Conditions) or the command select (see Extraction) are used. It returns a numerical vector which contains only 0 or 1. It compares each element of the two vectors. The numerical vector of real numbers must have the same size.

The test in parenthesis are required if the tests include several && and || .

> if ((x==2)||(y==3)) then {} else {};
> // Example using two vectors
> t=0,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> r=10,0,-1;
 r	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11
> q=?((t>r) || (t!=5));
 q	 double precision real vector : number of elements =11

Previous: , Up: condition   [Contents][Index]

15.2.3 switch

Procedure: switch

switch ( <operation> expr )


case <operation> : { <body> };

case <operation> , ..., <operation> : { <body> };

else { <body> }


The instruction switch control complex conditional on the same value and branching operations.

expr can be a string, a serie or a constant. The value of expr are tested successively with each value of the case statements with the operator ==. When expr is equal to one of the values of a case statement, the body statement after this case is executed. The statement else is executed if no case constant-expression is equal to the value of expr. The statement else { <body> } is optional and has no semi-column after its body.


switch( j ) 
    case -1  : { n=n+1; };
    case 0,1 : { z=z+1; };
    case "mystring" : { msg "j is a string"; };
    else { msg "j is invalid"; }

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16 Library

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16.1 Lapack

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16.1.1 AX=B Solution

Real case for general matrices, (see lapack_dgesv)

Real case for band matrices, (see lapack_dgbsv)

Real case for tridiagonal matrices, (see lapack_dgtsv)

Real case for symmetric matrices, (see lapack_dsysv)

Real case for symmetric definite positive matrices (see lapack_dposv)

Real case for symmetric definite positive band matrices (see lapack_dpbsv)

Real case for symmetric definite positive tridiagonal matrices (see lapack_dptsv)

Complex case for general matrices, (see lapack_zgesv)

Complex case for band matrices, (see lapack_zgbsv)

Complex case for tridiagonal matrices, (see lapack_zgtsv)

Complex case for symmetric matrices, (see lapack_zsysv)

Complex case for hermitian matrices, (see lapack_zhesv)

Complex case for hermitian definite positive matrices (see lapack_zposv)

Complex case for hermitian definite positive band matrices (see lapack_zpbsv)

Complex case for hermitian definite positive tridiagonal matrices (see lapack_zptsv)

Next: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgesv

lapack_dgesv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. It uses the LU decomposition.

More information available at

> // resolves a real system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a square matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
22.22,	-11.11:
-35.07,	78.01]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgesv(A, B)$
> afftab(S);
[ - 2]
[   4]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgbsv

lapack_dgbsv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is a band matrix of order N, and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. It uses the LU decomposition.

More information available at

> // resolves a real system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a square matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
-22.22,	0:
15.4,	-4.1];
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> B = matrixR[
B	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:1 ]
> S = lapack_dgbsv(A, B);
S	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);
[   4]
[ - 2]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgtsv

lapack_dgtsv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N tridiagonal matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of dgtsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
3.0,	2.1,	0,	0,	0:
3.4,	2.3,	-1.0,	0,	0:
0,	3.6,	-5.0,	1.9,	0:
0,	0,	7.0,	-0.9,	8.0:
0,	0,	0,	-6.0,	7.1]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgtsv(A, B);
S	 double precision real matrix [ 1:5 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);
[ - 4]
[   7]
[   3]
[ - 4]
[ - 3]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dsysv

lapack_dsysv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // resolves a real system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a symmetric matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
-1.81, 2 :
2, 1.15]$
> B = matrixR[
> S=lapack_dsysv(A,B)$
> afftab(S);
[   1]
[   1]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dposv

lapack_dposv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric positive definite matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // resolves a real system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a symmetric positive difinite matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = [
4.16,	-3.12:
-3.12,	5.03]$
> B = matrixR[
> S=lapack_dposv(A,B)$
> afftab(S);
[   1]
[ - 2]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dpbsv

lapack_dpbsv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric positive definite band matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of dpbsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
5.49,	2.68,	0,	0:
2.68,	5.63,	-2.39,	0:
0,	-2.39,	2.60,	-2.22:
0,	0,	-2.22,	5.17]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dpbsv(A, B);
AB	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:4 ]
S	 double precision real matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);
[   5]
[ - 2]
[ - 3]
[   1]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dptsv

lapack_dptsv(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a real system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of dptsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
4.0,	-2.0,	0,	0,	0:
-2.0,	10.0,	-6.0,	0,	0:
0,	-6.0,	29.0,	15.0,	0:
0,	0,	15.0,	25.0,	8.0:
0,	0,	0,	8.0,	5.0]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dptsv(A, B);
S	 double precision real matrix [ 1:5 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);
[   2.5]
[   2]
[   1]
[ - 1]
[   3]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgesv

lapack_zgesv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. It uses the LU decomposition.

A is a square matrix. B est une matrice.

On entry, A is a complex matrix of order N and B has N rows. More information available at

> // resolves a complex system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a square matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
1*i,	0:
0,	2*i]$
> B = matrixC[
> S=lapack_zgesv(A,B)$
> afftab(S);
[   7.37]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgbsv

lapack_zgbsv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is a band matrix of order N with KL subdiagonals and KU superdiagonals, and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. It uses the LU decomposition.

A is a band matrix. B est une matrice.

If A is diagonal, the call is equivalent to "lapack_zgesv(A,B);"

More information available

> // resolves a complex system of linear equations AX=B 
> // where A is a square matrix
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
-1.65+2.26*i,	-2.05-0.85*i,	0.97-2.84*i,	0:
6.30*i,	-1.48-1.75*i,	-3.99+4.01*i,	0.59-0.48*i:
0,	-0.77+2.83*i,	-1.06+1.94*i,	3.33-1.04*i:
0,	0,	4.48-1.09*i,	-0.46-1.72*i]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zgbsv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgtsv

lapack_zgtsv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N tridiagonal matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zgtsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
-1.3+1.3*i,	2-1*i,	0,	0,	0:
1-2*i,	-1.3+1.3*i,	2+1*i,	0,	0:
0,	1+i,	-1.3+3.3*i,	-1+i,	0:
0,	0,	2-3*i,	-0.3+4.3*i,	1-i:
0,	0,	0,	1+i,	-3.3+1.3*i]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zgtsv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:5 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zsysv

lapack_zsysv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N symmetric matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zsysv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
-0.56+0.12*i,	-1.54-2.86*i,	5.32-1.59*i,	3.80+0.92*i:
-1.54-2.86*i,	-2.83-0.03*i,	-3.52+0.58*i,	-7.86-2.96*i:
5.32-1.59*i,	-3.52+0.58*i,	8.86+1.81*i,	5.14-0.64*i:
3.80+0.92*i,	-7.86-2.96*i,	5.14-0.64*i,	-0.39-0.71*i]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zsysv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zhesv

lapack_zhesv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N hermitian matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zhesv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
-1.84,	0.11-0.11*i,	-1.78-1.18*i,	3.91-1.50*i:
0.11+0.11*i,	-4.63,	-1.84+0.03*i,	2.21+0.21*i:
-1.78+1.18*i,	-1.84-0.03*i,	-8.87,	1.58-0.90*i:
3.91+1.50*i,	2.21-0.21*i,	1.58+0.90*i,	-1.36]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zhesv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zposv

lapack_zposv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N hermitian positive definite matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zposv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
3.23,	1.51-1.92*i,	1.90+0.84*i,	0.42+2.50*i:
1.51+1.92*i,	3.58,	-0.23+1.11*i,	-1.18+1.37*i:
1.90-0.84*i,	-0.23-1.11*i,	4.09,	2.33-0.14*i:
0.42-2.50*i,	-1.18-1.37*i,	2.33+0.14*i,	4.29]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zposv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zpbsv

lapack_zpbsv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N hermitian positive definite band matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zpbsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
16,	16-16*i,	0,	0:
16+16*i,	41,	18+9*i,	0:
0,	18-9*i,	46,	1+4*i:
0,	0,	1-4*i,	21]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zpbsv(A, B);
AB	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:4 ]
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Previous: , Up: Resolution de AX=B   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zptsv

lapack_zptsv(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B)

It computes the solution to a complex system of linear equations AX=B, where A is an N-by-N hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices.

More information available at

> // example of zptsv routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
9.39,	1.08-1.73*i,	0,	0:
1.08+1.73*i,	1.69,	-0.04+0.29*i,	0:
0,	-0.04-0.29*i,	2.65,	-0.33+2.24*i:
0,	0,	-0.33-2.24*i,	2.17]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zptsv(A, B);
S	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:1 ]
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lapack   [Contents][Index]

16.1.2 Least Squares

Real case for general matrices, (see lapack_dgels)

Real case for general matrices, using the singular value decomposition (see lapack_dgelss)

Real case for the linear equality-constrained least squares (LSE) problems, (see lapack_dgglse)

Real case for Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problems, (see lapack_dggglm)

Complex case for general matrices, (see lapack_zgels)

Complex case for general matrices, using the singular value decomposition (see lapack_zgelss)

Complex case for the linear equality-constrained least squares (LSE) problems, (see lapack_zgglse)

Complex case for Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problems, (see lapack_zggglm)

Next: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgels

lapack_dgels(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<string> TRANS)

It solves overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems involving an M-by-N matrix A, or its transpose, using a QR or LQ factorization of A. It is assumed that A has full rank.

Four options are provided:

Output formats:

More information available at

> // real least squares problem: minimize ||B-A*X||
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
-3,	1:
1,	1:
4-7,	1:
5,	1]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgels(A, B, "N")$
> afftab(S);
[ - 15.7727]
[   41.5]
[   28.5243]
[ - 4.13405]
> // the residual squares sum can be obtained computing:
> // sqrt(S[3]**2+S[4]**2)
> resid=sqrt(S[3,1]**2+S[4,1]**2);
resid =    28.8223
> // minimum norm solution to the underdetermined system AX=B
> A = matrixR[
1,	2,	3,	4:
5,	6,	7,	8:
9,	10,	11,	12]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgels(A, B, "N")$
> afftab(S);
[   1]
[   2]
[   3]
[   4]
> // beware of the row number of the solution
> size(B);
> size(S);
> // minimum norm solution of an undetermined system A**T*X=B, 
> // where A**T is the transpose of A
> A = matrixR[
1,	5,	9:
2,	6,	10:
3,	7,	11:
4,	8,	12]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgels(A, B, "T")$
> afftab(S);
[   1]
[   2]
[   3]
[   4]
> // same here, beware of the row number of the solution
> size(B);
> size(S);
> // real least squares problem: minimize ||B-A**T*X||
> A = matrixR[
-3,	1,	-7,	5:
1,	1,	1,	1]$
> B = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgels(A, B, "T")$
> afftab(S);
[ - 12.1]
[   29.4]
[ - 6.80331]
[ - 4.23261]
> // the residual squares sum can be obtained computing:
> // sqrt(S[3]**2+S[4]**2)
> resid=sqrt(S[3,1]**2+S[4,1]**2);
resid =    8.01249

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgelss

lapack_dgelss(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<integer> RCOND)

It computes the minimum norm solution to a real linear least squares problem: Minimize || |B-A*X| || using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A. A is an M-by-Nmatrix which may be rank-deficient.

B has M rows. RCOND is the input precision. Assign -1 to RCOND enables machine precision computation.

Rows 1 to N of the output matrix contain the least squares solution vectors. If A has rank N and M>=N, then rows N+1 to M contain the residual squares.

More information available at

> // real least squares problem: minimize ||B-A*X||
> _affc=1$
> A = [
-0.09,	0.14,	-0.46,	0.68,	1.29:
-1.56,	0.20,	0.29,	1.09,	0.51:
-1.48,	-0.43,	0.89,	-0.71,	-0.96:
-1.09,	0.84,	0.77,	2.11,	-1.27:
0.08,	0.55,	-1.13,	0.14,	1.74:
-1.59,	-0.72,	1.06,	1.24,	0.34]$
> B = matrixR[
> // we use a 1.E-2 precision
> S = lapack_dgelss(A, B, 1E-2)$
> afftab(S);
[   0.634385]
[   0.969928]
[ - 1.44025]
[   3.36777]
[   3.39917]
[ - 0.00347521]
> // using machine precision
> S = lapack_dgelss(A, B, -1)$
> afftab(S);
[ - 0.799745]
[ - 3.28796]
[ - 7.47498]
[   4.93927]
[   0.767833]
[ - 0.00347521]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgglse

lapack_dgglse(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<real matrix> C ,<real matrix> D)

lapack_dgglse(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<real matrix> C ,<real matrix> D ,<object identifier> T ,<object identifier> R ,<object identifier> S)

It solves the linear equality-constrained least squares problem:

minimize || C - A*X || subject to B*X = D

where A is an M-by-N matrix, B is a P-by-N matrix, C is a given M-vector, and D is a given P-vector.

It is assumed that P <= N <= M+P, and

rank(B) = P and rank( (A) ) = N. ( (B) )

It uses a generalized QR factorization of matrices (B,A) where B = (0 R)*Q and A = Z*T*Q.

In the complete version of lapack_dgglse, you can get T, R and the residual squares vector S. S is M-N+P long.

More information available at

> // dgglse routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
1,	2:
3,	4:
5,	6]$
> B = matrixR[
2.50,	0.00:
0.00,	2.50]$
> C = matrixR[
> D = matrixR[
> S = lapack_dgglse(A,B,C,D)$
> afftab(S);
[   1.2]
[   1.6]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dggglm

lapack_dggglm(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<real matrix> D ,<object identifier> X ,<object identifier> Y) lapack_dggglm(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<real matrix> D ,<object identifier> X ,<object identifier> Y ,<object identifier> T ,<object identifier> R)

It solves a general Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problem:

minimize || Y ||_2 subject to D = A*X + B*Y X where A is an N-by-M matrix, B is an N-by-P matrix, and D is a given N-vector. It is assumed that M <= N <= M+P, rank(A) = M and rank(AB) = N.

It uses a generalized QR factorization of matrices (B,A) where B = Q*T*Z and A = Q*(R). (0)

In particular, if matrix B is square nonsingular, then the problem GLM is equivalent to the following weighted linear least squares problem

minimize || inv(B)*(D-A*X) ||_2 X where inv(B) denotes the inverse of B.

In the complete version of lapack_dggglm, you can get T and R.

More information available at

> // dggglm routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
7687,	13450.888:
9999,	15499.08:
7594,	12450.12]$
> B = matrixR[
2.50,	11.77:
7,	7:
12.00,	2.50]$
> D = matrixR[
> lapack_dggglm(A, B, D, X, Y)$
> afftab(X);
[   11.8512]
[ - 5.31511]
> afftab(Y);
[ - 200.172]
[   141.898]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgels

lapack_zgels(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<string> TRANS)

It solves overdetermined or underdetermined complex linear systems involving an M-by-N matrix A, or its conjuguate-transpose, using a QR or LQ factorization of A. It is assumed that A has full rank.

Four options are provided:

Formats de sortie:

More information available at

> // resolves a complex least square problem: minimize ||B-A*X||
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
-0.57,	-1.28,	-0.39,	0.25:
-1.93,	1.08,	-0.31,	-2.14:
2.30,	0.24,	0.40,	-0.35:
-1.93,	0.64,	-0.66,	0.08:
0.15,	0.30,	0.15,	-2.13:
-0.02,	1.03,	-1.43,	0.50]$
> B = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zgels(A, B, "N")$
> afftab(S);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgelss

lapack_zgelss(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<real> RCOND)

It computes the minimum norm solution to a complex linear least squares problem: Minimize || |B-A*X| || using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A. A is an M-by-Nmatrix which may be rank-deficient.

B has M rows. RCOND is the input precision. Assign -1 to RCOND enables machine precision computation.

Rows 1 to N of the output matrix contain the least squares solution vectors. If A has rank N and M>=N, then rows N+1 to M contain the residual squares.

More information available at

> // real least squares problem: minimize ||B-A*X||
> _affc=1$
> A = [
-0.09,	0.14,	-0.46,	0.68,	1.29:
-1.56,	0.20,	0.29,	1.09,	0.51:
-1.48,	-0.43,	0.89,	-0.71,	-0.96:
-1.09,	0.84,	0.77,	2.11,	-1.27:
0.08,	0.55,	-1.13,	0.14,	1.74:
-1.59,	-0.72,	1.06,	1.24,	0.34]$
> B = matrixC[
> // we use a 1.E-2 precision
> S = lapack_zgelss(A, B, 1E-2)$
> afftab(S);
> // using machine precision
> S = lapack_zgelss(A, B, -1)$
> afftab(S);
> // wrong result. Beware of the RCOND value

Next: , Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgglse

lapack_zgglse(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<complex matrix> C ,<complex matrix> D) lapack_zgglse(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<complex matrix> C ,<complex matrix> D ,<object identifier> T ,<object identifier> R ,<object identifier> S)

It solves the linear equality-constrained least squares problem:

minimize || C - A*X || subject to B*X = D

where A is an M-by-N matrix, B is a P-by-N matrix, C is a given M-vector, and D is a given P-vector.

It is assumed that P <= N <= M+P, and

rank(B) = P and rank( (A) ) = N. ( (B) )

It uses a generalized QR factorization of matrices (B,A) where B = (0 R)*Q and A = Z*T*Q.

In the complete version of lapack_zgglse, you can get T, R and the residual squares vector S. S is M-N+P long.

More information available at

> // zgglse routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
1,	2:
3,	4:
5,	6]$
> B = matrixC[
2.50*i,	0.00:
0.00,	2.50]$
> C = matrixC[
> D = matrixC[
> S = lapack_zgglse(A,B,C,D)$
> afftab(S);

Previous: , Up: Moindres Carres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zggglm

lapack_zggglm(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<complex matrix> D ,<object identifier> X ,<object identifier> Y) lapack_zggglm(<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<complex matrix> D ,<object identifier> X ,<object identifier> Y ,<object identifier> T ,<object identifier> R)

It solves a general Gauss-Markov linear model (GLM) problem:

minimize || Y ||_2 subject to D = A*X + B*Y X where A is an N-by-M matrix, B is an N-by-P matrix, and D is a given N-vector. It is assumed that M <= N <= M+P, rank(A) = M and rank(AB) = N.

It uses a generalized QR factorization of matrices (B,A) where B = Q*T*Z and A = Q*(R). (0)

In particular, if matrix B is square nonsingular, then the problem GLM is equivalent to the following weighted linear least squares problem

minimize || inv(B)*(D-A*X) ||_2 X where inv(B) denotes the inverse of B.

In the complete version of lapack_zggglm, you can get T and R.

More information available at

> // zggglm routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
7687,	13450.888:
9999,	15499.08:
7594,	12450.12]$
> B = matrixC[
2.50,	11.77*i:
7*i,	7:
12.00,	2.50]$
> D = matrixC[
> lapack_zggglm(A, B, D, X, Y)$
> afftab(X);
> afftab(Y);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lapack   [Contents][Index]

16.1.3 Factorizations

Real general case for QL factorization, (see lapack_dgeqrf)

Real general case for QL factorization, (see lapack_dgeqlf)

Real case for Cholesky factorization, (see lapack_dpotrf)

Complex general case for QL factorization, (see lapack_zgeqrf)

Complex case for Cholesky factorization, (see lapack_zpotrf)

Next: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgeqrf

lapack_dgeqrf(<real matrix> A ,<object identifier> Q ,<object identifier> R)

It computes a QR factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A:

A = Q*R.

More information available at

> // computes a QR factorization of a matrix A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
2,	3,	-1,	0,	20:
-6,	-5,	0,	2,	-33:
2,	-5,	6,	-6,	-43:
4,	6,	2,	-3,	49]$
> lapack_dgeqrf(A, Q, R)$
> afftab(Q);
[ - 0.258199	 - 0.182574	   0.208237	 - 0.925547]
[   0.774597	   0	 - 0.535468	 - 0.336563]
[ - 0.258199	   0.912871	 - 0.267734	 - 0.168281]
[ - 0.516398	 - 0.365148	 - 0.773453	   0.0420703]
> afftab(R);
[ - 7.74597	 - 6.45497	 - 2.32379	   4.64758	 - 44.9266]
[   0	 - 7.30297	   4.9295	 - 4.38178	 - 60.7972]
[   0	   0	 - 3.36155	   2.85583	 - 4.55148]
[   0	   0	   0	   0.210352	   1.89316]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgeqlf

lapack_dgeqlf(<real matrix> A ,<object identifier> Q ,<object identifier> L)

It computes a QL factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A:

A = Q*L.

We assume M >= N.

More information available at

> // computes a QL factorization of a matrix A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
2,	3,	-1,	0:
-6,	-5,	0,	2:
2,	-5,	6,	-6:
4,	6,	2,	-3:
20,	-33,	-43,	49]$
> lapack_dgeqlf(A, Q, L)$
> afftab(Q);
[   0.258503	 - 0.0987267	 - 0.446322	   0]
[ - 0.0598575	   0.395467	   0.782976	 - 0.0404061]
[ - 0.292516	 - 0.875179	   0.329003	   0.121218]
[ - 0.914354	   0.236816	 - 0.28182	   0.0606092]
[ - 0.089356	 - 0.108807	 - 0.00892644	 - 0.989949]
> afftab(L);
[ - 5.15342	   0	   0	   0]
[ - 5.54949	   7.11392	   0	   0]
[ - 6.2383	 - 8.29521	   2.24054	   0]
[ - 19.0717	   32.6279	   43.4164	 - 49.4975]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dpotrf

lapack_dpotrf(<real matrix> A )

It computes the Cholesky decomposition (L) of a real symmetric positive matrix A:

A = L*L**T

More information available at

> _affc=1$
> A=matrixR[4.16, -3.12 , 0.56,  -0.10:
 -3.12 ,  5.03 , -0.83 ,  1.18:
  0.56 , -0.83,   0.76 ,  0.34 :
 -0.10 ,  1.18 ,  0.34 ,  1.18 ];
A	 double precision real matrix [ 1:4 , 1:4 ]
> L=lapack_dpotrf(A);
L	 double precision real matrix [ 1:4 , 1:4 ]
> afftab(L);
[   2.03961	   0	   0	   0]
[ - 1.52971	   1.64012	   0	   0]
[   0.274563	 - 0.249981	   0.788749	   0]
[ - 0.049029	   0.67373	   0.661658	   0.534689]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgeqrf

lapack_zgeqrf(<complex matrix> A ,<object identifier> Q ,<object identifier> R)

It computes a QR factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A:

A = Q*R.

More information available at

> // computes a QR factorization of a matrix A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
1+i,	-5-i,	3+5*i:
0,	8*i,	27:
0,	0,	2+3*i]$
> lapack_zgeqrf(A, Q, R)$
> afftab(Q);
[(-0.707107-i*0.707107)	   0	   0]
[   0	(0-i*1)	   0]
[   0	   0	(-0.5547-i*0.83205)]
> afftab(R);
[ - 1.41421	(4.24264-i*2.82843)	(-5.65685-i*1.41421)]
[   0	 - 8	(0+i*27)]
[   0	   0	 - 3.60555]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgeqlf

lapack_zgeqlf(<complex matrix> A ,<object identifier> Q ,<object identifier> L)

It computes a QL factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A:

A = Q*L.

We assume M >= N.

More information available at

> // computes a QL factorization of a matrix A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
1+i,	0,	0:
-5-i,	8*i,	0:
3+5*i,	27,	2+3*i]$
> lapack_zgeqlf(A, Q, L)$
> afftab(Q);
[(-0.707107-i*0.707107)	   0	   0]
[   0	(0-i*1)	   0]
[   0	   0	(-0.5547-i*0.83205)]
> afftab(L);
[ - 1.41421	   0	   0]
[(1-i*5)	 - 8	   0]
[(-5.82435-i*0.27735)	(-14.9769+i*22.4654)	 - 3.60555]

Previous: , Up: Factorisations   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zpotrf

lapack_zpotrf(<complex matrix> A )

It computes the Cholesky decomposition (L) of a Hermitian, positive-definite matrix A:

A = L*L**H

where L**H is the conjugate-transpose of L

More information available at

>   A=matrixC[ 3.23+I* 0.00 , 1.51-I* 1.92 ,  1.90-I*-0.84 , 0.42-I*-2.50  :
  1.51+I* 1.92  ,  3.58+I* 0.00 ,  -0.23-I*-1.11 ,   -1.18-I*-1.37 :
  1.90+I*-0.84 ,  -0.23+I*-1.11  ,  4.09-I* 0.00 ,   2.33-I* 0.14  :
  0.42+I*-2.50 ,  -1.18+I*-1.37 ,   2.33+I* 0.14 ,   4.29+I* 0.00  ];
A	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:4 ]
>   L=lapack_zpotrf(A);
L	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:4 , 1:4 ]
>   afftab(L);
[         1.797220075561143	                         0	                         0	                         0]
[(     0.8401864749527325+i*      1.068316577423342)	         1.316353439509685	                         0	                         0]
[(      1.057188279741849-i*      0.467388502622712)	(    -0.4701749470106329+i*     0.3130658155999464)	         1.560392977137124	                         0]
[(      0.233694251311356-i*      1.391037210186643)	(    0.08335250923944196+i*    0.03676071443037474)	(     0.9359617337923402+i*     0.9899692192815739)	        0.6603332973655888]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Lapack   [Contents][Index]

16.1.4 Singular Value Decomposition

Real general case for SVD, (see lapack_dgesvd)

Real general case for SVD using Divide and Conquer algorithm, (see lapack_dgesdd)

Complex general case for SVD, (see lapack_zgesvd)

Complex general case for SVD using Divide and Conquer algorithm, (see lapack_zgesdd)

Next: , Up: Decompositions en Valeurs Singulieres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgesvd

lapack_dgesvd(<real matrix> A ,<object identifier> U ,<object identifier> SIGMA ,<object identifier> VT)

It computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real M-by-N matrix A : A = U*SIGMA*VT where U is the left singular vectors matrix, VT is the transpose matrix of the right singular vectors one, and the diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of A.

More information available at

> // DGESVD computes the singular values decomposition of A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
1,	2:
3,	4]$
> lapack_dgesvd(A, U, SIGMA, VT)$
> afftab(U);
[ - 0.404554	 - 0.914514]
[ - 0.914514	   0.404554]
> afftab(SIGMA);
[   5.46499	   0]
[   0	   0.365966]
> afftab(VT);
[ - 0.576048	 - 0.817416]
[   0.817416	 - 0.576048]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Decompositions en Valeurs Singulieres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgesdd

lapack_dgesdd(<real matrix> A ,<object identifier> U ,<object identifier> SIGMA ,<object identifier> VT)

It computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real M-by-N matrix A : A = U*SIGMA*VT where U is the left singular vectors matrix, VT is the transpose matrix of the right singular vectors one, and the diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of A.

It uses a divide and conquer algorithm.

More information available at

> // DGESDD computes the singular values decomposition of A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
1,	2:
3,	4]$
> lapack_dgesdd(A, U, SIGMA, VT)$
> afftab(U);
[ - 0.404554	 - 0.914514]
[ - 0.914514	   0.404554]
> afftab(SIGMA);
[   5.46499	   0]
[   0	   0.365966]
> afftab(VT);
[ - 0.576048	 - 0.817416]
[   0.817416	 - 0.576048]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Decompositions en Valeurs Singulieres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgesvd

lapack_zgesvd(<complex matrix> A ,<object identifier> U ,<object identifier> SIGMA ,<object identifier> VT)

It computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a complex M-by-N matrix A : A = U*SIGMA*VT where U is the left singular vectors matrix, VT is the transconjugate matrix of the right singular vectors one, and the diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of A.

More information available at

> // ZGESVD computes the singular values decomposition of A
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
1+i,	-2-i:
3,	2*i]$
> lapack_zgesvd(A, U, SIGMA, VT)$
> afftab(U);
[(-0.158181-i*0.528862)	(0.497893-i*0.668869)]
[(-0.824631+i*0.12356)	(0.391736+i*0.388921)]
> afftab(SIGMA);
[   4.2049	   0]
[   0	   1.52278]
> afftab(VT);
[ - 0.751728	(0.259779-i*0.606152)]
[   0.659474	(0.29612-i*0.690947)]

Previous: , Up: Decompositions en Valeurs Singulieres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgesdd

lapack_zgesdd(<complex matrix> A ,<object identifier> U ,<object identifier> SIGMA ,<object identifier> VT)

It computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a complex M-by-N matrix A : A = U*SIGMA*VT where U is the left singular vectors matrix, VT is the transconjugate matrix of the right singular vectors one, and the diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of A.

It uses a divide and conquer algorithm.

More information available at

Previous: , Up: Lapack   [Contents][Index]

16.1.5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Real symmetric case, (see lapack_dsyev)

Real symmetric case for band matrices, (see lapack_dsbev)

Real symmetric case for tridiagonal matrices, (see lapack_dstev)

Real non-symmetric case, (see lapack_dgeev)

Generalized Eigenproblem, real symmetric case, (see lapack_dsygv)

Generalized Eigenproblem, real non-symmetric case, (see lapack_dggev)

Generalized Eigenproblem and Schur matrices, (see lapack_dgges)

Complex hermitian case, (see lapack_zheev)

Complex hermitian case for band matrices, (see lapack_zhbev)

Complex non-hermitian case, (see lapack_zgeev)

Generalized Eigenproblem, complex hermitian case, (see lapack_zhegv)

Next: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dsyev

lapack_dsyev(<real matrix> A,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetricmatrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

More information available at

> // dsyev routine test
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
451.27,	0:
0,	512.75]$
> lapack_dsyev(A, values, vectors);
vectors	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(values);
> afftab(vectors);
[   1	   0]
[   0	   1]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dsbev

lapack_dsbev(<real matrix> A,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric band matrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

More information available at

> // example of dsbev routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
1,	2,	3,	0,	0:
2,	2,	3,	4,	0:
3,	3,	3,	4,	5:
0,	4,	4,	4,	5:
0,	0,	5,	5,	5]$
> lapack_dsbev(A, Values, Vectors);
> writes(Values);
> afftab(Vectors);
[   0.0393846	   0.623795	   0.563458	 - 0.516534	   0.15823]
[   0.572127	 - 0.257506	 - 0.389612	 - 0.595543	   0.316058]
[ - 0.437179	 - 0.590046	   0.400815	 - 0.147035	   0.527682]
[ - 0.44235	   0.430844	 - 0.558098	   0.0469667	   0.552286]
[   0.533217	   0.103873	   0.242057	   0.595564	   0.540002]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dstev

lapack_dstev(<real matrix> A,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

More information available at

> // example of dstev routine
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
1,	1,	0,	0:
1,	4,	2,	0:
0,	2,	9,	3:
0,	0,	3,	16]$
> lapack_dstev(A, Values, Vectors);
> writes(Values);
> afftab(Vectors);
[   0.939572	   0.338755	 - 0.04937	   0.00337683]
[ - 0.33114	   0.86281	 - 0.378064	   0.0545279]
[   0.0852772	 - 0.364803	 - 0.855782	   0.356769]
[ - 0.0166639	   0.0878831	   0.349668	   0.932594]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgeev

lapack_dgeev(<real matrix> A ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> LVECTOR ,<object identifier> RVECTOR)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix A. It can be non-symmetric. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, left eigenvectors in LVECTOR and right eigenvectors in RVECTOR.

It solves



where LVECTOR**T is the conjugate transpose of LVECTOR

More information available at

> // dgeev routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
10,	6:
4,	12]$
> lapack_dgeev(A, Values, LVector, RVector)$
> writes(Values);
> afftab(LVector);
[ - 0.707107	 - 0.5547]
[   0.707107	 - 0.83205]
> afftab(RVector);
[ - 0.83205	 - 0.707107]
[   0.5547	 - 0.707107]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dsygv

lapack_dsygv(<integer> ITYPE ,<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem. Here A and B are assumed to be symmetric and B is also positive definite. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

3 problems are provided:

More information available at

> // example with B*A*X = (lambda)*X
> _affc=1$
> B = matrixR[
10,	0:
0,	10]$
> A = matrixR[
451.27,	0:
0,	512.75]$
> lapack_dsygv(3, A, B, Values, Vectors);
Vectors	 double precision real matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(Values);
> afftab(Vectors);
[   3.16228	   0]
[   0	   3.16228]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dggev

lapack_dggev(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> LVECTOR ,<object identifier> RVECTOR)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real generalized eigenproblem. Here A and B can be non-symmetric. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, left eigenvectors in LVECTOR and right eigenvectors in RVECTOR.

It solves:

More information available at

> // dggev routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
10,	6:
4,	12]$
> B = matrixR[
8,	10:
0.3,	12]$
> lapack_dggev(A, B, Values, LVector, RVector)$
> writes(Values);
+9.3655913978494620E-01	+3.9384647034270903E-01	
+9.3655913978494620E-01	-3.9384647034270914E-01	
> afftab(LVector);
[(0.629444-i*0.320052)	(0.629444+i*0.320052)]
[(-0.704921-i*0.295079)	(-0.704921+i*0.295079)]
> afftab(RVector);
[(0.7792-i*0.2208)	(0.7792+i*0.2208)]
[(-0.283744-i*0.56193)	(-0.283744+i*0.56193)]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_dgges

lapack_dgges(<real matrix> A ,<real matrix> B ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> S ,<object identifier> T ,<object identifier> VSL ,<object identifier> VSR)

It computes for a pair of N-by-N real nonsymmetric matrices (A,B), the generalized eigenvalues, the generalized real Schur form and the left and right matrices of Schur vectors. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, the real Schur form of A in S, the real Schur form of B in T, the left matrix of Schur vectors in VSL, and the right matrix of Schur vectors in VSR.

It gives the generalized Schur factorization:

(A,B) = ( (VSL)*S*(VSR)**T, (VSL)*T*(VSR)**T )

where VSR**T is the transpose of VSR

More information available at

> // dgges routine example
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixR[
10,	6:
4,	12]$
> B = matrixR[
8,	10:
0.3,	12]$
> lapack_dgges(A, B, Values, S, T, VSL, VSR)$
> writes(Values);
+9.3655913978494620E-01	+3.9384647034270903E-01	
+9.3655913978494620E-01	-3.9384647034270914E-01	
> afftab(S);
[   15.3566	   4.77834]
[ - 3.02259	   5.31087]
> afftab(T);
[   16.6388	   0]
[   0	   5.58935]
> afftab(VSL);
[   0.735209	   0.677841]
[   0.677841	 - 0.735209]
> afftab(VSR);
[   0.365713	   0.930728]
[   0.930728	 - 0.365713]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zheev

lapack_zheev(<complex matrix> A,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex hermitian matrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

More information available at

> // zheev routine test
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
8+8*i,	8:
8,	8+8*i]$
> lapack_zheev(A, Values, Vectors);
Vectors	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(Values);
> afftab(Vectors);
[ - 0.707107	   0.707107]
[   0.707107	   0.707107]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zhbev

lapack_zhbev(<complex matrix> A,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex hermitian band matrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

More information available at

> // zhbev routine test
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
8+8*i,	15+i:
15-i,	8+8*i]$
> lapack_zheev(A, Values, Vectors);
Vectors	 double precision complex matrix [ 1:2 , 1:2 ]
> writes(Values);
> afftab(Vectors);
[(0.705541+i*0.047036)	(0.705541+i*0.047036)]
[ - 0.707107	   0.707107]

Next: , Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zgeev

lapack_zgeev(<complex matrix> A ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> LVECTOR ,<object identifier> RVECTOR)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex matrix A. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, left eigenvectors in LVECTOR and right eigenvectors in RVECTOR.

It solves



where LVECTOR**T is the transpose of LVECTOR

More information available at

> //Fr exemple de la routine zgeev
> // zgeev routine test
> _affc=1$
> A = matrixC[
8,	0:
0,	8]$
> lapack_zgeev(A, Values, LV, RV);
> writes(Values);
+8.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+8.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
> afftab(LV);
[   1	   0]
[   0	   1]
> afftab(RV);
[   1	   0]
[   0	   1]

Previous: , Up: Valeurs Propres et Vecteurs Propres   [Contents][Index]


Function: lapack_zhegv

lapack_zhegv(<integer> ITYPE ,<complex matrix> A ,<complex matrix> B ,<object identifier> VALUES ,<object identifier> VECTORS)

It computes all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex generalized positive definite eigenproblem. Here A and B are assumed to be hermitian and B is also positive definite. Eigenvalues are put in VALUES, eigenvectors in VECTORS.

3 problems are provided:

More information available at

> // zhegv routine test
> _affc=1$
> B = matrixC[
-1*i,	10]$
> A = matrixC[
451.27,	0:
0,	512.75]$
> lapack_zhegv(3, A, B, Values, Vectors);
> afftab(Vectors);
[(0+i*2.69134)	(0+i*1.66033)]
[ - 1.38287	   2.84388]
> writes(Values);

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17 Numerical computations

Next: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.1 Frequency analysis

Next: , Up: Analyse en frequence   [Contents][Index]

17.1.1 naf

Procedure: naf

naf(KTABS, fichiersource, fichierresultat, XH, T0, NTERM, CX, CY);

with :

It performs the frequency analysis of the data in the source file and stores the found frequencies to the file fichierresultat.sol. It uses KTABS+1 values.

KTABS is rounded to the nearest least value such that KTABS = 6n with n positive integer.

The used parameters are stored to the file fichierresultat.par. The intermediate results are stored to the file fichierresultat.prt if _naf_iprt>=0. It uses the global variables _naf_nulin, _naf_iprt, _naf_isec, _naf_iw, _naf_dtour, _naf_icplx.

The file fichierresultat.sol contains:

Le fichier "tessin.out" contient des données
sur 32996 lignes avec une ligne d'entete.
tels que la colonne 2 contient la partie réelle des données.
la colonne 3 contient la partie imaginaire des données.
la première ligne du fichier est à ignorer.
Le temps initial est 0 et le pas est de 0.01.
Nous recherchons 10 frequences.
Le fichier resultat à pour nom "tesnaf".
> _naf_nulin=1;
> naf(32996,tessin.out, tesnaf, 0.01, 0, 10, 2, 3);
Le premier argument de naf n'est pas multiple de 6.
Le premier argument de naf devient 32994.
Les frequences trouvees sont sauves dans le fichier :tesnaf.sol
Les paramètres employees sont sauves dans le fichier :tesnaf.par

Le fichier tesnaf.par contient :
NOMFPAR = tesnaf.par
NOMFDAT = tessin.out
NOMFSOL = tesnaf.sol
DTOUR   = 6. 83185307179586E+00
T0      = 0.000000000000000E+00
XH      = 1.000000000000000E-02
KTABS   = 32994
DNEPS   = 1.000000000000000E+100
NTERM   = 10
ICPLX   = 1
IW      = 1
ISEC    = 1
NULIN   = 1
ICX     = 2
ICY     = 3
IPRNAF  = -1

Next: , Previous: , Up: Analyse en frequence   [Contents][Index]

17.1.2 naftab

Procedure: naftab

naftab(TX, TY, A, F, KTABS, XH, T0, NTERM);


naftab(TX, TY, A, F, KTABS, XH, T0, NTERM, TRESX, TRESY, (FMIN1, FMAX1, NTERM1),...);

with :

It performs the frequency analysis of the dat in the vectors (TX+i*TY) and store the found frequencies to F and the complex amplitudes to A.

KTABS is rounded to the nearest least value such that KTABS = 6n+1 with n positive integer.

It uses the global variables_naf_isec, _naf_iw, _naf_dtour, _naf_icplx .

It finds an approximation of TX+iTY in the form of sum from l=0 to size(F) { A[l]*exp(i*F[l]*t) }

In this case, A is a numerical vector of complex numbers ( <complex vec.> ).

The triplets (FMINx, FMAXx, NTERMx) define the windows. Only the frequencies in the window are searched if a window is specified.

Le fichier "tessin.out" contient des données 
sur 32998 lignes avec une ligne d'entete.
tels que la colonne 2 contient la partie réelle des données.
la colonne 3 contient la partie imaginaire des données.
Le temps initial est 0 et le pas est de 0.01.
Nous recherchons 10 frequences.
> vnumR X,Y,F;
vnumC A;
read(tessin2.out, [1:32000],(X,2),(Y,3));
naftab(X,Y,A,F,32000,0.01, 0, 10);
Le premier argument de naf n'est pas multiple de 6.
Le premier argument de naf devient 31998.
B     Tableau de reels : nb reels =6
> writes(F,B,A);
+9.999993149794888E-02  +1.000000E-01  +1.000E-01  +1.095970178673141E-06  
-2.000000944035095E-01  +9.999999E-03  +9.999E-03  +1.312007532388499E-07  
+3.000000832689856E-01  +1.000000E-03  +1.000E-03  -1.403292661135361E-08  
-4.000000970924361E-01  +9.999995E-05  +9.999E-05  +1.695880029074994E-09  
+4.999999805039361E-01  +1.000003E-05  +1.000E-05  +3.216502329016007E-11  
-5.999999830866213E-01  +9.999979E-07  +9.999E-07  -1.796078221829677E-12  

Next: , Previous: , Up: Analyse en frequence   [Contents][Index]

17.1.3 freqa

Procedure: freqa


with :

For each frequency in the vector TFREQ, it finds the integer combination of the fundamental frequencies stored in TFREQREF with the accuracy EPSILON and the maximal order ORDREMAX. For each frequency in the vector TFREQ, the searching will be stop as soon as a valid integer combination is found. The searching is performed by increasing the total order.

If a combination is found, then

If a combination isn’t found, then alors

On exit, TABCOMBI is an array of size(TFREQREF) numerical vectors of size(TFREQ) integers,

TINDIC is a numerical vector of size(TFREQ) integers (0/1),

TFREQRESIDUis a numerical vector of size(TFREQ) reals.

On exit, all elements of the array TABCOMBI verify


> freqfond=1,5;
> freqfond[1]=3.1354;
> freqfond[2]=5.452;
> freqfond[3]=7.888;
> freqfond[4]=11.111;
> freqfond[5]=19.777;

> freq=1,5;
> freq=freq*freqfond[1]+freq*freqfond[2]+freq*freqfond[3]+
>  freq*freqfond[4]+freq*freqfond[5];

> freqa(freq,freqfond,tabcomb, tabind,20,1E-6, freqres);

> %writesfreqa[[freq],[freqfond],[tabcomb],[tabind] , [freqres]];

> freqfond[1] = 15677/5000
> freqfond[2] = 1363/250
> freqfond[3] = 986/125
> freqfond[4] = 11111/1000
> freqfond[5] = 19777/1000
  Frequence               Frequence residuelle      combinaison
4.736340000000000E+01	+0.000000000000000E+00	 1   1   1   1   1  
9.472680000000000E+01	+0.000000000000000E+00	 2   2   2   2   2  
1.420902000000000E+02	+0.000000000000000E+00	 3   3   3   3   3  
1.894536000000000E+02	+0.000000000000000E+00	 4   4   4   4   4  

Next: , Previous: , Up: Analyse en frequence   [Contents][Index]

17.1.4 freqareson

Procedure: freqareson


with :

For the frequency FREQ, it finds all integer combinations of the fundamental frequencies TFREQREF with the accuracyn EPSILON and the maximal order ORDREMAX.

On exit, for each found combination,

On exit, TABCOMBI is an array of size(TFREQREF) numerical vectors of integers.

On exit, all elements of the array TABCOMBI verify


>vnumR freqfond;

>freqareson(freq,freqfond,tabcomb, 8,1E-6, freqres);
+2      -1      +0      +1      -1
+2      +1      -1      +1      -1
+2      -3      +1      +1      -1

Previous: , Up: Analyse en frequence   [Contents][Index]

17.1.5 sertrig

Function: sertrig

sertrig(<complex vec.> TAMP, <real vec.> TFREQ, <variable> VAR)

sertrig(<complex vec.> TAMP, <real vec.> TFREQ, <variable> VAR, <real> FACT )

with :

The vector TAMP et TFREQ must have the same size.

It computes the sum : for each element j of the vectors : TAMP[j]*exp(i*TFREQ[j]*VARIABLE) or for each element j of the vectors : TAMP[j]*exp(i*2*pi*TFREQ[j]*VARIABLE/FACT)

The part exp(i*...)is represented as an angular variable where the argument is the frequency and the phase is null. The amplitude is the coefficient of this variable. All angular variables have the prefix _Ex. There will be the same number of angular variables as the frequencies’ one. The serie will contain the same number of terms as the size of the numerical vectors.

Le F contient les frequences et le tableau A contient les amplitudes.
> writes(F,A);
+9.999993149794888E-02  +1.000000000456180E-01  +1.095970178673141E-06  
-2.000000944035095E-01  +9.999999960679056E-03  +1.312007532388499E-07  
+3.000000832689856E-01  +1.000000314882390E-03  -1.403292661135361E-08  
-4.000000970924361E-01  +9.999995669530993E-05  +1.695880029074994E-09  
+4.999999805039361E-01  +1.000003117384769E-05  +3.216502329016007E-11  
-5.999999830866213E-01  +9.999979187109419E-07  -1.796078221829677E-12  
> s=sertrig(A,F,t);
s(_EXt1,_EXt2,_EXt3,_EXt4,_EXt5,_EXt6) = 
 + (1.00000311738477E-05+i*3.21650232901601E-11)*_EXt5
 + (9.99999566953099E-05+i*1.69588002907499E-09)*_EXt4
 + (0.00100000031488239-i*1.40329266113536E-08)*_EXt3
 + (0.00999999996067906+i*1.3120075323885E-07)*_EXt2
 + (0.100000000045618+i*1.09597017867314E-06)*_EXt1

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.2 Fourier Transform

Procedure: fft


with :

It computes the Fast Fourier Transform of TX+i*TY and stores the amplitudes and frequencies to the vectors TAMP et TFREQ.

It keeps only the first "N" elements of TX and TY such that "N" is the greatest power of 2 less than the size of the vector TX.

Remarks: TX and TY must have the same size.

>vnumC z;
 vnumR freq;
> -2.500000000000000E-01  +0.000000000000000E+00  -1.570796326794897E+00  
+2.499999999999993E-01  -1.000000000000000E+00  -7.853981633974483E-01  
+6.750000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00  
+2.500000000000007E-01  +1.000000000000000E+00  +7.853981633974483E-01  
-2.500000000000000E-01  +0.000000000000000E+00  +1.570796326794897E+00  

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.3 Inverse Fourier Transform

Procedure: ifft

ifft (TAMP, TX, TY, XH, T0)

with :

It computes the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform of TAMP and stores the results to TX+i*TY.

TAMP is a numerical vector of 2**N+1 complex numbers. On exit, TX and TY contains 2**N numbers.

>vnumC z;
 vnumR freq;
> +7.000000000000000E+00    +0.000000000000000E+00  
+5.000000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00  
+6.000000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00  
+9.000000000000000E+00  +0.000000000000000E+00

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.4 Numerical integration of series or macro

Procedure: integnum



with :

It performs the numerical integration of the series in the list with the initial conditions and stores the results to the file FICHIER.

The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

The equations are triplets of integrated variable, serie and initial condition.

If RESTARTSTATE is specified and doesnot exist, the initial condition are taken from the equations. If RESTARTSTATE exists then the initial conditions are taken RESTARTSTATE and T0 is ignored. At the end of the integration, RESTARTSTATE is updated. RESTARTSTATE is usefull to restart an integration. It is possible to change the integration step, depending on the integrator.

Function: integnum

<array of real vec.> = integnum( T0, TF, PAS, PREC, DOPRIMAX, PASDOPRI,

All parameters are similar to the previous form, except FICHIER which is not present.

It performs the numerical integration of the series in the list with the initial conditions and stores the results to an array of numerical vectors. The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

Procedure: integnum


with :

All parameters are similar to the first form, except TVAR, TSER and TVI. The equations are triplets of array of integrated variables, array of series and arrays of initials conditions.

Procedure: integnum

<array of real vec.> = integnum( T0, TF, PAS, PREC, DOPRIMAX, PASDOPRI,

with :

All parameters are similar to the second form, except TVAR, TSER and TVI. The equations are triplets of array of integrated variables, array of series and array of initials conditions.

We want to integrate the following system :  { dx/dt = -y , dy/dt= x } 
with the initial values x=1 and y=0
between 0 and 2*pi with the step pi/10 and a precision of 1E-12.
The step of the integrator will be pi/20 et the maximal step will be pi/10.
The results will be stored to the file icossin.out
The solution is : x = cos(t) and y = sin(t)

>integnum(0,2*pi, pi/10, 1E-12, pi/10, pi/20, 
          icossin.out, REAL, (x, -y, 1),(y,x, 0));

The content of the file icossin.out is :
time                    x                       y
+0.000000000000000E+00	+1.000000000000000E+00	+0.000000000000000E+00	
+3.141592653589793E-01	+9.510565162951542E-01	+3.090169943749471E-01	
+6.283185307179586E-01	+8.090169943749489E-01	+5.877852522924729E-01	
+9.424777960769379E-01	+5.877852522924752E-01	+8.090169943749478E-01	
+1.256637061435917E+00	+3.090169943749500E-01	+9.510565162951550E-01	
+1.570796326794897E+00	+2.567125951231441E-15	+1.000000000000003E+00	
+1.884955592153876E+00	-3.090169943749455E-01	+9.510565162951576E-01	
+2.199114857512855E+00	-5.877852522924724E-01	+8.090169943749527E-01	
+2.513274122871834E+00	-8.090169943749485E-01	+5.877852522924791E-01	
+2.827433388230814E+00	-9.510565162951568E-01	+3.090169943749536E-01	
+3.141592653589793E+00	-1.000000000000005E+00	+5.403107187863445E-15	
+3.455751918948772E+00	-9.510565162951610E-01	-3.090169943749436E-01	
+3.769911184307752E+00	-8.090169943749564E-01	-5.877852522924716E-01	
+4.084070449666731E+00	-5.877852522924830E-01	-8.090169943749488E-01	
+4.398229715025710E+00	-3.090169943749571E-01	-9.510565162951583E-01	
+4.712388980384690E+00	-8.301722685091165E-15	-1.000000000000008E+00	
+5.026548245743669E+00	+3.090169943749417E-01	-9.510565162951644E-01	
+5.340707511102648E+00	+5.877852522924709E-01	-8.090169943749602E-01	
+5.654866776461628E+00	+8.090169943749494E-01	-5.877852522924867E-01	
+5.969026041820607E+00	+9.510565162951601E-01	-3.090169943749604E-01	
+6.283185307179586E+00	+1.000000000000011E+00	-1.085302505620242E-14	
> // Instead of storing the result in a file,
> // we store the result in an array q.
> p = pi/10;
p =         0.3141592653589793
> q = integnum(0, 2*pi, p, 1E-12, p, p/2,REAL,(x,-y,1),(y,x,0));

q [1:3 ]	number of elements = 3

> stat(q);
 	Array of series
 q [ 1:3  ]
 list of array's elements : 
	q [ 1 ] = 
 Numerical vector q contains 21 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 168
	q [ 2 ] = 
 Numerical vector q contains 21 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 168
	q [ 3 ] = 
 Numerical vector q contains 21 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 168
> writes(q);
+0.0000000000000000E+00	+1.0000000000000000E+00	+0.0000000000000000E+00	
+3.1415926535897931E-01	+9.5105651629515420E-01	+3.0901699437494706E-01	
+6.2831853071795862E-01	+8.0901699437494889E-01	+5.8778525229247280E-01	
+9.4247779607693793E-01	+5.8778525229247525E-01	+8.0901699437494767E-01	
+1.2566370614359172E+00	+3.0901699437495000E-01	+9.5105651629515486E-01	
+1.5707963267948966E+00	+2.6090241078691179E-15	+1.0000000000000027E+00	
+1.8849555921538759E+00	-3.0901699437494545E-01	+9.5105651629515764E-01	
+2.1991148575128552E+00	-5.8778525229247236E-01	+8.0901699437495267E-01	
+2.5132741228718345E+00	-8.0901699437494845E-01	+5.8778525229247902E-01	
+2.8274333882308138E+00	-9.5105651629515675E-01	+3.0901699437495334E-01	
+3.1415926535897931E+00	-1.0000000000000053E+00	+5.1625370645069779E-15	
+3.4557519189487724E+00	-9.5105651629516097E-01	-3.0901699437494379E-01	
+3.7699111843077517E+00	-8.0901699437495633E-01	-5.8778525229247180E-01	
+4.0840704496667311E+00	-5.8778525229248280E-01	-8.0901699437494901E-01	
+4.3982297150257104E+00	-3.0901699437495678E-01	-9.5105651629515842E-01	
+4.7123889803846897E+00	-7.9658502016854982E-15	-1.0000000000000080E+00	
+5.0265482457436690E+00	+3.0901699437494201E-01	-9.5105651629516430E-01	
+5.3407075111026483E+00	+5.8778525229247114E-01	-8.0901699437496011E-01	
+5.6548667764616276E+00	+8.0901699437494945E-01	-5.8778525229248657E-01	
+5.9690260418206069E+00	+9.5105651629516008E-01	-3.0901699437496022E-01	
+6.2831853071795862E+00	+1.0000000000000107E+00	-1.0685896612017132E-14	
Procedure: integnum


with :

It performs the numerical integration using the system defined in the macro with the vector of initial conditions and stores the results to the file FICHIER.

The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

The macro must be refined as macro nom [N,T,Y,DY] {... }

This macro will evaluate the derivate of Y at time T ( DY=dY/dt=f(Y,T) ).

This macro will be called by integnum with the following parameter :

The macro could access to global objects.

Function: integnum

<array of real vec.> = integnum( T0, TF, PAS, PREC, DOPRIMAX, PASDOPRI, MACRO, VI );

All parameters are similar to the previous form, execpt FICHIER which is not present.

It performs the numerical integration using the system defined in the macro with the vector of initial conditions and stores the results to an array of numerical vectors. The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

We want to integrate the following system :  { dx/dt = -y , dy/dt= x } 
with the initial values x=1 and y=0
between 0 and 2*pi with the step pi/10 and a precision of 1E-12.
The step of the integrator will be pi/20 et the maximal step will be pi/10.
The results will be stored to the file icossin.out
The solution is : x = cos(t) and y = sin(t)

 macro fcn [N,X,Y,DY] 
 vnumR v;

 integnum(0,2*pi, pi/10, 1E-12, pi/10, pi/20, output.dat, fcn, v);

The content of the file icossin.out is :
time                    x                       y
+0.000000000000000E+00	+1.000000000000000E+00	+0.000000000000000E+00	
+3.141592653589793E-01	+9.510565162951542E-01	+3.090169943749471E-01	
+6.283185307179586E-01	+8.090169943749489E-01	+5.877852522924729E-01	
+9.424777960769379E-01	+5.877852522924752E-01	+8.090169943749478E-01	
+1.256637061435917E+00	+3.090169943749500E-01	+9.510565162951550E-01	
+1.570796326794897E+00	+2.567125951231441E-15	+1.000000000000003E+00	
+1.884955592153876E+00	-3.090169943749455E-01	+9.510565162951576E-01	
+2.199114857512855E+00	-5.877852522924724E-01	+8.090169943749527E-01	
+2.513274122871834E+00	-8.090169943749485E-01	+5.877852522924791E-01	
+2.827433388230814E+00	-9.510565162951568E-01	+3.090169943749536E-01	
+3.141592653589793E+00	-1.000000000000005E+00	+5.403107187863445E-15	
+3.455751918948772E+00	-9.510565162951610E-01	-3.090169943749436E-01	
+3.769911184307752E+00	-8.090169943749564E-01	-5.877852522924716E-01	
+4.084070449666731E+00	-5.877852522924830E-01	-8.090169943749488E-01	
+4.398229715025710E+00	-3.090169943749571E-01	-9.510565162951583E-01	
+4.712388980384690E+00	-8.301722685091165E-15	-1.000000000000008E+00	
+5.026548245743669E+00	+3.090169943749417E-01	-9.510565162951644E-01	
+5.340707511102648E+00	+5.877852522924709E-01	-8.090169943749602E-01	
+5.654866776461628E+00	+8.090169943749494E-01	-5.877852522924867E-01	
+5.969026041820607E+00	+9.510565162951601E-01	-3.090169943749604E-01	
+6.283185307179586E+00	+1.000000000000011E+00	-1.085302505620242E-14	

Instead of storing the result in a file,
 we store the result in an array q.

q = integnum(0,2*pi, pi/10, 1E-12, pi/10, pi/20, fcn, v);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.5 Numerical integration of external function

Procedure: integnumfcn


with :

It performs the numerical integration of the function integfcn located in the external library LIBRAIRIE with the initial conditions and stores the results to the file FICHIER. The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

The integrated variables are only used for the names in the output file.

Function: integnumfcn

<array of real vec.> = integnumfcn( T0, TF, PAS, PREC, DOPRIMAX, PASDOPRI, LIBRAIRIE,

All parameters are similar to the previous form of integnumfcn, execpt FICHIER which is not present.

It performs the numerical integration of the function integfcn located in the external library LIBRAIRIE with the initial conditions and store the results to an array of numerical vectors. The used numerical integrator depends on the value of _integnum (see _integnum).

The name of the integrated variables are ignored by this function.

The functions of the dynamic library must have the following definition :

In order to create a dynamic library from a source file written in the language C, it should usually compiled with the following command :

The dynamic library libfcn.(so,dylib,dll) contains 
the results of the compilation of the following source file fcn.c : 
#include <math.h>
void integfcnbegin(const int * neq, void **data) 

int integfcn(const int * neq, const double *x, const double *y, 
             double *yp, void* data)
 yp[0] = sqrt(1.E0+cos(y[1])); 
 yp[1] = y[0]+y[1]; 
 return 1; 

void integfcnend(void *data) 

To integrate the system { dx/dt = sqrt(1+cos(y)) , dy/dt = x+y } 
with the initial condition x=1 and y=0 
and to store the result in the file output.dat :

> integnumfcn(0,2*pi, pi/10, 1E-12, pi/10, pi/20, output.dat, 
              libfcn, REAL, (x, 1),(y,0));

To integrate the same system 
but it stores the result to the array of numerical vectors q :
> q = integnumfcn(0,2*pi, pi/10, 1E-12, pi/10, pi/20, 
                  libfcn, REAL, (x, 1),(y,0));

Procedure: integnumfcn


with :

It performs the numerical integration of the function integfcn located in the external library LIBRAIRIE with the initial conditions and time series. It stores the results to the file FICHIER. The numerical integrator specified by _integnum must be ADAMS (see _integnum).

This function supplies to the function integfcn the extracted data from the time series TB or TF for the time where the second member must be evaluated. For example, if the second member must be evaluated at the time t, it extracts from TB or TF the data corresponding to the time t. For the beginning of the ADAMS method, it interpolates the data of TB and supplies these interpolated values to the function integfcn. For the time between T0 and TF, it only extracts the values without any interpolation. For example, if TB and TF are arrays of 4 vectors of 1000 numbers, the function integfcn will be called with a vector of 4 numbers.

The function requires that TB_0 and TF_0 must have the same value as T0. Moreover, PAS must be a multiple of TB_PAS and TF_PAS.

The integrated variables are only used for the names in the output file.

The functions of the dynamic library must have the following definition :

In order to create a dynamic library from a source file written in the language C, it should usually compiled with the following command :

The dynamic library libfcn.(so,dylib,dll) contains 
the results of the compilation of the following source file fcn.c : 
#include <math.h>
void integfcnbegin(const int * neq, void **data) 

int integfcn(const int * neq, const double *x, const double *y, 
             double *yp, const double *tabdata)
 yp[0] = sqrt(1.E0+cos(y[1])*tabdata[0]); 
 yp[1] = y[0]*tabdata[1]+y[1]; 
 return 1; 

void integfcnend(void *data) 

To integrate the system  
{ dx/dt = sqrt(1+cos(y)*sin(a*t)) , dy/dt = cos(b*t)*x+y }  
with a=0.5, b=0.9 and the initial condition x=1 and y=0 
and to store the result in the file output.dat :
> t0 = 0;
> tf = 2*pi;
> pas=pi/10;
> vnumR tabb[1:2], tabf[1:2]; 
> t=-30*pas,t0,pas;
> a=0.5; b=0.9;
> tb[1]=sin(a*t); tb[2]=cos(b*t);
> t=t0, tf+2*pas,pas;
> tf[1]=sin(a*t); tf[2]=cos(b*t);
> integnumfcn(t0,tf, pas, 1E-12,pas, pas/2, output.dat, 
              libfcn, REAL, (x, 1),(y,0),
              evalnum, REAL, tb, t0, -pas, tf, t0, pas);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.6 Integral

Function: integral

integral(<num. vec.> TY, <real> XH, <integer> ORDRE, <object identifier> N)

integral(<num. vec.> TY, <real> XH, <integer> ORDRE, <object identifier> N, "kahan" )

with :

It computes the integral, using Newton-Cotes formulas, of order ORDRE, of the numerical vector TY where data are equally spaced of XH.

It returns in N the index of the last element used to compute the integral. The value of N verifies : N=int((size(TY)-1)/ORDRE)*ORDRE+1

If the option "kahan" is set, the function uses the Kahan method to perform the summation (compensated summation).

Reference : For Newton-Cotes formulas, see the book "Introduction to Numerical Analysis", chapter integration, of Stoer and Burlisch.

Kahan, William (January 1965), "Further remarks on reducing truncation errors", Communications of the ACM 8 (1): 40,

> t=0,10000;
t    Tableau de reels : nb reels =10001
> t=t*pi/10000;
> X=-cos(t)+1;
> for j=1 to 6 { s=integral(sin(t),pi/10000,j,N); delta=s-X[N];}; 
s = 1.99999998355066
delta = -1.64493392240672E-08
s = 1.99999999999999
delta = -7.54951656745106E-15
s = 1.99999995065198
delta = 5.55111512312578E-15
s = 2
delta = -4.44089209850063E-16
s = 2
delta = 8.88178419700125E-16
s = 1.99999921043176
delta = 5.77315972805081E-15

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.7 Numerical iteration

Procedure: iternum

iternum( nbiteration, passortie, fichierresultat ,

with :

It performs nbiteration iterations on the equations specified in lists. it writes results to file every passortie iterations.

The equations are triplets of the iterated variable, serie and initial value.

The initial value could be a real or a complex number.

> iternum(10,1,sortie.txt,REAL,(un,un+2,3));
Le fichier "sortie.txt" contient :
time                  	un                    	
+0.000000000000000E+00	+3.000000000000000E+00	
                     1	+5.000000000000000E+00	
                     2	+7.000000000000000E+00	
                     3	+9.000000000000000E+00	
                     4	+1.100000000000000E+01	
                     5	+1.300000000000000E+01	
                     6	+1.500000000000000E+01	
                     7	+1.700000000000000E+01	
                     8	+1.900000000000000E+01	
                     9	+2.100000000000000E+01	
                    10	+2.300000000000000E+01	

> iternum(5,1,sortie.txt,REAL,(vn,un-1,3),(un,vn+un,2));                    
Le fichier "sortie2.txt" contient :
time                  	vn                    	un                    	
+0.000000000000000E+00	+3.000000000000000E+00	+2.000000000000000E+00	
                     1	+1.000000000000000E+00	+5.000000000000000E+00	
                     2	+4.000000000000000E+00	+6.000000000000000E+00	
                     3	+5.000000000000000E+00	+1.000000000000000E+01	
                     4	+9.000000000000000E+00	+1.500000000000000E+01	
                     5	+1.400000000000000E+01	+2.400000000000000E+01	

Next: , Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.8 Interpolation

Procedure: interpol

interpol(LINEAR , TX, DTX, TY)

interpol(QUADRATIC , TX, DTX, TY)

interpol(SPLINE , TX, DTX, TY)

interpol(HERMITE , TX, DTX, TY, DEG)

with :

It performs the linear, spline, quadratic or hermitian interpolation. It returns a numerical vector of interpolated values at the time TY from the known data (TX, DTX).

Remarks : it assumes that TX et TY are sorted in ascending or descending order.

If TY[i] isn’t in the interval [ TX[0], TX[size(TX)] ], then DTY[i] is extrapolated.

The algorithm of the hermitian interpolation is described in the Stoer and Burlish’s book, 1993, "Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Chap 2, pages 52-57".

> x1=0,2*pi,2*pi/59;
> x2=0,3,0.5;
> sl=interpol(LINEAR,x1,cos(x1),x2);
> writes("%.2E   %.4E %.4E\n",x2, cos(x2), sl);
0.00E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00
5.00E-01 8.7758E-01 8.7652E-01
1.00E+00 5.4030E-01 5.3958E-01
1.50E+00 7.0737E-02 7.0719E-02
2.00E+00 -4.1615E-01 -4.1576E-01
2.50E+00 -8.0114E-01 -8.0001E-01
3.00E+00 -9.8999E-01 -9.8920E-01

Previous: , Up: Traitement numerique   [Contents][Index]

17.9 Coordinate system conversions

Next: , Up: Changement de coordonnees   [Contents][Index]

17.9.1 ell_to_xyz

Procedure: ell_to_xyz

ell_to_xyz( ELL, MU, X, XP );

with :

It converts the elliptic coordinates ELL to cartesian coordinates X (positions) and XP (velocities).

/* calcul d'une seule valeur */
GM= 0.2959122082855911d-03;
mu = GM*1.05;
varpi = 138*pi/180;

vnumR ell[1:6];
ell[1][1] = (mu/n**2)**(1./3.);
ell[2][1] = varpi;
ell[3][1] = 0.54*cos(varpi);
ell[4][1] = 0.54*sin(varpi);
ell[5][1] = 0.0;
ell[6][1] = 0.0;

/* calcul de plusieurs valeurs contenues dans un fichier */
mu = 1;
vnumR ell[1:6];


Previous: , Up: Changement de coordonnees   [Contents][Index]

17.9.2 xyz_to_ell

Procedure: xyz_to_ell

xyz_to_ell( X, XP, MU, ELL );

with :

It converts the cartesian coordinates X (positions) and XP (velocities) to the elliptic coordinates ELL.

mu = 1;
vnumR x[1:3],xp[1:3];


Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

18 Utilities

Next: , Up: Utilitaire   [Contents][Index]

18.1 help

Procedure: help



Display help.

On Unix and MacOS X operating systems, the help program uses the software info (provided by Texinfo) to display help. On Windows operating systems, the help file (chm format) is displayed.

Procedure: help

help <motreserve>;

? <motreserve>;

It displays the help in the reference manual for the keyword of TRIP. On Unix and MacOS X operating systems, this function calls the program info (provided by Texinfo).

>  ? vartrip;

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18.2 exit

Procedure: exit



Stop the execution of TRIP.

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18.3 cls

Procedure: cls


Clear the current screen (similar to the Unix command clear).

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18.4 pause

Procedure: pause


Display a message, suspend execution until the user hits a key. If the user hits the key RET, then the execution continues. If the user hits the key q+RET or e+RET, then the execution stops and the user returns to the prompt.

pause(<integer> x);

Suspend execution for x seconds.

> for j=1 to 3 { j; pause; time_s; pause(2); time_t; };
Appuyez sur la touche 'return' pour continuer 
ou la touche 'q' ou 'e' pour revenir au prompt ...

Appuyez sur la touche 'return' pour continuer 
ou la touche 'q' ou 'e' pour revenir au prompt ...

Appuyez sur la touche 'return' pour continuer 
ou la touche 'q' ou 'e' pour revenir au prompt ...


Next: , Previous: , Up: Utilitaire   [Contents][Index]

18.5 msg

Procedure: msg

msg <string> ;

msg(<string> textformat);

Display unformatted messages to the screen.

This message must a be string or a text between double-quotes. The messages could be on several lines.

Procedure: msg

msg(<string> textformat, <real> x, ... );

Display formatted messages to the screen with(out) real constants.

The real constants must be formatted. The format is the same as the command printf in language C (see str, for the valid conversion specifiers). This message must a be string or a text between double-quotes. The messages could be on several lines.

To display double-quotes, two double-quotes must be used.

Under the numerical mode NUMRATMP only, the integers or rational numbers are converted to double-precision floating-point numbers before they are displayed if the format is ’%g’, ’%e’ or ’%f’. if the format is ’%d’ or ’%i’, the integers or rational numbers are written without any conversion.

The function msg (see msg) has the same behavior but writes the result into a string of characters.

> file="fichier1.dat"$
> msg"écriture du fichier "+file;
écriture du fichier fichier1.dat
> msg "je vais faire un guillemet :
""cette chaine est encadre par des guillemets"".";

je vais faire un guillemet :
"cette chaine est encadre par des guillemets".

> msg("pi=%g pi=%.8E\n",pi,pi);
pi=3.14159 pi=3.14159265E+00

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18.6 error

Procedure: error

error(<string> textformat);

Raise an error and display the unformatted text to the screen.

This message must a be string or a text between double-quotes. The message could be on several lines.

> x=2;
x =                       2
> if (x==2) then { error("raise an error : x=2"); };
TRIP[ 3 ] : raise an error : x=2
	Commande :'if (x==2) then { error("raise an error : x=2"); };'

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18.7 try

Procedure: try

try { <body> bodytry } catch { <body> bodycatch };

Normally, it executes all statements of bodytry. if an error occurs during this execution, then it ignores the remaining statements of bodytry and it executes the statements of bodycatch.

If the global variable _info is equal to on, then an information message is displayed when the error occurs in the statements of bodytry. If the global variable _info is equal to off, then no information message is displayed when the error occurs in the statements of bodytry.

If an error occurs during the execution of the statements of bodycatch then an error is generated. This error could be catched if the current statement try-catch is inside another statement try-catch.

It is allowed to imbricate a statement try-catch inside the statements of bodytry or of bodycatch.

> // displays a warning message but it continues
> _info on;
	_info on
> b = 0;
b =                       0
> q = 2;
q =                          2
> try { s = "invalid"+q; b = 2; } catch { b = 1; };
TRIP[ 1 ] :  Can't add  
	Command  :' try { s = "invalid"+q; b = 2; } catch { b = 1; };'
 Information :  Continue on error (catch statement)
b =                          1
> // does not display a warning message but it continues
> _info off;
	_info off
> b = 0;
b =                       0
> q = 2;
q =                          2
> try { s = "invalid"+q;  b = 2;  } catch { b = 1; };
b =                          1

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18.8 delete

Procedure: delete

delete( <object identifier> );

Delete any object (serie, variable, array, ...).

Remarks :

> file="fichier1.dat";
file = "fichier1.dat"
> X=expi(x,1,0);

> delete(file);
> delete(x);
La variable angulaire X est convertie en variable polynomiale.

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18.9 reset

Procedure: reset


Reinitialize TRIP : TRIP global variables are set to default values and delete all object identifiers in memory.

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18.10 include

Procedure: include

include <filename> ;

include <string> ;

It loads the file "fichier" and run it.

This file must be located in the current directory or in the directory specified by the variable _path.

The file extension could have any value. The recommanded file extension is .t .

Remarks : If the file is an object identifier of type string, then it loads the file which its name is the contents of the string.

>include ellip;
>include fct.t;
> file="fperplanumH";
file = "fperplanumH"
> include file; /*exécute le fichier "fperplanumH" */

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18.11 @@

Procedure: @@


Reinitialize TRIP. Then it loads and executes the last file executed by the command include.

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18.12 vartrip

Procedure: vartrip


Displays the status of all TRIP global variables.

> vartrip;

    Etat des variables globales de Trip :

                _affc      =    6
                _affdist   =    0
                _affhomog  =    0
                _echo      =    0
                _path      =    /exemples/
                _history   =    /unixfiles/
                _hist      =    ON
                _naf_iprt  =    -1
                _naf_icplx =    1
                _naf_iw    =    1
                _naf_isec  =    1
                _naf_dtour =    6.283185307179586E+00
                _naf_nulin =    1
                _naf_tol   =    1.000000000000000E-10
                _time      =    OFF
                _comment   =    OFF
                _affvar    =    ( )

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18.13 bilan

Procedure: bilan


Displays all object identifiers in memory with their type :

SERIEthe object is a serie.
VARIABLEthe object is a variable.
CONSTthe object is a constant.
MATRIXRthe object is a numerical matrix of real numbers.
MATRIXCthe object is a numerical matrix of complex numbers.
TABthe object is an array.
TABVARthe object is a array of variables.
VNUMRthe object is a numerical vector of real numbers.
VNUMCthe object is a numerical vector of complex numbers.
STRINGthe object is a string.
EXTERNAL STRUCTUREthe object is an external structure.
FILEthe object is a file.
REMOTE OBJECTthe object is a remote object stored on a SCSCP server.
SCSCP CLIENTthe object is a connection to a SCSCP server.
Procedure: bilan mem

bilan mem;

For each serie or array of series, it displays the memory used and the number of terms.

The total number of terms and total memory used for series are displayed.

> bilan;
_Expiv  SERIE
_RsASinv    SERIE
e   VAR
ep  VAR
g   VAR
ga  VAR
lp  VAR
x   VAR
> bilan mem;
          Nom                   Memoire (octets)                Nb de termes
--------------------        --------------------        --------------------
                 ASR                        1704                          64
                ASRp                        1704                          64
                 RSA                        2136                          81
                _AsR                        1704                          64
               _CosE                        2112                          80
              _Expiv                        1728                          64
                _RsA                        2136                          81
            _RsACosv                        2112                          80
           _RsAExpiv                        1728                          64
            _RsASinv                        2112                          80
               _SinE                        2112                          80
--------------------        --------------------        --------------------
                                           21288                         802

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18.14 stat

Procedure: stat


It displays all objects in memory. These objects are ordred by their type. For each object, it displays a small description. For the series, it displays their contents.

> S = (1+x+y)**2$
> vnumR R$
> vnumC C$
> dim T[1:2]$
> stat;
 Summary of objects :
S(x,y) = 
 +                       2*y
 +                       1*y**2
 +                       2*x
 +                       2*x*y
 +                       1*x**2

 	Variables :
Variable x type : 2     ordres : 	2	2	2	2
 dependances : 
 variables dependant de celle-ci :

Variable y type : 2     ordres : 	3	3	3	3
 dependances : 
 variables dependant de celle-ci :

	Arrays of series :

T [1:2 ]	number of elements = 2

	Double precision real vectors :
 Numerical vector R contains 0 double precision reals.

	Double precision complex vectors :
 Numerical vector C contains 0 double precision complex.

Procedure: stat

stat( <object identifier> );

stat( <object identifier> , "puismin" );

stat( <object identifier> , "puismax" );

stat( <object identifier> , "puismin" , "puismax" );

Depending on the object type, it displays information on number of terms and the memory used by the object.

If the option "puismin" is set, the function displays the minimal degree of each variable in the serie.

If the option "puismax" is set, the function displays the maximal degree of each variable in the serie.

> s = (1+x+y)**2$
> stat(s);
 serie s (  x , y )
 number of variables : 2 	 size of the descriptor : 96 bytes 
 number of terms : 6 	 size : 608 bytes
> stat(s,"puismin","puismax");
 serie s (  x , y )
 number of variables : 2 	 size of the descriptor : 96 bytes 
 number of terms : 6 	 size : 608 bytes
 puismin : x ^  0 ,  y ^  0
 puismax : x ^  2 ,  y ^  2

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18.15 save_env

Procedure: save_env


Save TRIP global variables to a stack.

> _mode;
    _mode = POLP
> save_env;
> _mode=POLH;
    _mode = POLH
> rest_env;
> _mode;
    _mode = POLP

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18.16 rest_env

Procedure: rest_env


Restore the TRIP global variables saved by save_env from a stack.

> _path="/users/";
        _path = /users/
> save_env;
> _path="/users/toto/";
        _path = /users/toto/
> /*instructions utilisant le chemin specifique */;
> rest_env;
> _path;
        _path = /users/

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18.17 random

Function: random

random(<integer> x)

Return a pseudo-random number in the range from 0 and x-1.

> random(10);
> random(10);
> random(10);
> random(10);
> random(10);

Next: , Previous: , Up: Utilitaire   [Contents][Index]

18.18 nameof

Function: nameof

nameof(<object identifier> x)

It returns as a string the name of the object.

If the object is an expression, then the empty string "" is returned.

> c=3$
> n1= nameof(c);
n1 = "c"
> s="abcde"$
> n2 = nameof(s);
n2 = "s"

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18.19 typeof

Function: typeof

typeof(<object identifier> x)

It returns as a string the type of the object. The returned strings are described in the command bilan (see bilan).

If the object doesn’t exist, then the empty string "" is returned.

> typeof(2);
> typeof(1+x);
> t=1,10;
 t	 double precision real vector : number of elements =10
> if (typeof(t)=="VNUMR") then { stat(t); };
 Numerical vector t contains 10 double precision reals.
 	Size of the array in bytes: 80

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18.20 file_fullname

Function: file_fullname

file_fullname(<string> name)

It builds an absolute file name. All later usage of the returned string will ignore the variable _path.

> _path;
	_path = /users/guest/data/
> vnumR t;
> fn=file_fullname("/tmp/mydata.txt");
fn  = nom de fichier '/tmp/mydata.txt'
> read(fn,t);

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18.21 Execution time

Next: , Up: Temps d execution   [Contents][Index]

18.21.1 time_s

Procedure: time_s


Initialize the starting time for computations in functions time_l and time_t.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Temps d execution   [Contents][Index]

18.21.2 time_l

Procedure: time_l


Displays the consumed user CPU time, the elapsed real time, and the consumed system CPU time, since the last call to time_l.

If no previous call to time_l was performed, then it displays the user time used since the last call to time_s.

> time_s; for j=1 to 3 { (1+x+y+z+t+u+v)**18$ time_l; };
utilisateur 00.313s  - reel 00.183s  - systeme 00.057s  - (202.43% CPU)
utilisateur 00.307s  - reel 00.170s  - systeme 00.055s  - (213.11% CPU)
utilisateur 00.311s  - reel 00.173s  - systeme 00.055s  - (211.93% CPU)

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18.21.3 time_t

Procedure: time_t


Displays the consumed user CPU time, the elapsed real time, and the consumed system CPU time, since the last call to time_s.

Procedure: time_t

time_t(<object identifier> usertime , <object identifier> realtime );

Displays the consumed user CPU time, the elapsed real time, and the consumed system CPU time, since the last call to time_s. usertime will contain the sum of the user and system CPU time and realtime the elapsed real time.

> time_s; for j=1 to 3 { (1+x+y+z+t+u+v)**18$ time_t; };
  time_t(usertime, realtime);
utilisateur 00.310s  - reel 00.178s  - systeme 00.055s  - (205.29% CPU)
utilisateur 00.615s  - reel 00.347s  - systeme 00.111s  - (209.44% CPU)
utilisateur 00.928s  - reel 00.519s  - systeme 00.168s  - (211.23% CPU)
utilisateur 00.928s  - reel 00.519s  - systeme 00.168s  - (211.20% CPU)
> usertime;
usertime =                1.097452
> realtime;
realtime =      0.5196029999999999

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18.22 Call the shell

Procedure: !

! <string> ;

Execute a shell command specified in a string.

> dir ="ls -al";
dir = "ls -al"
> ! dir;
total 8136
drwxr-sr-x  20 xxxx   ttt         1536 Sep 27 17:16 .
drwxr-sr-x  22 xxxx   ttt          512 Sep 06 12:16 ..
-rw-r-----   1 xxxx   ttt          281 Sep 08 1998  .Guidefaults
-rw-------   1 xxxx   ttt          204 Sep 27 10:46 .Xauthority
Procedure: !

str(! <string> );

Execute a shell command specified in a string and return the standard output as a string. If the error output is not empty, an error is raised.

> s=str(!"uname");
s = "Darwin

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19 References

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Appendix A Supported OpenMath Content Dictionaries

The following list are the OpenMath objects supported by the SCSCP server and client.

arith1abs, divide, minus, plus, power, times, unary_minus
alg1one, zero
arith1abs, divide, minus, plus, power, times, unary_minus
complex1argument, complex_cartesian, complex_polar, conjugate, imaginary, real
fieldname1C, Q, R
interval1interval_cc, integer_interval, interval
linalg2matrix, matrixrow, vector
logic1not, and, xor, or, true, false
nums1e,i, infinity, NaN, pi, rational
polyd1poly_ring_d_named, SDMP, DMP, term
polyupoly_u_rep, term
polyrpoly_r_rep, term
setname1C, N, P, Q, R, Z
transc1arccos, arccosh, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, cos, cosh, exp, ln, log, sin, sinh, tan, tanh

The following list are the OpenMath objects supported only by the SCSCP server.

scscp2get_allowed_heads, get_transient_cd, get_signature, store, retrieve, unbind

The following list are the OpenMath objects supported only by the SCSCP client.

scscp2symbol_set, signature, service_description,

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Appendix B Index of the global variables

Jump to:   _  
I   P  
Index Entry  Section

_affc: _affc
_affc: _affc
_affdist: _affdist
_affdist: _affdist
_comment: _comment
_comment: _comment
_cpu: _cpu
_cpu: _cpu
_echo: _echo
_echo: _echo
_endian: _endian
_endian: _endian
_graph: _graph
_graph: _graph
_hist: _hist
_hist: _hist
_history: _history
_history: _history
_info: _info
_info: _info
_integnum: _integnum
_integnum: _integnum
_language: _language
_language: _language
_mode: _mode
_mode: _mode
_modenum: _modenum
_modenum: _modenum
_modenum_prec: _modenum_prec
_modenum_prec: _modenum_prec
_naf_dtour: _naf_dtour
_naf_dtour: _naf_dtour
_naf_icplx: _naf_icplx
_naf_icplx: _naf_icplx
_naf_iprt: _naf_iprt
_naf_iprt: _naf_iprt
_naf_isec: _naf_isec
_naf_isec: _naf_isec
_naf_iw: _naf_iw
_naf_iw: _naf_iw
_naf_nulin: _naf_nulin
_naf_nulin: _naf_nulin
_naf_tol: _naf_tol
_naf_tol: _naf_tol
_path: _path
_path: _path
_quiet: _quiet
_quiet: _quiet
_read: _read
_read: _read
_read_history: _read_history
_read_history: _read_history
_time: _time
_time: _time
_userlibrary_path: _userlibrary_path
_userlibrary_path: _userlibrary_path

i: I
I: I
i: I
I: I

pi: PI
pi: PI

Jump to:   _  
I   P  

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Appendix C Index of the procedures

Jump to:   !   %   &   (   *   +   ,   -   /   :   <   =   >   ?   @   [   \   ^  
A   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X  
Index Entry  Section

!: Appel au shell
!=: Comparaison

%: Execution

&*: Produit matriciel
&*: ProdMat

(@@): resetinclude

*: Operateurs
*: Repetition
*: Extractionstring
*: Arithmetique
*: ArithmetiqueMat
**: Operateurs
**-1: inverse d'une matrice

+: Operateurs
+: Operateurs
+: Concatenation
+: Arithmetique
+: ArithmetiqueMat

,,,: Initialisation

-: Operateurs
-: Operateurs
-: Arithmetique
-: ArithmetiqueMat

/: Operateurs
/: Arithmetique
/: ArithmetiqueMat

:=: operateurs
:=: Affectation dans un tableau

<: Comparaison
<=: Comparaison

=: Affectation dans un tableau
==: Comparaison

>: Comparaison
>=: Comparaison

?: aide
?()::: Conditions

@: Liste des macros
@<string> @: gnuplot
@<string> @: grace

[::,::]: ExtractionMat
[::]: operateurs d'extraction
[]: operateurs d'extraction

\: gnuplot
\: grace
\: maple
\: mathematica

^: Operateurs

abs: abs
accum: accum
acos: acos
acosh: acosh
affmac: affmac
afftab: afftab
arg: arg
asin: asin
asinh: asinh
atan: atan
atan2: atan2
atanh: atanh

case: switch
catch: try
close: Entree/Sortie sur les reels
cls: cls
coef_ext: coef_ext
coef_num: coef_num
coef_num: coef_numstring
conj: conj
cos: costabnum
cosh: cosh
crevar: crevar

delete: delete
deriv: deriv
det: det
det: detMat
dim: dim
dimtovnumC: dimtovnumC
dimtovnumR: dimtovnumR
dimvar: dimvar
div: Division euclidienne

ecriture: Entree/Sortie sur les reels
effmac: effmac
effmacros: effmacros
eigenvalues: eigenvalues
eigenvalues: eigenvaluesMat
eigenvectors: eigenvectors
eigenvectors: eigenvectorsMat
ell_to_xyz: ell_to_xyz
end: gnuplot
end: grace
end: maple
end: mathematica
erf: erf
erfc: erfc
error: error
evalnum: evalnum
exit: sortie
exp: exptabnum
extern_display: extern_display
extern_function: extern_function
extern_lib: extern_lib
extern_type: extern_type

fac: fac
fac: factabnum
fft: fft
file_close: file_close
file_fullname: file_fullname
file_open: file_open
file_read: file_read
file_readappend: file_readappend
file_write: file_write
file_writebin: file_writebin
file_writemsg: file_writemsg
for: for
freqa: freqa
freqareson: freqareson

gnuplot: gnuplot
grace: grace

help: aide
histogram: histogram

identitymatrix: IdentityMat
if: if
ifft: ifft
imag: imagtabnum
imax: imaxelt
imin: iminelt
include: include
inf: Bornes d'un tableau
inf: Bornes
int: int
integ: integ
integnum: integnum
integnumfcn: integnumfcn
integral: integral
interpol: interpol
intersectvnum: intersectvnum
invertmatrix: InvMat
invertmatrix: TraceMat
iternum: iternum

kroneckerproduct: KroneckerMat

lapack_dgbsv: lapack_dgbsv
lapack_dgeev: lapack_dgeev
lapack_dgels: lapack_dgels
lapack_dgelss: lapack_dgelss
lapack_dgeqlf: lapack_dgeqlf
lapack_dgeqrf: lapack_dgeqrf
lapack_dgesdd: lapack_dgesdd
lapack_dgesv: lapack_dgesv
lapack_dgesvd: lapack_dgesvd
lapack_dgges: lapack_dgges
lapack_dggev: lapack_dggev
lapack_dggglm: lapack_dggglm
lapack_dgglse: lapack_dgglse
lapack_dgtsv: lapack_dgtsv
lapack_dpbsv: lapack_dpbsv
lapack_dposv: lapack_dposv
lapack_dpotrf: lapack_dpotrf
lapack_dptsv: lapack_dptsv
lapack_dsbev: lapack_dsbev
lapack_dstev: lapack_dstev
lapack_dsyev: lapack_dsyev
lapack_dsygv: lapack_dsygv
lapack_dsysv: lapack_dsysv
lapack_zgbsv: lapack_zgbsv
lapack_zgeev: lapack_zgeev
lapack_zgels: lapack_zgels
lapack_zgelss: lapack_zgelss
lapack_zgeqlf: lapack_zgeqlf
lapack_zgeqrf: lapack_zgeqrf
lapack_zgesdd: lapack_zgesdd
lapack_zgesv: lapack_zgesv
lapack_zgesvd: lapack_zgesvd
lapack_zggglm: lapack_zggglm
lapack_zgglse: lapack_zgglse
lapack_zgtsv: lapack_zgtsv
lapack_zhbev: lapack_zhbev
lapack_zheev: lapack_zheev
lapack_zhegv: lapack_zhegv
lapack_zhesv: lapack_zhesv
lapack_zpbsv: lapack_zpbsv
lapack_zposv: lapack_zposv
lapack_zpotrf: lapack_zpotrf
lapack_zptsv: lapack_zptsv
lapack_zsysv: lapack_zsysv
lecture: Entree/Sortie sur les reels
log: logtabnum
log10: log10

macro: DeclarationMacro
MACRO: DeclarationMacro
maple: maple
maple_get: maple_get
maple_put: maple_put
mathematica: mathematica
mathematica_get: mathematica_get
mathematica_put: mathematica_put
matrixC: matrixC
matrixC[,,:,,]: InitialisationMat
matrixR: matrixR
matrixR[,,:,,]: InitialisationMat
max: maxelt
MAX: MAXterme
min: minelt
MIN: MINterme
mod: mod
msg: msgstring
msg: msg

naf: naf
naftab: naftab
nameof: nameof
nint: nint
NUMDBL: _modenum
NUMDBLINT: _modenum
NUMFPMP: _modenum
NUMQUAD: _modenum
NUMQUADINT: _modenum
NUMRAT: _modenum
NUMRATMP: _modenum
num_dim: Taille d'un tableau

off: _comment
off: _echo
off: _hist
off: _info
off: _time
on: _comment
on: _echo
on: _hist
on: _info
on: _time

pause: pause
plot: plot
plotf: plotf
plotps: plotps
plotps_end: plotps_end
plotreset: plotreset
POLP: _mode
POLPV: _mode
POLY: _mode
POLYV: _mode
print: Entree/Sortie sur les reels
private: private
prod: prod
prod: prodloop
public: public

quit: sortie

random: random
read: Entree/Sortie sur les reels
read: read
readappend: readappend
readbin: readbin
real: realtabnum
replot: replot
reset: reset
resize: resize
rest_env: rest_env
return: return
reversevnum: reversevnum

sauve_c: sauve_cMat
sauve_fortran: sauve_fortranMat
sauve_ml: sauve_mlMat
sauve_tex: sauve_texMat
save_env: save_env
scscp_close: scscp_close
scscp_connect: scscp_connect
scscp_delete: scscp_delete
scscp_disable_cd: scscp_disable_cd
scscp_execute: scscp_execute
scscp_get: scscp_get
scscp_put: scscp_put
select: select
sertrig: sertrig
sign: sign
sin: sintabnum
sinh: sinh
size: sizeserie
size: sizestring
size: Taille d'un tableau
sort: sort
sqrt: sqrttabnum
stat: stat
stop: stop
str: str
str: strtabnum
sum: sum
sum: sumloop
sup: Bornes d'un tableau
sup: Bornes
switch: switch

tabvar: tabvar
tan: tan
tanh: tanh
time_l: time_l
time_s: time_s
time_t: time_t
transposematrix: TransposeMat
transposevnum: transposevnum
try: try
typeof: typeof

unionvnum: unionvnum

vartrip: vartrip
vartrip: bilan
vnumC: vnumC
vnumC[,,:,,]: Initialisation
vnumQ: vnumQ
vnumR: vnumR
vnumR[,,:,,]: Initialisation
vnumtodim: vnumtodim

while: while
write: write
writebin: writebin
writes: writes
writes: AffichageMat

xyz_to_ell: xyz_to_ell

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Appendix D Full index

Table of Contents



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