Astronomy and Dynamical Systems
The team “Astronomy and Dynamical Systems” (ASD) has been created within the frame of the DRED’s quadrennial plan in 1992. It is connected with the “Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides”. It is multidisciplinary and gathers astronomers and mathematicians, and is subordinated to the section 41 (mathematics) and 17 (astronomy) of the CNRS.
It has been set up to bring together theoricians of the dynamical systems and experts in celestial mechanics.
Research activities
The activity of the team works on several levels:
- Evolution of planetary ephemerides:
- Development of theoretical, numerical or formal calculation tools adapted to the effective study of the hamiltonian dynamical systems;
- TRIP, a general computer algebra system dedicated to celestial mechanics
- Analysis in frequency
- Resurgent methods
- Long-term stability of Hamiltonian systems (KAM and Nekhoroshev theories)
- Instability mechanisms in Hamiltonian systems
- Direct, but non-exclusive application of these tools to astronomy problems;
- Long-term and stability of the solar system, solar system formation
- Planets and satellites rotation
- Dynamics of the extrasolar planetary systems
- Trojans’ global dynamics
- Dynamics of the beams of the accelerators
- Theoretical problems of celestial mechanics:
- Secular systems
- Central configurations
- Non-integrability
- Variational methods
- Mould calculus
- CALCEPH: library to access the binary solar system bodies ephemeris files
- SCSCP: library to communicate with the computer algebra systems
- TRIP: general computer algebra system dedicated to celestial mechanics
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Last update Friday 13 December 2024