Institutional publications

Introduction aux éphémérides et phénomènes astronomiques

Introduction to Ephemerides and Astronomical Phenomena

This new version of the Introduction to astronomical ephemerides is a theoretical and practical guide that presents the equations required to understand celestial phenomena. Written by specialists from the Observatoire de Paris, the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, and the Bureau des Longitudes, it is aimed at a wide public. From amateurs and curious, as well as experts and professionals looking for precise forms, the most up-to-date numerical constants, and all the conventions necessary for processing astronomical data.

The reader will find to following detailed topics:

  • the systems of units and reference values related to the bodies of the Solar System
  • the most common time scales used in ephemeris and astronomical measurements
  • the reference systems used to locate celestial bodies at all distance scales
  • the motion of planets and theories of motion of Solar system bodies
  • the dynamical and physical properties of small bodies, such as asteroids and comets
  • the motion of artificial satellites and their visibility from the ground
  • correction forms for the reduction of optical observations
  • eclipses of the Moon and Sun, transits of Mercury and Venus in front of the Sun
  • daily astronomical phenomena, as well as the seasons and the calendar

This book presents with rigor the current state of knowledge on the subjects treated, with the constant ambition to be
a practical guide without neglecting the theoretical framework when it is necessary for understanding. It also present a large
number of historical introductions in each chapter. The book contains more than two hundred figures and as many tables,
and is accompanied by an astronomical glossary and a detailed bibliography.

If some chapters are clearly intended for researchers and astronomers, others have been written for a less informed public,
but equally interested in fundamental astronomy and celestial mechanics, or simply looking for reference data in these fields.

  • Format 17×24 cm – 1072 pages
  • Language: French
  • Editor: EDP Sciences
  • ISBN: 978-2-7598-2414-4
  • Price: 119 €

Connaissance des temps, Éphémérides astronomiques

This annual book has been published by Bureau des longitudes since 1795.

This book is intented for astronomers, teachers and students. It contains two parts. The first one gives the state of knowledge in fundamental astronomical constants, time scales, reference systems, Earth rotation, coordinates change and explanations to use ephemerides. The second one gives ephemerides tables to calculate positions of Sun, Moon, planets and satellites for the current year.

This book is free and can be downloaded. It is soon available in print on demand on the BoD bookshop website.

A free software can be download to use ephemerides, for Windows , Mac or Linux.

  • Format 17×24 cm – 186 pages
  • Language: French
  • Editor: IMCCE
  • ISSN: 2259-4191
  • ISBN: 978-2-2910015-88-6

Find Connaissance des Temps archives online.

Guide de données astronomiques, Annuaire du Bureau des longitudes

These annual ephemerides elaborated by IMCCE are published by the Bureau des longitudes since 1796.

This book contains data about calendars, time scales and astronomical calculations. Tables, which use of both astronomers amateurs and professional astronomers, give the Sun and Moon coordinates, sunrise and sunset hours, positions of planets, satellites, asteroids and comets as well as data on eclipses and other astronomical phenomena.

Éphémérides nautiques

These ephemerides have been published since 1889 and are intented for sailors.

This book provides declinations and right ascensions for Vénus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturne (hour by hour to the nearest tenth of one minute), and sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times at latitude between 70°N and 56°S. Data provided are needed to estimate position.

  • Format 16×24 cm – 496 pages
  • Language: French
  • Editor: Edinautic
  • ISBN: 979-10-91632-12-6
  • Price: 44 €

Last update Monday 04 December 2023