Jérémie Vaubaillon
- Site Paris
- Building A
- Office 307
- Phone : +33(0) 64
- Email : Jeremie.Vaubaillon@obspm.fr
Research: Specialized in research on meteoroids and their relationship with other bodies of the Solar System. Meteoroids are sub-mm to meter size remnants of comet outgasing or asteroid collisions. They produce meteors (aka shooting stars) when they enter a planet atmosphere.
My work is focused on the peculiar dynamics of meteoroids (streams) in the Solar System in order to derive the origin, age, life time expectancy and occurrence of meteor showers at planets. Among very successful predictions are e.g. the 2002 Leonids, 2011 Draconids, 2022 tau-Herculids etc.
More details about meteors / meteoroids research activities.
Teaching duty: director of the "DU-ECU" (astronomy evening class, in French) ; every year, several students are hired for internships: engineers, Master students (M1 and M2) ; several public outreach and popularization of astronomy conferences
Servicing duty: ephemerids of meteor showers on all planets ; space probe environment (ANO1): yearly update of the International Meteor Organization meteor shower calendar ; also available at VESPA ; Earth environment survey: meteors and artificial satellites (ANO6)