The "André Peyrot" telescope at the Les Makes astronomical observatory

In September 2011, the 60cm telescope at the Les Makes Observatory on Reunion Island was inaugurated. It is the fruit of a collaboration between the IMCCE and AGORA (Association de gestion de l'Observatoire Réunionnais d'astronomie) that began in 2005. An agreement on the use and maintenance of the telescope was signed on 9 September 2014 between the IMCCE, AGORA and the Paris Observatory and renewed in 2020. The programs for remote control, complete robotisation of the telescope and automatic data processing were developed within the ACME team. The main programme attached to this telescope in the southern hemisphere is the photometric and astrometric monitoring of small bodies in the Solar System, in particular the multiple asteroidal systems that have already been identified. For several years now, the 60 cm André Peyrot telescope at the Les Makes observatory in Réunion has been undergoing a transformation to make it robotic and autonomous. Robotisation was completed in August 2016. Its maintenance and improvement is partly carried out by members of the team. The telescope opens automatically when weather conditions allow. It observes and processes the data. The data is sent back to the IMCCE in Paris. Photometric analysis is completed every day.

Last update Thursday 05 October 2023