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TRIP version 1.4.62 (May 24th 2019)

The linux version is updated to the version to improve the memory allocator.

Operating System Processor Archive System Requirements Tested platform
Windows 64 bits
(7 or later)
x86_64 exe None Windows 10, Server 2016
(10.10 or later)
x86_64 dmg None MacOS X 10.14
Linux 64 bits
(kernel 2.6.x and glibc 2.15 or later)
x86_64 tar.gz (provided with libgcc or gcc) (provided with libncurses5 or ncurses-libs-5)

CentOS 7 and debian 9.9
Android (4.0 or later) arm apk None Android 6

If your platform is not in the previous list, please send an e-mail to with your operating system version and processor.

Processor definition:

  • x86: Intel or AMD processor 32 bits (Pentium IV, Athlon, etc.)
  • x86_64: Intel or AMD processor with the 64 bits extension (Athlon64, Opteron, Core2, Xeon, i5, i7, etc.)
  • arm: ARM Cortex-A (Cortex-A53, etc.)

Last update Wednesday 06 October 2021