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Version 1.4.94 (March 20th 2020)

Operating System Processor Archive System Requirements Tested platform
Windows 64 bits
(7 or later)
x86_64 exe None Windows 8, 10
(10.10 or later)
x86_64 dmg None MacOS X 10.14, 10.15
Linux 64 bits
(kernel 2.6.x and glibc 2.15 or later)
x86_64 tar.gz (provided with libgcc or gcc)

Fedora 30, Ubuntu 19.10,
Mint 19

Android (4.0 or later) arm apk None Android 6

If your platform is not in the previous list, please send an e-mail to with your operating system version and processor.

Processor definition:

  • x86: Intel or AMD processor 32 bits (Pentium IV, Athlon, etc.)
  • x86_64: Intel or AMD processor with the 64 bits extension (Athlon64, Opteron, Core2, Xeon, i5, i7, etc.)
  • arm: ARM Cortex-A (Cortex-A53, etc.)

Previous releases

Last update Monday 25 October 2021