Installation of TRIP

Windows 8 or later

  1. Get TRIP software from the download page
  2. Execute the downloaded executable file (installer)
  3. Run tripstudio (graphic version) or trip (console version)
  4. You have to add the path of the executable ‘wgnuplot.exe’ in the TRIPSTUDIO preferences:
    • Click on the Edit menu
    • Click on the Preferences item in the Edit menu
    • Click on the tab ‘Plot’
    • Click on the radio box ‘Custom path’
    • Click on the button ‘Browse’
    • Select the executable ‘wgnuplot.exe’ or ‘grace.exe’ in the file dialog and click on the button ‘OK’
    • Click on the button ‘OK’

Linux, MacOS X

    • Get TRIP software from the download page
    • Expand the archive with your preferred compression tool
    • Execute the downloaded executable file (installer): sh ./
    • You will be asked for the destination folder
    • If necessary, add gnuplot or Grace in your path.
    • You have to add the following line to your file ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile depending on your shell.
    • Export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gnuplot/
    • You may change /usr/local/gnuplot if you install gnuplot in another place
  1. Run trip


  1. Get TRIP software from the download page
  2. Enable the installation from unknown sources
    1. Navigate to Settings > Security
    2. Check the option “Unknown sources”
    3. Tap OK on the prompt message
    4. Select “Trust”
  3. Install TRIP
  4. Disable the installation from unknown sources
    1. Navigate to Settings > Security
    2. Uncheck the option “Unknown sources”
  5. Click on the TRIP icon

Last update Friday 19 June 2020