Syntax coloring in text editors

Instructions are provided to add the coloration of the syntax in the text editors for the trip files.

BBEdit 8.0+

Copy the file tripcolorbbedit.plist to the '/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules/' or in your user '~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules/' directory.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

ConTEXT 0.97.6+

Copy the file tripcolorcontext.chl to the directory 'ConTEXTDir\Highlighters\'.
'ConTEXTDir' is the directory of ConTEXT Editor.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

Crimson Editor 3.70+

Copy the file extension.t to the directory 'CrimsonEditorDir\link\'.
Copy the files tripcolorcrimson.spc and tripcolorcrimson.key to the directory 'CrimsonEditorDir\spec\'.
'CrimsonEditorDir' is the directory of Crimson Editor.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.


Add the content of the files emacs.pref to your .emacs located in your home directory.
Edit the path to the files trip-mode.el and trip-mode.elc in the .emacs file.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.


Copy the file filetypes.TRIP.conf in the user '~/.config/geany/filedefs/' directory.
Add the following line to the section '[Extensions]' of the your user file '~/.config/geany/filetype_extensions.conf'
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

Gedit 3.28+

Copy the file tripcolorgedit.lang to the directory '~/.local/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/'.
Copy the file tripfreedesktop3.xml to the directory '~/.local/share/mime/packages/
Run the command 'update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/'

Gedit 2.28+

Copy the file tripcolorgedit.lang to '$(GNOMEDIR)/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/' or in your user '~/.gnome2/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/' directory.
Add the content of the tripfreedesktop.txt to the file '/usr/share/mime/packages/'
Run the command 'update-mime-database /usr/share/mime'

Gedit 2.6+

Copy the file tripcolorgedit.lang to '$(GNOMEDIR)/share/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/' or in your user '~/.gnome2/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/' directory.
Add the content of the tripfreedesktop.txt to the file '/usr/share/mime/packages/'
Run the command 'update-mime-database /usr/share/mime'

Kate, Kwrite (KDE 3.0 or later)

Copy the file tripcolorkate.xml to '$(KDEDIR)/share/apps/katepart/syntax' or '$(KDEDIR)/share/kde4/apps/katepart/syntax/' or in your user '~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax' directory.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

Nano 2.9+

Copy the file trip.nanorc in your user directory '~/.config/' for linux or MacOS X,
Add in your file '~/.nanorc' the line 'include ~/.config/trip.nanorc'.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.


Run nedit with the following command: nedit -import colornedit.res.
Execute the menu command 'Save Defaults...' in the menu 'Preferences'.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.


Copy the file tripcolorpspad.ini to to the directory 'PsPADDir\Syntax\'.
'PsPADDir' is the directory of PSPad Editor.
Execute the PSPad application: In the menu, select Settings -> Highlighter Settings. Select a free '' item. Under 'User Highlighters', select tripcolorpspad and hit 'OK'.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

TextWrangler 2.0+

Copy the file tripcolorbbedit.plist to the '/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules/' or in your user '~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules/' directory.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

SublimeText 3.0+

Copy the file trip.tmLanguage and trip.tmPreferences in your user directory '~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/' for linux,
or '~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/' for MacOS X.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.


Add the content of the files vimrc.pref to your .vimrc located in your home directory.
Create the directory ./.vim/syntax in your home directory if it doesn't exist. Copy the file trip.vim to this directory ./.vim/syntax/. Edit the path to the files gnuplot.vim in the ./.vim/syntax/trip.vim file.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

Visual Code 1.31+

Expand the content of the archive file trip.vscode.tar to your user '~/.vscode/extensions/' directory.
A directory '~/.vscode/extensions/trip' will be created.
Now when you save trip files with the extension '.t', you will have syntax coloring.

Last update Tuesday 23 June 2020